i have a code that allows only numbers into a textbox

Private Sub Txt_Office_No2_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)Select Case KeyAscii
    Case Asc("0") To Asc("9")
    Case Asc("-")
        If InStr(1, Me.Txt_Office_No2.Text, "-") > 0 Or Me.Txt_Office_No2.SelStart > 0 Then
            KeyAscii = 0
        End If
  '  Case Asc(".")
  '      If InStr(1, Me.Txt_Office_No2.Text, ".") > 0 Then
  '          KeyAscii = 0
  '      End If
    Case Else
        KeyAscii = 0
End Select
End Sub
but what id like to do is adapt this to change a mobile number from 01234123123 to (01234)123-123