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Thread: Outlook Custom Calendar (Appointment) Form

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Mar 2015

    Outlook Custom Calendar (Appointment) Form


    I'm using OL2007.

    I have VBA code which I found online and adapted it slightly to use the data from a web-form generated standard email (instr) to populate a new calendar (appointment) entry, set the date, start and end times, location, category etc.

    It works fine but there' loads of info on the web-form email which i want to populate existing and new (user-defined) fields on a customized Appointment form.

    I've tried and tried and tried to find a way of 'calling' the custom form in the VBA code (it just defaults to the 'standard' appointment form). I need help with:

    1. Making the code use the custom form instead of the default form

    2. Populating the fields (mostly custom fields) before saving is as a calendar item

    3, Making the custom from the default form to use in when 'manually' creating new appointments from scratch as all my efforts to do this via the right-click properties and manage forms options have resulted in error messages (when selecting the "when posting to this folder, use: .... MY FORM NAME (drop-down list results in the error message "You cannot create an item of this type in this folder".

    Here's the opening few lines of my code which I guess needs to call the custom form rather than the default one? Then existing code only works on an OPEN email.

    Dim OE As Outlook.Explorer
        Dim MI As Outlook.MailItem
        Dim AI As Outlook.AppointmentItem
        Dim TI As Outlook.TaskItem
        Dim objitem As MailItem
        Set objitem = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
        Dim sText As String
        Dim bText As String
    Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm reaching breaking point and I'm a complete newbie to VBA. Thank you :-)
    Last edited by Simon Lloyd; 04-16-2015 at 04:03 AM. Reason: Added VBA tags

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