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Thread: HELP - Code not working (My old boss has retired and this was his code)

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Apr 2015

    Angry HELP - Code not working (My old boss has retired and this was his code)

    My old boss has retired and I had a document cotrol sheet that opened files (any format including PDF's) from folders with the same name as the tab. since i have now been forced to use excel 2013 it does not work. Please can someone help me!!! The code is below: (I think it is somthing to do with appliation.filesearch!!!
    Public myFile, mylist()
    Sub Open_File()
    ' Macro1 Macro
    ' Macro recorded 05/11/2010 by bc
    Dim myStart As Integer, myLength As Integer, myTab
    myFile = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1).Value
    myTab = "\" & ActiveSheet.Name
    myLength = 0
    myStart = Len(myFile) - 3
    If InStr(myStart, myFile, ".", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
    myStart = Len(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1).Value)
    myStart = myStart - 1
    End If
    For i = 1 To 5
    myLength = InStr(myLength + 1, myFile, "-", vbBinaryCompare)
    Next i
    myLength = myLength + 7 'length of File name containing a string of type ??-???-??-???-???-???????
    With Application.FileSearch
    .LookIn = ActiveWorkbook.Path & myTab
    .Filename = "*" & Left(myFile, myLength) & "*.*"
    If .FoundFiles.Count = 0 Then
    myTab = MsgBox("File " & myFile & " has not been saved in the '" & myTab & "' sub-folder." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
        "Do you want to search in another sub-folder?", vbYesNo)
    If myTab = vbNo Then
    Exit Sub
    myTab = "\" & InputBox("Insert the sub-folder name.")
    GoTo ReSearchLine
    End If
    End If
    If .FoundFiles.Count = 1 Then
        myFile = .FoundFiles(1)
    ElseIf myStart > myLength Then
    myLength = myStart
    GoTo ReSearchLine
        ReDim mylist(.FoundFiles.Count)
        mylist(0) = .FoundFiles.Count
        For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
        mylist(i) = Right(.FoundFiles(i), Len(.FoundFiles(i)) - Len(ActiveWorkbook.Path) - 1)
    'MsgBox (myList(0) & " simailar files found." & Chr(10) & i & ".  -  " & myList(i))
        Next i
        If myFile = "None Selected" Then
            MsgBox "No File for opening was selected - Macro Ending."
            Exit Sub
        ElseIf myFile = "Exit" Then
            MsgBox "Macro Terminated."
            Exit Sub
        End If
        myFile = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & myFile
    End If
    End With
    ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=myFile, NewWindow:=True
    'ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=myFile, NewWindow:=True
    End Sub
    Sub Open_Active_Cell_File()
    ' Macro1 Macro
    ' Macro recorded 05/11/2010 by bc
    Dim myStart As Integer, myLength As Integer, myTab
    myFile = ActiveCell.Value
    myTab = "\" & ActiveSheet.Name
    myLength = 0
    myStart = Len(myFile) - 3
    If InStr(myStart, myFile, ".", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
    myStart = Len(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1).Value)
    myStart = myStart - 1
    End If
    For i = 1 To 5
    myLength = InStr(myLength + 1, myFile, "-", vbBinaryCompare)
    Next i
    myLength = myLength + 7 'length of File name containing a string of type ??-???-??-???-???-???????
    With Application.FileSearch
    .LookIn = ActiveWorkbook.Path & myTab
    .Filename = "*" & Left(myFile, myLength) & "*.*"
    If .FoundFiles.Count = 0 Then
    myTab = MsgBox("File " & myFile & " has not been saved in the '" & myTab & "' sub-folder." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
        "Do you want to search in another sub-folder?", vbYesNo)
    If myTab = vbNo Then
    Exit Sub
    myTab = "\" & InputBox("Insert the sub-folder name.")
    GoTo ReSearchLine
    End If
    End If
    If .FoundFiles.Count = 1 Then
        myFile = .FoundFiles(1)
    ElseIf myStart > myLength Then
    myLength = myStart
    GoTo ReSearchLine
        ReDim mylist(.FoundFiles.Count)
        mylist(0) = .FoundFiles.Count
        For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
        mylist(i) = Right(.FoundFiles(i), Len(.FoundFiles(i)) - Len(ActiveWorkbook.Path) - 1)
    'MsgBox (myList(0) & " simailar files found." & Chr(10) & i & ".  -  " & myList(i))
        Next i
        If myFile = "None Selected" Then
            MsgBox "No File for opening was selected - Macro Ending."
            Exit Sub
        ElseIf myFile = "Exit" Then
            MsgBox "Macro Terminated."
            Exit Sub
        End If
        myFile = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & myFile
    End If
    End With
    ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=myFile, NewWindow:=True
    'ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=myFile, NewWindow:=True
    End Sub
    Sub Open_Lifting_Plan()
    Dim myStart As Integer, myLength As Integer, myTab
    myFile = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1).Value
    myTab = "\" & Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 2).Value
    'myLength = 0
    'myStart = Len(myFile) - 3
    'If InStr(myStart, myFile, ".", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
    'myStart = Len(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1).Value)
    'myStart = myStart - 1
    'End If
    'For i = 1 To 5
    'myLength = InStr(myLength + 1, myFile, "-", vbBinaryCompare)
    'Next i
    'myLength = myLength + 7 'length of File name containing a string of type ??-???-??-???-???-???????
    With Application.FileSearch
    .LookIn = "K:\LondonDLR3rdCar" & myTab
    .Filename = myFile
    If .FoundFiles.Count = 0 Then
    myTab = MsgBox("File:- '" & myFile & "' has not been found in the '" & myTab & "' sub-folder.", vbOKOnly)
    'If myTab = vbNo Then
    Exit Sub
    'myTab = "\" & InputBox("Insert the sub-folder name.")
    'GoTo ReSearchLine
    'End If
    End If
    'If .FoundFiles.Count = 1 Then
     '   myFile = .FoundFiles(1)
    'ElseIf myStart > myLength Then
    'myLength = myStart
    'GoTo ReSearchLine
     '   ReDim mylist(.FoundFiles.Count)
      '  mylist(0) = .FoundFiles.Count
       ' For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
        'mylist(i) = Right(.FoundFiles(i), Len(.FoundFiles(i)) - Len(ActiveWorkbook.Path) - 1)
    'MsgBox (myList(0) & " simailar files found." & Chr(10) & i & ".  -  " & myList(i))
        'Next i
        'If myFile = "None Selected" Then
         '   MsgBox "No File for opening was selected - Macro Ending."
          '  Exit Sub
        'ElseIf myFile = "Exit" Then
         '   MsgBox "Macro Terminated."
          '  Exit Sub
        'End If
        myFile = "K:\LondonDLR3rdCar" & myTab & "\" & myFile
    'End If
    End With
    ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=myFile, NewWindow:=True
    'ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=myFile, NewWindow:=True
    End Sub

  2. #2
    VBAX Guru mancubus's Avatar
    Dec 2010
    "Where I lay my head is home" :D
    yes, you nailed it. from Excel 2007 onwards Application.FileSearch is not supported.

    thought most of the lines are commented in your code, FileSearch checks for the existence of a file. you can find many answers by googling like "excel vba does file exist"

    see here as well or other sites:

    1) Posting Code
    (or paste your code, select it, click # button)

    2) Uploading File(s)
    Go Advanced / Attachments - Manage Attachments / Add Files / Select Files / Select the file(s) (multiple files can be selected while holding Ctrl key) / Upload Files / Done
    Replace company specific / sensitive / confidential data. Include so many rows and sheets etc in the uploaded workbook to enable the helpers visualize the data and table structure. Helpers do not need the entire workbook.

    3) Testing the Codes
    always back up your files before testing the codes.

    4) Marking the Thread as Solved
    from Thread Tools (on the top right corner, above the first message)

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