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Thread: How do I combine two statements in Excel?

  1. #1

    How do I combine two statements in Excel?

    I have the below two excel formulas that I am trying to combine into one statement.
    HTML Code:
    HTML Code:
    When I tried I am getting an error that I am making too many arguments.
    I am still relatively new at this and any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I tried

    HTML Code:
    But the results are not what I am looking for.

    Basically the end result of what I am looking for is if Burnaby is present in column I then either return SHOT20 or SHOT10, if not then continue with the rest of the statement.

    Thanks again in advance for any assistance you can provide.

  2. #2
    I was able to find a workable solution

    =IF(I1="burnaby",IF(AND(T1="shift",U1>=210),"shot20","shot10"),IF(AND(T1="s hiftfp",U1<480),"shot10","shot15"))

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