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Thread: Insert Multiple Pictures Into Table Word With Macro + Adding DropDownList, no caption

  1. #1

    Insert Multiple Pictures Into Table Word With Macro + Adding DropDownList, no caption

    Hi there,

    Hope u guys can help me.
    I got the feeling i'm really close to what i want to achieve.

    The goal is to add a DropDownList Menu under the pictures I imported using Macropod's solution.
    The insertion of Caption I have deleted succesfully. I am a noob in VBA, but I did managed to add a DropDownList.

    Problem is the position.
    It adds this DropDownList on the first row, instead of placing them under each imported picture.

    Can someone help me out?

    Here's my code:

    Sub AddPics_v2()
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Dim i As Long, j As Long, c As Long, r As Long, NumCols As Long
        Dim oTbl As Table, TblWdth As Single, StrTxt As String, RwHght As Single
        On Error GoTo ErrExit
        NumCols = CLng(InputBox("Hoeveel kolommen per rij?"))
        RwHght = CSng(InputBox("Welke rij-hoogte voor de afbeeldingen, in inches (bijv. 1.5)?"))
        On Error GoTo 0
         'Select and insert the Pics
        With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
            .Title = "Select image files and click OK"
            .Filters.Add "Images", "*.gif; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.bmp; *.tif; *.png"
            .FilterIndex = 2
            If .Show = -1 Then
                 'Add a 2-row by NumCols-column table to take the images
                Set oTbl = Selection.Tables.Add(Range:=Selection.Range, NumRows:=2, NumColumns:=NumCols)
                With ActiveDocument.PageSetup
                    TblWdth = .PageWidth - .LeftMargin - .RightMargin - .Gutter
                End With
                With oTbl
                    .AutoFitBehavior (wdAutoFitFixed)
                    .Columns.Width = TblWdth / NumCols
                End With
                For i = 1 To .SelectedItems.Count Step NumCols
                    r = ((i - 1) / NumCols + 1) * 2 - 1
                     'Format the rows
                    Call FormatRows(oTbl, r, RwHght)
                    For c = 1 To NumCols
                        j = j + 1
                         'Insert the Picture
                        ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.AddPicture _
                        FileName:=.SelectedItems(j), LinkToFile:=False, _
                        SaveWithDocument:=True, Range:=oTbl.Cell(r, c).Range
                        'Insert the Caption on the row below the picture
                         'Insert the Caption on the row below the picture
                        With oTbl.Cell(r + 1, c).Range
                            .InsertBefore vbCr
                            .Characters.First = vbNullString
                            Dim objCC As ContentControl
    Dim objLE As ContentControlListEntry
    Dim objMap As XMLMapping
    Set objCC = ActiveDocument.ContentControls.Add(wdContentControlDropdownList)
    'List items
    objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Cat"
    objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Dog"
    objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Equine"
    objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Monkey"
    objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Snake"
    objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Other"
                        End With
                         'Exit when we're done
                        If j = .SelectedItems.Count Then Exit For
                     'Add extra rows as needed
                    If j < .SelectedItems.Count Then
                    End If
            End If
        End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Last edited by snowseals; 05-24-2015 at 10:08 AM.

  2. #2
    You haven't include the FormatRows macro, so I'll assume that works. As for the rest:

    Sub AddPics_v3()
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Dim i As Long, j As Long, c As Long, r As Long, NumCols As Long
        Dim oTbl As Table, TblWdth As Single, StrTxt As String, RwHght As Single
        Dim oCell As Range
        On Error GoTo ErrExit
        NumCols = CLng(InputBox("Hoeveel kolommen per rij?"))
        RwHght = CSng(InputBox("Welke rij-hoogte voor de afbeeldingen, in inches (bijv. 1.5)?"))
        On Error GoTo 0
         'Select and insert the Pics
        With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
            .Title = "Select image files and click OK"
            .Filters.Add "Images", "*.gif; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.bmp; *.tif; *.png"
            .FilterIndex = 2
            If .Show = -1 Then
                 'Add a 2-row by NumCols-column table to take the images
                Set oTbl = Selection.Tables.Add(Range:=Selection.Range, NumRows:=2, NumColumns:=NumCols)
                With ActiveDocument.PageSetup
                    TblWdth = .PageWidth - .LeftMargin - .RightMargin - .Gutter
                End With
                With oTbl
                    .AutoFitBehavior (wdAutoFitFixed)
                    .Columns.Width = TblWdth / NumCols
                End With
                For i = 1 To .SelectedItems.Count Step NumCols
                    r = ((i - 1) / NumCols + 1) * 2 - 1
                     'Format the rows
                    Call FormatRows(oTbl, r, RwHght)
                    For c = 1 To NumCols
                        j = j + 1
                         'Insert the Picture
                        ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.AddPicture _
                        Filename:=.SelectedItems(j), LinkToFile:=False, _
                        SaveWithDocument:=True, Range:=oTbl.Cell(r, c).Range
                         'Insert the Caption on the row below the picture
                        Set oCell = oTbl.Cell(r + 1, c).Range
                        oCell.End = oCell.End - 1
                        Call AddDropdown(oCell)
                         'Exit when we're done
                        If j = .SelectedItems.Count Then Exit For
                     'Add extra rows as needed
                    If j < .SelectedItems.Count Then
                    End If
            End If
        End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Sub AddDropdown(oRng As Range)
    Dim objCC As ContentControl
        oRng.InsertBefore vbCr
        Set objCC = oRng.ContentControls.Add(wdContentControlDropdownList)
        'List items
        objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Cat"
        objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Dog"
        objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Equine"
        objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Monkey"
        objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Snake"
        objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Other"
        Set objCC = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  3. #3
    W00t! Works
    Thank you very much!

    I indeed forgot to place the FormatRows part and had to add to your code above to make it work, but it does now.

    To finish it off, I'd like to have a question, just like with the height and amount of rows, which Dropdown-menu I want under the pics.
    I'll have 3 Dropdown-menu's in the end (with each different content).

    To illustrate my goal:
    I'll import pictures in 3 different sections of the document.
    1) pictures of the car/overall impression
    2) pictures of the car/options/accessoires
    3) pictures of the car/damage


    So for example I import the damage-pictures, I choose height, rows + dropdown-menu 'Damage'.
    Now the pictures are there with the damage dropdown-menu, and manually select the damage-description from the dropdown-list under each pic.

    If u want to help me again, I'll donate some Euro's to you.
    Last edited by snowseals; 05-25-2015 at 05:36 AM.

  4. #4
    Hereby the code of the FormatRows:

     'FormatRows Macro
    Sub FormatRows(oTbl As Table, x As Long, Hght As Single)
        With oTbl
            With .Rows(x)
                .Height = InchesToPoints(Hght)
                .HeightRule = wdRowHeightExactly
            End With
            With .Rows(x + 1)
                .Height = CentimetersToPoints(0.5)
                .HeightRule = wdRowHeightExactly
            End With
        End With
    End Sub

  5. #5
    I think the following modification will do what you require. You will have to do your own translations for the input box and message boxes; and configure the lists with the values you want.
    Donations? By all means visit my web site - linked from my signature.

    Option Explicit
    Sub AddPics_v4()
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Dim i As Long, j As Long, c As Long, r As Long, NumCols As Long
        Dim oTbl As Table, TblWdth As Single, StrTxt As String, RwHght As Single
        Dim strList As String
        Dim oCell As Range
        Dim oRng As Range
        On Error GoTo ErrExit
        strList = InputBox("Enter the number of the required dropdownlist for this section" & vbCr & vbCr & _
                           "1) pictures of the car/overall impression" & vbCr & _
                           "2) pictures of the car/options/accessoires" & vbCr & _
                           "3) pictures of the car/damage" & vbCr & _
                           "4) Quit." & vbCr)
        If Not IsNumeric(strList) Then
            MsgBox "You must enter a number between 1 and 4!"
            strList = ""
            GoTo Start
        End If
        If Val(strList) > 4 Or Val(strList) < 1 Then
            MsgBox "You must enter a number between 1 and 4!"
            strList = ""
            GoTo Start
        End If
        If Val(strList) = 4 Then GoTo ErrExit
        NumCols = CLng(InputBox("Hoeveel kolommen per rij?"))
        RwHght = CSng(InputBox("Welke rij-hoogte voor de afbeeldingen, in inches (bijv. 1.5)?"))
        On Error GoTo 0
        'Select and insert the Pics
        With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
            .Title = "Select image files and click OK"
            .Filters.Add "Images", "*.gif; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.bmp; *.tif; *.png"
            .FilterIndex = 2
            If .Show = -1 Then
                'Add a 2-row by NumCols-column table to take the images
                Set oRng = Selection.Range
                If oRng.Start > ActiveDocument.Range.Start Then
                oRng.Text = vbCr
                oRng.Collapse 0
                End If
                Set oTbl = oRng.Tables.Add(Range:=oRng, NumRows:=2, NumColumns:=NumCols)
                With ActiveDocument.PageSetup
                    TblWdth = .PageWidth - .LeftMargin - .RightMargin - .Gutter
                End With
                With oTbl
                    .AutoFitBehavior (wdAutoFitFixed)
                    .Columns.Width = TblWdth / NumCols
                End With
                For i = 1 To .SelectedItems.Count Step NumCols
                    r = ((i - 1) / NumCols + 1) * 2 - 1
                    'Format the rows
                    Call FormatRows(oTbl, r, RwHght)
                    For c = 1 To NumCols
                        j = j + 1
                        'Insert the Picture
                        ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.AddPicture _
                                Filename:=.SelectedItems(j), LinkToFile:=False, _
                                SaveWithDocument:=True, Range:=oTbl.Cell(r, c).Range
                        'Insert the Caption on the row below the picture
                        Set oCell = oTbl.Cell(r + 1, c).Range
                        oCell.End = oCell.End - 1
                        Call AddDropdown(oCell, Val(strList))
                        'Exit when we're done
                        If j = .SelectedItems.Count Then Exit For
                    'Add extra rows as needed
                    If j < .SelectedItems.Count Then
                    End If
            End If
        End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Sub AddDropdown(oRng As Range, iList As Long)
    Dim objCC As ContentControl
        oRng.InsertBefore vbCr
        Set objCC = oRng.ContentControls.Add(wdContentControlDropdownList)
        'List items
        Select Case iList
            Case 1
                objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Cat"
                objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Dog"
                objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Equine"
                objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Monkey"
                objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Snake"
                objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Other"
            Case 2
                objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Banana"
                objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Pear"
                objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Orange"
            Case 3
                objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Apricot"
                objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Peach"
                objCC.DropdownListEntries.Add "Melon"
        End Select
        Set objCC = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
     'FormatRows Macro
    Sub FormatRows(oTbl As Table, x As Long, Hght As Single)
        With oTbl
            With .Rows(x)
                .Height = InchesToPoints(Hght)
                .HeightRule = wdRowHeightExactly
            End With
            With .Rows(x + 1)
                .Height = CentimetersToPoints(0.5)
                .HeightRule = wdRowHeightExactly
            End With
        End With
    End Sub
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  6. #6
    Works like a charm - Thank you so much!
    I've donated €50 thru your website.

    Only thing is, that I can't fill in my own text nomore.

    It's the difference between these 2 buttons, whereas I originally used the 1st:

    So I bet I have to change
    to a different name to get the function, where u have AND dropdown-menu AND the ability to input your own text.
    U prolly know how its called VBA-script wise...?
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by snowseals; 05-25-2015 at 03:17 PM.

  7. #7
    I followed the original code and used a ListBox. To use a Combo box, change

    Set objCC = oRng.ContentControls.Add(wdContentControlDropdownList)

    Set objCC = oRng.ContentControls.Add(wdContentControlComboBox)
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  8. #8

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