
I hope, this is just a little one - but I have no idea.

I am creating my personal ribbon. It is going to be a mix of original MS-Office-tools and VBA-macros I created for PowerPoint on my own. Goal is to have nearly all necessary tools for my work on one ribbon. As there are quite a lot of helpful tools, I want to save space. But after inserting Cut/Copy/Paste, I had to find out, that they are always displayed with their labels. Is there a way to get rid of these Labels? The icons are enough for me.

This is my code:
customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui">
 <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
   <tab id="MixedTab" label="Mixed">
    <group id="MyOwnClipboard" label="Clipboard">
      <button idMso="Cut" enabled="true"/> 
      <button idMso="Copy" enabled="true"/>
      <splitButton idMso="PasteMenu" enabled="true"/>
And this is the result. (It's German. But the labels say: Cut, Copy, Paste. :-))


Any ideas? Thanks so much!