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Thread: Search for 2 words in oReceivedMail.Subject with InStr

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Jan 2015

    Search for 2 words in oReceivedMail.Subject with InStr


    I managed to get InStr working - it has to serach for a word in the mail subject.
    Now my colleague wants it to serach for 2 words and I cannot find the right syntax

    Hope someone can help me out

    I need it to look for both arrival confirmation and delivery confirmation, if it is either one of them it has to be changed to Payment reminder - past due invoice

    Thanks - have a nice day

    If InStr(1, LCase(oReceivedMail.Subject), "arrival confirmation", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then oNewMail.Subject = "Payment reminder - past due invoice: "

  2. #2
    If InStr(1, LCase(oReceivedMail.Subject), "arrival confirmation") > 0 Or _
       InStr(1, LCase(oReceivedMail.Subject), "delivery confirmation") > 0 Then
        oNewMail.Subject = "Payment reminder - past due invoice: "
    End If
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Jan 2015
    Hi gmayor

    thanks for input
    But it doesn't work - it changes from arrival to Payment, but from delivery to nothing/blank subject

  4. #4
    It will work if the test finds the exact texts in the Subject text of the message oReceivedMail.

    Select a message and test it with

    Sub Macro1()
    Dim oReceivedMail As MailItem
    Dim oNewMail As MailItem
        Set oReceivedMail = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
        Set oNewMail = CreateItem(olMailItem)
        If InStr(1, LCase(oReceivedMail.Subject), "arrival confirmation") > 0 Or _
           InStr(1, LCase(oReceivedMail.Subject), "delivery confirmation") > 0 Then
            oNewMail.Subject = "Payment reminder - past due invoice: "
        End If
    End Sub
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  5. #5
    VBAX Regular
    Jan 2015
    Ok, maybe it would be easier if you saw the entire code
    I am a newbie and not sure how I can implement the example code into mine.
    Private Sub btnSubmit_Click()
        Dim oFSO, oFS As Object
        Dim sTmp, sOrderRef, sText, sTemplate As String
        Dim i As Integer
        If lbOrderRef.ListCount = 0 Then
            ' no order refs added yet throw error and do nothing else!
            Call Error.doThrowError("ReminderForm", doERR_REMINDER_ListEmptyNoAttachments)
            ' order refs have been added - and we assume they exist.
            ' if they dont exist that is handled in the tbOrderRef_KeyDown event call
            If doPing = 0 Then
                ' ping and then go go go
                    'If InStr(1, LCase(oReceivedMail.Subject), "arrival confirmation", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then oNewMail.Subject = "Payment reminder - past due invoice: "
                    'oNewMail.Subject = Replace(oNewMail.Subject, "RE: ", "", , , vbTextCompare)
                    'oNewMail.Subject = Replace(oNewMail.Subject, "FW: ", "", , , vbTextCompare)
                    If InStr(1, LCase(oReceivedMail.Subject), "arrival confirmation") > 0 Or _
                    InStr(1, LCase(oReceivedMail.Subject), "delivery confirmation") > 0 Then oNewMail.Subject = "Payment reminder - past due invoice: "
                    End If
            End If
                ' Add attachment from
                sTmp = ""
                For i = 0 To lbOrderRef.ListCount - 1
                    Call oNewMail.Attachments.Add(Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "PendingOrdersPath") + lbOrderRef.List(i))
                    sOrderRef = Left(lbOrderRef.List(i), InStr(1, lbOrderRef.List(i), " ", vbTextCompare) - 1)
                    ' make sure there are no douplicate orderefs
                    If sTmp <> sOrderRef Then
                        oNewMail.Subject = oNewMail.Subject '+ ", " + sOrderRef
                        sTmp = sOrderRef
                    End If
                Next i
                ' choose template file
                sTemplate = Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "TemplateFileRem")
                ' Remove from To and CC
                For i = 1 To oReceivedMail.Recipients.Count
                    If InStr(1, oReceivedMail.To, oReceivedMail.Recipients.Item(i).AddressEntry, vbTextCompare) Then oNewMail.To = oNewMail.To + ";" + oReceivedMail.Recipients.Item(i).Address
                    If InStr(1, oReceivedMail.CC, oReceivedMail.Recipients.Item(i).AddressEntry, vbTextCompare) Then oNewMail.CC = oNewMail.CC + ";" + oReceivedMail.Recipients.Item(i).Address
                    Call SharedFunctionality.doRemoveRecipient(oNewMail, "danoffice")
                Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
                ' Path to document you want to parse
                Set oFS = oFSO.OpenTextFile(Environ$("APPDATA") + Settings.GetSettingValue("Base", "RootPath") + sTemplate + ".html")
                'Copy the open document
                Do Until oFS.AtEndOfStream
                    sText = oFS.ReadAll()
                oNewMail.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
                ' capture signature AFTER the mail has been displayed, otherwise the signature will not have been rendered and will disappear.
                oNewMail.HTMLBody = "<body font-size=11pt>" & sText & oNewMail.HTMLBody & oReceivedMail.HTMLBody & "</body>"
                ' exit gracefully and hide form
                isShowing = False
                'Call Error.doThrowError("ReminderForm", Error.doUnableToPing)
            'End If
        'End If
        Set oFSO = Nothing
        Set oFS = Nothing
        Set oNewMail = Nothing
        Set oReceivedMail = Nothing
    End Sub
    Private Sub lbOrderRef_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
        Dim i As Integer
        If lbOrderRef.ListCount > 0 Then
            i = 0
            Do While Not lbOrderRef.Selected(i) And i <= lbOrderRef.ListCount
                i = i + 1
            tbOrderRef.Value = Left(lbOrderRef.List(i), InStr(1, lbOrderRef.List(i), " ", vbTextCompare) - 1)
            lbOrderRef.RemoveItem (i)
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub tbOrderRef_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
        Dim sPath, sFilter, sInvoice, sPackingList As String
        Dim oFSO As Object
        Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn And tbOrderRef.Value <> "" Then
            ' we are ready to add to the list
            ' though first check if the files exist
            'If doPing = 0 Then
                ' we are on DO LAN so go with the file checking
                If oFSO.fileExists(Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "PendingOrdersPath") + tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "PackListPostFix") + ".pdf") Then
                    If SharedFunctionality.doGetItemPos(lbOrderRef, tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "PackListPostFix") + ".pdf") = -1 Then Call lbOrderRef.AddItem(tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "PackListPostFix") + ".pdf")
                End If
                ' Incase the orderref documents have been split in 2
                If oFSO.fileExists(Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "PendingOrdersPath") + tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "PackListPostFix") + " 2.pdf") Then
                    If SharedFunctionality.doGetItemPos(lbOrderRef, tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "PackListPostFix") + " 2.pdf") = -1 Then Call lbOrderRef.AddItem(tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "PackListPostFix") + " 2.pdf")
                End If
                If oFSO.fileExists(Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "PendingOrdersPath") + tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "InvoicePostFix") + ".pdf") Then
                    If SharedFunctionality.doGetItemPos(lbOrderRef, tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "InvoicePostFix") + ".pdf") = -1 Then Call lbOrderRef.AddItem(tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "InvoicePostFix") + ".pdf")
                End If
                If oFSO.fileExists(Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "PendingOrdersPath") + tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "InvoicePostFix") + " 2.pdf") Then
                    If SharedFunctionality.doGetItemPos(lbOrderRef, tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "InvoicePostFix") + " 2.pdf") = -1 Then Call lbOrderRef.AddItem(tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "InvoicePostFix") + " 2.pdf")
                End If
                If oFSO.fileExists(Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "PendingOrdersPath") + tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "AWBPostFix") + ".pdf") Then
                    If SharedFunctionality.doGetItemPos(lbOrderRef, tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "AWBPostFix") + ".pdf") = -1 Then Call lbOrderRef.AddItem(tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "AWBPostFix") + ".pdf")
                End If
                If oFSO.fileExists(Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "PendingOrdersPath") + tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "AWBPostFix") + " 2.pdf") Then
                    If SharedFunctionality.doGetItemPos(tbOrderRef, tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "AWBPostFix") + " 2.pdf") = -1 Then Call lbOrderRef.AddItem(tbOrderRef.Value + Settings.GetSettingValue("ReminderForm", "AWBPostFix") + " 2.pdf")
                End If
                tbOrderRef.Value = ""
            'End If
        End If
        If KeyCode = 13 Then
            ' if enter key pressed then stay in textbox
            KeyCode = 0
        End If
        Set oFSO = Nothing
    End Sub

  6. #6
    The code you have posted is only part of the picture and serves to complicate matters even more. For example the macro does not indicate what oReceivedMail is nor what oNewMail is. Clearly they relate to a pair of messages, but the macro code you have shown has no idea what they refer to. There are also variables that have not been declared.
    The code sequence I originally posted should be inserted where the message oNewMail is created.
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  7. #7
    VBAX Regular
    Jan 2015
    I see your point. We have 5 Modules and 9 Forms - as I said I am a newbie and not fully up to speed with either VBA in general nor our code
    Think it would be to time consuming for you if I sent you the entire .OTM file ... so I will try to contact the guy who made our macros and see if he can solve this with me.
    Thanks for trying

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