I have the below code that I am trying to modify to split a subject line into to six columns to view in Excel.

Sub subject2excel()
On Error Resume Next
Set myOlApp = Outlook.Application
Set mynamespace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("mapi")
Set myfolder = myOlApp.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
Set xlobj = CreateObject("excel.application.14")
xlobj.Visible = True
'Set Heading
xlobj.Range("a" & 1).Value = "From"
xlobj.Range("b" & 1).Value = "Subject"

For i = 1 To myfolder.Items.Count
Set myitem = myfolder.Items(i)
msgtext = myitem.Body

xlobj.Range("a" & i + 1).Value = myitem.Sender
xlobj.Range("b" & i + 1).Value = myitem.Subject

End Sub
My data is in the below format (please note that this is subject line information only - the body of the email is not required)

SLWP Ottawa | Sales Eng. | 26-Jun-15 | Shift End: 21:00 | Leave Time: entire day | SLWP (Unpaid)
SLWP Brampton | Sales Eng. | 26-Jun-15 | Shift End: 19:00 | Leave Time: entire day | SLWP (Unpaid)
SLWP Ottawa | Sales Eng. | 26-Jun-15 | Shift End: 16:00 | Leave Time: 12:15 | SLWP (Unpaid)

I will like to have it split into the following column headers:

Column A will be - Sender
Column B will be - Location
Column C will be - LOB
Column D will be - Date
Column E will be - Shift End Time
Column F will be - Requested Leave Time
Column G will be - Paid / Unpaid

Any help will be most appreciative.

I also tried to modify the code with the below but still to no avail

Sub subject2excel()

Dim myOlApp As Outlook.Application
Dim myFolder As folder
Dim xlobj As Object
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim myitem As Object

Dim Words() As String

'On Error Resume Next
Set myOlApp = Outlook.Application
'Set myNameSpace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("mapi")
Set myFolder = myOlApp.ActiveExplorer.currentFolder
Set xlobj = CreateObject("excel.application.14")

xlobj.Visible = True

'Set Heading
xlobj.Range("a" & 1).Value = "From"
xlobj.Range("b" & 1).Value = "Subject"

For i = 1 To myFolder.Items.count

    Set myitem = myFolder.Items(i)

    If TypeOf myitem Is MailItem Then
        'msgText = myitem.body

        xlobj.Range("a" & i + 1).Value = myitem.Sender
        'xlobj.Range("b" & i + 1).Value = myitem.Subject

        Words = Split(myitem.Subject, " | ")

        For j = 0 To UBound(Words)
            Debug.Print Words(j)
        Next j

    End If

Next i

    Set myOlApp = Nothing
    Set myFolder = Nothing
    Set xlobj = Nothing
    Set myitem = Nothing

End Sub