Good afternoon, I found this code on the net to change the cell contents to "Sentence Case". My problem with it, is that it is changing all cell contents to sentence case when I only want the active cell changed. The following code is in a module that is called from worksheet change event. Can some one take a look and advise.
Sub SentenceCase(rng As String)

 Dim rngsource As Range
 Dim cell    As Range
 Dim s       As String
 Dim Start
 Dim i       As Long
 Dim ch      As String

 Set rngsource = Range(ActiveCell.address)
 For Each cell In rngsource.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 2)
     s = cell.Value
     Start = True
     For i = 1 To Len(s)
         ch = Mid$(s, i, 1)
         Select Case ch
             Case "."
                 Start = True
             Case "?"
                 Start = True
             Case "!"
                 Start = True
             Case "a" To "z"
                 If Start Then ch = UCase$(ch)
                 Start = False
             Case "A" To "Z"
                 If Start Then
                    Start = False
                    ch = LCase$(ch)
                End If
            End Select
        Mid$(s, i, 1) = ch
    Next i
    cell.Value = s
 Next cell
End Sub
Called from worksheet change event code
    If Not Intersect(Target, myrange2) Is Nothing Then
        SentenceCase (myrange2)
    End If