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Thread: Need help or suggestion

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2005

    Need help or suggestion

    I am getting items from sent items in outlook in this format:

    To Subject Sent Date

    I am able to retrieve these bur how or where shouls i placed them?

    I have placed them in a list box but then they do not appear one below the other.. I hope ur getting me. What should i use? Also i want to select items from this list....
    lstsentitems.AddItem Sentmail.To & "		" & Sentmail.Subject & "		 " & Sentmail.SentOn
    I have written this code which just retrieving values an placing them in a list box..

  2. #2
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2005
    I have tried this code ....

    For Each Sentmail In oSentFolder.Items
    		Sentmail.To = lstsentitems.Columns(0, lstsentitems.ListIndex) 'First Column
    		Sentmail.Subject = lstsentitems.Columns(1, lstsentitems.ListIndex) 'Second Column
    		Sentmail.SentOn = lstsentitems.Columns(2, lstsentitems.ListIndex) 'Third Column
    its giving error wrong number of argument or invalid property assignment if i say---- columns

    and if i kept it like ---column then its saying method or data member not found.

    I want somthing like the taskbar kind of things where every column is having specific lengh and rows appear one below the other.

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