Hello All,

To Start, I have basically no experience with VBA and limited exposure to programming in general.

I recently found an example and code on this site, (at this link extension: /kb/getarticle.php?kb_id=259#instr), that showed how to use VBA code along with a Mapping Worksheet to enable the ability to edit linked cells from either side of the link.

Now the workbook I am working on is used to plan for a week of production at the start of every week based on capacities of work areas. Currently, it uses two worksheets that have tables, that contain all the work that is currently past due, currently due this week and due within the next 6 weeks, that keeps track of pre-build work on the first sheet and build and post-build work on the other. The main display worksheet pulls from those worksheets' tables based on the build #'s and dates input in the main display table that correspond to the build #'s and dates on the other worksheets and displays the status of the builds. This is used to calculate the time remaining for work areas that those build are assigned to.

After I found the above link, I wanted to implement it into the work book to enable the user to edit the status of the work easily, as the current process can be lengthy and involves searching through both worksheets' tables. I attempted to change the VBA Code with the example the link provides, as the VBA code in the link only links between two worksheets and I would like it to link between three to allow the worksheets to remain separate.
The biggest problem I am having is that the VBA code links cells referenced on the mapping worksheet using the cell function, with the address info type. I haven't found a way to make this work with the tables that are used on each worksheet. I would like it to use the same way mentioned above where it uses the build # and date to find the corresponding entries.

Any help with this problem would be much appreciated.