Quote Originally Posted by tbaker818 View Post
I haven't been able to write the kind of code I'd like to using VBA. It's really all I program in, so I don't know for sure what it's actually missing, but the closes thing I've found is inheritance in .Net.

I'd like to have a class module for selected objects in the application's (in this case MS Project) object hierarchy that contains properties and methods for the types of things my company would like to do with Project. One example is updating actual hours worked for each resource within each task within each project. What I'm having trouble with is making an instance of each class module represent an actual instance of the same object in Project AND having my own class modules relate to each other in a hierarchy the same way Project's own objects do.

I've been able to make the instance of each class module represent it's counterpart in Project through the standard module code like this:
Dim myProject As New cProject
For Each Task in myProject.Project
The Project property in class cProject being:
Property Get Project() As MSProject.Project    Set Project = mpjProject
End Property
where mpjProject is just the private internal class variable, also of type MSProject.Project. I have an Open method in cProject, which sets mpjProject to an actual open project so that myProject.Project (can't seem to set the default property with Attribute DefaultMember.VB_UserMemId = 0 when that property is an object) represents an actual project. The problem comes along when I try to say:

For Each myTask In myProject.Project.Tasks
where myTask is an instance of cTask, which like cProject, has a Task property of type MSProject.Task. I want myTask to represent the first Task in the actual Project, but to extend that task object with my own cTask module. So like I was able to do with Project above, my custom methods in cTask could be called from myTask, or the MS Project methods could be called from myTask.Task.

To summarize, I want 1) a hierarchy of objects that 2) extend the application's built in objects. Is there a way to do this, or is the language limited in this way?

your problem is very confusing and what you did is something that only an expert like you can understand. i haven't worked on that before but looking forward to make that one a try too. hope you'll find a solution.