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Thread: Modify macro so it searches files in subfolders

  1. #1

    Modify macro so it searches files in subfolders

    I need the macro below to search string inside subfolders. What would I need to do to modify this?

    Sub LocateStringInFolder()
        Dim vString As String
        Dim sPath As String
        Dim strFile As String
        Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
        Dim sfile As TextStream
        Dim line As String
        vString = "Something"
        sPath = "C:\MyData\"
        strFile = Dir(sPath & "*.txt")
        Do While strFile <> ""
        Set sfile = fso.OpenTextFile(sPath & strFile)
            If InStr(1, sfile.ReadAll, vString, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                MsgBox strFile
            End If
            Set sfile = Nothing
            Set fso = Nothing
            strFile = Dir()
    End Sub

  2. #2
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    I could show you an fso method to get the filenames but this method works well too.
    Sub Test_kBatch()
      kBatch "X:\FileFolder\csv\*.csv", "Module1.perco"
    End Sub
    Sub kBatch(myDir As String, myMacro As String, _
      Optional tfSubFolders As Boolean = False)
      Dim s As String, a() As String, v As Variant
      If tfSubFolders Then
        s = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Exec("cmd /c dir " & _
          """" & myDir & """" & " /b /s").StdOut.ReadAll
        s = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Exec("cmd /c dir " & _
          """" & myDir & """" & " /b").StdOut.ReadAll
      End If
      a() = Split(s, vbCrLf)
      If UBound(a) = -1 Then
        MsgBox myDir & " files not found.", vbCritical, "Macro Ending"
        Exit Sub
      End If
      ReDim Preserve a(0 To UBound(a) - 1) As String 'Trim trailing vblfcr
      For Each v In a()
        If tfSubFolders Then
          'Debug.Print v
          Application.Run myMacro, v
          s = Left$(myDir, InStrRev(myDir, "\"))
          Application.Run myMacro, s & v
        End If
      Next v
    End Sub
    Sub perco(aFile As String)
      Dim MyString As String, MyVals As Variant, c As Range, lr As Long
      Dim wb As Workbook
      If Len(Dir(aFile)) = 0 Then
        MsgBox aFile & " does not exist.", vbCritical, "Macro Ending"
        Exit Sub
      End If
      Set wb = Workbooks.Open(aFile)
      lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
      For Each c In Range("A1:A" & lr)
        MyString = c.Value
        MyVals = Split(MyString, ",")
        MyVals(5) = "^^"
        c.Value = Replace(Join(MyVals, ","), ",^^,", ",")
      Next c
      wb.Close True
    End Sub

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