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Thread: VBA to keep format when concatenating

  1. #21
    Hi SamT

    SORRY I just didn't understand that you prepared a file for me , I misread your post, sorry again I feel so stupid...I actually not even saw the file (because my small laptop screen maybe).
    I thought they were all instructions for me too clean up my messy personal file and I was planning to follow those tonight after the office, and as a stupid in the meantime I thought to send you again my stuff but just with the (wrong ) conviction of making your support easier...please understand and forgive my ignorance once more...

    I did now all you have suggested (using the file that you prepared for me), what is the next step please?


    Hi mate

    thanks for reading my thread and for your former suggestions
    You are completely right (too much right!!) and I have actually started to study VBA from the basics (even if I'm maybe a bit old).

    However this project it is not involved with my learning process, of course is over ambitious for me and that is why guys I was really asking for a GREAT favor from you...

    I've been projecting this tool for two months now , and no matter how much of the code inside (little) is mine I can assure you that I 've put a lot of efforts in this is true also for the people that helped me.
    So of course I can close the thread at your smallest sign and leave (if there is a way to do) a very good feedback to both, but I won't stop this project...

  2. #22
    Hi SamT,

    I have now a very light and clean Personal file with only the three procedures (two process and a Macro, now that I know the difference) that I use for the tool.

    Do you think you could kindly have a look at it please? if not, no problems! I will send you an email with big thansk for what you have been doing till now for me


  3. #23
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Yes, I would like to see it. Also, please prepare a new Test book, but with a fresh non modified in any way sample of the raw data before any changes are made to it. I still have the original, but I can't test all the code without a raw sample to start with.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  4. #24
    Hi SamT,

    I hope you are fine, THANKS for helping me as always

    Ok I managed to load the three macro/procedures in a file along with the raw data, so no need ( I hope) to send the personal file too.
    I tried to comment each action of all the procedures , I hope this can help you reading the code.

    Our main target stays as : to have the formats of the values in sheet2 columns D:E be dynamically concatenated along with the values.

    the three procedures are:

    run First Step of Tool Basically it prepares the two sheets for the comparison
    run Second Step of Tool Compare the two sheets and get rid of formulas to make the two sheet lighter when working with filters.
    run Reset of the tool. Reset the tool. (I have a better version of this very basic reset but I left the file with the macro in my laptop I will send it to you later if you want)

    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #25
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    I still can't help you. You haven't provided what I asked you for.

    Raw means: pure, unadulterated, fresh, new, basic, coarse, crude, natural, organic, rough, uncooked, unprocessed, untreated, green, native, immature, unbaked, undressed, unfashioned, unformed, ungraded, unpasteurized, unprepared, unrefined, unsorted, unstained

    No one can help you if you keep giving them the information that you think they should have instead of the information they ask for.

    Yes, I would like to see it. Also, please prepare a new Test book, but with a fresh non modified in any way sample of the raw data before any changes are made to it. I still have the original, but I can't test all the code without a raw sample to start with.
    To clarify, I just want a book with only one sheet in it with the RAW data on the sheet.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  6. #26
    Hi SamT,

    Sorry for making you loose more time, but actually in the file I've sent you have already data at its rawest stage, what you have in there is data BEFORE any adjustment , and BEFORE any macro.
    I have just copied/pasted directly from the system, I don't have a previous version of those data and I don't need.


    • In the sheet1 you have already the data coming from the system in its rawest stage.(just coming out of the system like it is)

    • In the sheet2 you have already the data coming from the requester (the person who requests those data be uploaded) in its rawest stage.

    for neither of the two sheets (sorry for the caps, but is to put in evidence)
    The tool is actually meant to check if what was requested (Sheet2) was correctly uploaded in the system (Sheet1).

    but you are the boss and the expert so I have now attached two new separated files (since I'm not sure which one you may need more )
    Please as I said consider that this is already the rawest form that I have.

    • the RAWEST form of data that I need to have in sheet1 as coming from our system (Unprocessed)
    • the RAWEST state of data that I need to have in sheet2 ascoming from the requester (Unprocessed by me , maybe by the requester but not by me)

    I hope it is clear if not let me know please

    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #27
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    I am slow, but I am getting there. I now have an understanding that I did not before

    You receive both sheets of data from "The Requester"

    Can you upload whatever it id that this "Requester" sends you?

    One more question. (sorry 'bout that.)
    • In the sheet2 you have already the data coming from the requester (the person who requests those data be uploaded) in its rawest stage.
    What does the person mean when he requests that "those data be uploaded"?
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  8. #28
    Hi SamT

    Thanks a lot for reading my long post...
    I think at this point the best is too give you a bit of background...

    We have a System from where we drop orders.
    My team must upload/input in this system prices, freights, import duties for all the part numbers (products), on this purpose we use a mass upload tool created years ago by our IT team.
    Prices, Freights, Import Duties are provided by another team.
    They fill in a Request Form (that is actually what you have in sheet2) and ask us to upload those in the system according to their request.

    using their request form I upload/transfer those info in our system, but we have an old issue with our mass upload tool and sometimes the upload can be NOT entirely successful, and for few part numbers either the price or the freight or only the currency of those can be wrongly uploaded.

    So after the upload I MUST double check if everything is ok, hence I started to work on this tool.
    I copy the request form in sheet2, then I download the info from the system (sheet1) and comparing those two sheets I check if the mass upload (transfer) of the info went through correctly.

    So going back to our project for example :

    1. The request from the other team is: Vendor X Plant NL10 P/N Apple Price 4$ Freight 4€ import duties 3,5
    2. I transfer those INFO to the system via the mass upload tool (that unfortunately I cannot trust blindly).
    3. After the upload I download an extract from the system (what you have in sheet1) and I compare it to what I had in the request (what you have in sheet2) to see if the INFO upload went 100% through.
    4. Part numbers can be thousands that is why I need a tool to check all of them and fix them if needed.

  9. #29
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Edit my previous post to add
    Can you upload whatever it id that this "Requester" sends you?
    And please make copies of sheets 1 and 2 [just leave the default names Sheet1(2) and Sheet2(2)]
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  10. #30
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Edited to add: I posted this before I saw you last post.
    Is the Mass upload tool an Excel tool? Maybe it would be best if we just fixed that.
    Back to before editing:

    I just spent the last few hours parsing and improving your code in MOD1runFirstStepofTool and I think I see the system process.

    The system post the data to a web site, the "Requester" person downloads the information to (what looks like) a Worksheet. He/She also fills a Worksheet directly form the system and send them to you.

    Your job is to find the discrepancies between the two sheets, which are not even close to being in the same formats, styles, or layouts.

    But the real problems are in how the data is input into the system and how the system exports the data to the Web Page.

    Any Way... Here is the work I've done on your code. I suggest that you run each by itself (Click inside the sub, then press F5,) to see if it works. The whole module compiles so it should work OK.

    Option Explicit
    'NumberFormats used for comparing sheets
    Const NmFrmtEURSign  As String = "[$€-2] #,##0.00"
    Const NmFrmtUSDSign  As String = "$#,##0.00"
    Const NmFrmtSimple As String = "0.00"
    'Possible NumberFormats 'X, Y' & Z are commonly used as names when there are 
    'no reasonable mnemonics and their usage is as limited as it is herein.
    Const strX As String = "_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* ""-""??_);_(@_)"
    Const strY As String = "_([$$-409]* #,##0.00_);_([$$-409]* (#,##0.00);_([$$-409]* ""-""??_);_(@_)"
    Const strZ As String = "_([$€-2] * #,##0.00_);_([$€-2] * (#,##0.00);_([$€-2] * ""-""??_);_(@_)"
    Sub Main()
    End Sub
    Sub Sheet2PartNumSpaces()
    'Removes All Spaces from Part Number Column
      Dim rw  As Long
      Application.ScreenUpdating = False
      With Sheets("Sheet2").Columns(3)
        For rw = 2 To .Cells(Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
          .Cells(rw) = Join(Split(.Cells(rw), " "), "") 'SamT says, "Thank you snb."
        Next rw
      End With
      Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    I really should put the 'Headerless Import Duties Column code into its own sub, but it fits in with For... Next loop.
    Sub Sheet2NumberFormats()
    ' this first parte of this procedure gets rid of some wrong formats in sheet2,
    ' there are many formats that give to the cell the symbol €/$ (Accounting is one of those,or English Dollars)
    ' this procedures changes all Accounting USD/EUR (and others " Wrong"formats) that are used in the sheets2 into the Currency USD/EUR formats that rw want.
    ' All this part of the code rw did by myself :)
      Dim rw  As Long
      Application.ScreenUpdating = False
      With Sheets("Sheet2")
        For rw = 2 To .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        ' Wrong format are replaced with correct ones ($#,##0.00 - [$€-2] #,##0.00)
        'Format Price Column
          With .Range("D" & rw)
            If .Value = "" Or .Value = 0 Then
              .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 'Turn the cell Red, Missing import duty.
              .NumberFormat = NmFrmtSimple
            End If
            Select Case .NumberFormat
              Case NmFrmtUSDSign 'Do nothing, Same As Exit Select
              Case NmFrmtEURSign 'Do nothing, Same As Exit Select
              Case NmFrmtSimple 'Do nothing, Same As Exit Select
              Case strX: .NumberFormat = NmFrmtUSDSign
              Case strY: .NumberFormat = NmFrmtUSDSign
              Case strZ: .NumberFormat = NmFrmtEURSign
              Case Else
                .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 'Turn the cell Red, new or missing Currency Format
            End Select
          End With
        'Format Freight Column
          With .Range("E" & rw)
            If .Value = "" Or .Value = 0 Then
              .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 'Turn the cell Red, Missing import duty.
              .NumberFormat = NmFrmtSimple
            End If
            Select Case .NumberFormat
              Case NmFrmtUSDSign 'Do nothing, Same As Exit Select
              Case NmFrmtEURSign 'Do nothing, Same As Exit Select
              Case NmFrmtSimple 'Do nothing, Same As Exit Select
              Case strX: .NumberFormat = NmFrmtUSDSign
              Case strY: .NumberFormat = NmFrmtUSDSign
              Case strZ: .NumberFormat = NmFrmtEURSign
              Case Else
                .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 'Turn the cell Red, new or missing Currency Format
            End Select
          End With
          'Headerless Import Duties Column
            With .Range("F" & rw)
              If .Value = "" Or .Value = 0 Then
                .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 'Turn the cell Red, Missing import duty.
              End If
            End With
      End With
      Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Sub Sheet1NumberFormats()
       'Change format for D & F accodingly to value in E & G WORKS! rw didn't this part of the code :(
       ' we re now working with sheet1, this procedure " reads" columns E & G and format cells in D & F accordingly
       ' the word USD/EUR in any cells of columns  E & G  triggers accordingly  the format $#,##0.00 or [$€-2] #,##0.00 for the corrispondent Cells in Columns D & F
       ' After the D & F are formatted the procedure delete columns E & G
    Dim rw As Long
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
      With Sheet1
        For rw = 2 To Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row 'If you're missing a part number, you gots real problems
          'Set NumberForamt in Column Price
          With .Cells(rw, "D")
            Select Case .Offset(0, 1).Value
              Case "EUR"
                 .NumberFormat = NmFrmtEURSign
              Case "USD"
                 .NumberFormat = NmFrmtUSDSign
              Case Else
                .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 'Turn the cell Red, missing EUR/USD
            End Select
          End With
          'Set Number Format in Column Import Duty
          With .Cells(rw, "F")
            Select Case .Offset(0, 1).Value
              Case "EUR"
                 .NumberFormat = NmFrmtEURSign
              Case "USD"
                 .NumberFormat = NmFrmtUSDSign
              Case Else
                .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 'Turn the cell Red, missing EUR/USD
            End Select
          'Import Duties Column
            With .Range("F" & rw)
              If .Value = "" Or .Value = 0 Then
                .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 'Turn the cell Red, Missing import duty.
              End If
            End With
          End With
      End With
      Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  11. #31


    Hi SamT,

    thanks for all this...really appreciated.

    Is the Mass upload tool an Excel tool? Maybe it would be best if we just fixed that.
    No it is not it is an old SAP tool, developed by a person that left the company and nobody took care of maintaining the tool any longer.

    the system post the data to a web site, the "Requester" person downloads the information to (what looks like) a Worksheet. He/She also fills a Worksheet directly form the system and send them to you.
    Exactly, only one clarification needed:
    The requester is downloading the info from a system (let's call it A) that is different from mine (let's call it B) so that is why I need to transfer from A to B via the mass upload defective tool.
    The request form is actually the worksheet that you have in Sheet2.

    Your job is to find the discrepancies between the two sheets, which are not even close to being in the same formats, styles, or layouts.
    PERFECT! thanks. I do that comparison after the mass upload from A to B and when I find discrepancies I adjust those manually in B

    But the real problems are in how the data is input into the system and how the system exports the data to the Web Page.
    a part from the faulty mass upload tool and the thing that the A & B systems are not communicating between them, another problem is that the person who fills in the Request Form is always different and when indicating , for example, the currencies... they always go for different formats

    Lets go to the code, first of all thanks you are as much expert as much you are kind

    • I have saved the module (it is only one module right?) in my personal file as in the normal workbook I have a message saying that I cannot save VB projects.

    • Not Sure how it works with the Option Explicit thing you posted for first, how and where have I to save it please? what I did is : I started recording a Macro then stopped it, edited and copied/pasted

    • Sheet2PartNumSpaces() WORKS GREAT thanks

    • Sheet2NumberFormats() WORKS GREAT only one comment please : No need to highlight in red missing import duties when B<>NL10.

    • Sheet1NumberFormats() Got an Error please see the attachment.

    • Main Got an Error please see the attachment.

    Thanks so Much
    Attached Images Attached Images

  12. #32
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Option Explicit is a Compiler directive that tells the Compiler that all variables must be Explicitly declared. Mostly it is a spell check tool for made up words like Variable Names. Without Option Explicit, you might declare a variable (Dim abcX as String) but in the code make a typo (abcZ = " This is a String") and not know it until the program crashed.

    "Compile Error: Variable not defined" means one of two things; 1) you literally forgot to Declare a Variable (No 'Dim abcX As String') or 2) you made a typo. The typo doesn't need to be in a variable Name, it can be in a regular VBA word like 'Range' spelled 'Ragne'. All the Sub Names in sub 'Main' look to be spelled correctly, so I don't understand why the Compiler is point 'Main' out to you.I compiled the entire project (all modules) without error.

    Usually VBA will highlight the error for you after you click one of the buttons on the error message Dialog

    VBA Settings for troubleshooting Code:
    In the VBA Editor menu Tools >> Options and on the 'Editor' Tab Check every CheckBox in the 'Code Settings' Frame.

    On the 'General' Tab check all the CheckBoxes and the 'Break on All Errors' Radio Button.

    On the 'Editor Format' Tab, 'Code Colors' Frame, make sure that 'Syntax Errors Text' is set to Red Foreground, and that 'Execution point text' has a Yellow Background. Check the 'Margin Indicator bar' CheckBox.

    SAP is a company that has a suite of programs for Databases. not only can Excel itself deal directly with most Databases, we have experts in most of the common DBs. You might want to contact our Owners, they also have a for profit consulting firm, that handles large projects and can be trusted with proprietary information. Click the 'Portal' link at the top of the page.

    a part from the faulty mass upload tool and the thing that the A & B systems are not communicating between them, another problem is that the person who fills in the Request Form is always different and when indicating , for example, the currencies... they always go for different formats
    We can rearrange the code in Sheet2NumFormats to standardize them before you transfer the data into your system. The you can run both Sheet2 subs to clean it up before transfer.

    Remove these constants
     'Possible NumberFormats 'X, Y' & Z are commonly used as names when there are
     'no reasonable mnemonics and their usage is as limited as it is herein.
    Const strX As String = "_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* ""-""??_);_(@_)"
    Const strY As String = "_([$$-409]* #,##0.00_);_([$$-409]* (#,##0.00);_([$$-409]* ""-""??_);_(@_)"
    Const strZ As String = "_([$€-2] * #,##0.00_);_([$€-2] * (#,##0.00);_([$€-2] * ""-""??_);_(@_)"
    Replace the three Format Column Code sections With this
                 'Format Price Column
                With .Range("D" & rw)
                    If InStr(.NumberFormat, "€") <> 0 Then
                      NumberFormat = NmFrmtEURSign
                    ElseIf InStr(.NumberFormat, "$") <> 0 Then
                      .NumberFormat = NmFrmtUSDSign
                      .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 'Turn the cell Red, new or missing Currency Format
                    End If
                     If .Value = "" Or .Value = 0 Then
                        .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 'Turn the cell Red, missing Price.
                        .NumberFormat = NmFrmtSimple
                    End If
                 End With
                 'Format Freight Column
                With .Range("E" & rw)
                    If InStr(.NumberFormat, "€") <> 0 Then
                      NumberFormat = NmFrmtEURSign
                    ElseIf InStr(.NumberFormat, "$") <> 0 Then
                      .NumberFormat = NmFrmtUSDSign
                    Else 'This won't catch a new format that also uses a $ sign ("[$₮-2]")
                      .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 'Turn the cell Red, new or missing Currency Format
                    End If
                     If .Value = "" Or .Value = 0 Then
                        .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 'Turn the cell Red, missing Price.
                        .NumberFormat = NmFrmtSimple
                    End If
                End With
                 'Headerless Import Duties Column
                With .Range("F" & rw)
                    If .Value = "" Or .Value = 0 Then
                         If .Range("B" & rw) <> "NL10" Then
                          .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 'Turn the cell Red, missing Import Duty.
                        End If
                    End If
                End With
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  13. #33
    Hi Samt

    Ok regarding SAP I need to talk to my line manager , to be honest I'm doing this tool with you only to help out my team that right now has to check all the value one by one. I doubt my managers investing money to help us with this issue

    PLEASE NOTE : I have all the four subs in only one module, is that ok?
    (BTW I now managed to copy everything in a NON Personal file using the Project Explorer as you taught me.)

    Regarding the Main sub and Sheet1NumberFormats()

    After I changed some settings as you suggested (most of them were already ok), when I run either the Main or Sheet1NumberFormats()sub I
    have the debug highlighting in yellow .ClearContents in the following part of Sheet1NumberFormats() (please see below and Attachment )

    'Import Duties Column
    With .Range("F" & rw)
    If .Value = "" Or .Value = 0 Then
    .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 'Turn the cell Red, Missing import duty.
    End If
    End With
    End With

    Regarding the Sheet2NumberFormats()
    Please let's fix first Sheet1NumberFormats otherwise I will make that ok with you too please?

    Attached Images Attached Images

  14. #34
    Hi SamT,

    I fixed it !!!!
    actually it should have been With .Range("H" & rw) because Import duties are still in H at that stage of the procedure.
    In fact only at the end of the sub with the deletion of Columns E & G import duties will be in F

    I think we are ready to go ahead with the second part of the tool right? if you like of course and when you have time for me

  15. #35
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    What did the error message say?
    Looking at that line and the lines before it, I don't "see" any problems.

    When the Execution (Yellow Background) is inside and 'If... Then' like that, it means that the 'If' was good and was TRUE.

    BTW, Now that you have set the Troubleshooting Options, if you hover the mouse cursor over an item that actually has a value, you can see the value as a ToolTip. When ClearContents is Yellow, Hover the mouse over '.Value'.

    BTW2, if you place the typing cursor inside a VBA word and press F1, you well get to the Help section on that word.

    BTW3. You do realize that when you get done with this you will be able to code for yourself
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  16. #36
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    I think we are ready to go ahead with the second part of the tool right? if you like of course and when you have time for me
    Post your (detailed) question whenever you like. I will look at it when I have time.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  17. #37
    Ask your boss to send a h u g e cheque to SamT !!

  18. #38
    thanks so much I'm learning a lot from you...
    you have already everything you need I think (in the file RAW_Test1), I'm talking about the second macro that I 've sent you :


    that is the second code for the second part of the tool, which is the actual comparison.

    and the main target, the target for which I started the thread , stays as:

    to have the formats of the values in sheet2 columns D:E be dynamically concatenated along with the values.

    When you have time please , we are almost there...


    I will , and by the way I leave in Amsterdam so if you two guys plan a trip in Europe just drop me an email

  19. #39
    I live just around the corner... you can see that my website is in Dutch.

  20. #40
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    I don't want a check.

    If you really want to thank me, send me a letter of thanks (on letterhead stationary?) and a nice new looking ƒ1.00 Gulden I can frame and put on my "I love me" wall. I'm trying to see how many Countries and States I can get for my grandkids to "ooh" and "aah" over.

    and the main target, the target for which I started the thread , stays as:

    to have the formats of the values in sheet2 columns D:E be dynamically concatenated along with the values.
    No. It's not the main target, it's not even a minor target.

    To use a football analogy, concatenating the NumberFormats is merely one way to shape your tongue while head butting the ball down field, and I am not even sure that a head butt is the best possible passing technique in your case.

    I don't know if you are familiar with this old adage, but you've been focused on one tree for so long that you have forgotten the forest.

    The main goal of all this work is to improve the functioning of your Database system. Period. Stop. End.

    BTW, Iam using Office Excel XP as shown in my signature block, so I don't ever have any Buttons on Sheets to work with while I am helping you. Because Excel insists on opening all Excel 2007 and greater Workbooks in Read only mode, even ones I create myself, I wind up with many versions of your workbooks and after a short time I can't remember wcich was which, so I delete tham all and just download the last version you uploaded.

    That was 13 posts ago. Yesterday.

    Please upload your latest version as yesterday's is way out of date.

    In the meantime I will try to muddle through that old version.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

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