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Thread: Listview sort when column header clicked

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Oct 2011

    Listview sort when column header clicked


    I am trying to add code to a listview control in an excel userform, where if a user clicks the column header, that it sorts this column. This code should allow every column to be sorted. I thought this would be available in the properties, but sorting by column header does not appear to be an option that is available.

    I finally found this code that appears maybe what I am looking for, but I receive a compile error "user- defined type not defined" which may simply mean that I have referenece this code in my form incorrectly, not sure how to reference this code correctly.

    Private Sub ListView1_ColumnClick(ByVal ColumnHeader As MSComctlLib.ColumnHeader)
    If ListView1.ListItems.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
     'Public Sub SortListView(ListViewObject As ListView, _
                            ' ByVal ColumnHeader As MSComctlLib.ColumnHeader)
     'Purpose      : Sort list view items
     'Input        : ListView object, Selected column
     '               ListViewObject : ListView object
     '               ColumnHeader   : Selected column
     'Output       : -
     'Return value : -
     'Date         : 5.8.2014
     'Author       : Lapot
     'Code     :
     'Modification : -
         Dim strItem As String               'List item
         Dim intMaxItemLength As Integer     'Max. length of list items
         Dim intCounter As Integer           'Counter
         With ListView1
             'Set sorted property of listview
             .Sorted = False
             'Add temporary column to sort
             .ColumnHeaders.Add , , , 0
             'Select first item from list view
             'If first column
             If ColumnHeader.Index = 1 Then
                 strItem = .ListItems(1)
                 'If another column
                 strItem = .ListItems(1).SubItems(ColumnHeader.Index - 1)
             End If
         End With
         'Date type?
         If IsDate(strItem) Then
             With ListView1
                 'If first column
                 If ColumnHeader.Index = 1 Then
                     For intCounter = 1 To .ListItems.Count
                         'Get list item
                         strItem = Trim(.ListItems(intCounter))
                         'Add list item to last column in new format to sort
                         .ListItems(intCounter).SubItems(.ColumnHeaders.Count - 1) = Format(strItem, "yyyymmddHHMMSS")
                 'If another column
                     For intCounter = 1 To .ListItems.Count
                         'Get sub item
                         strItem = Trim(.ListItems(intCounter).SubItems(ColumnHeader.Index - 1))
                         'Add sub item to last column in new format to sort
                         .ListItems(intCounter).SubItems(.ColumnHeaders.Count - 1) = Format(strItem, "yyyymmddHHMMSS")
                 End If
                 'Set sort key property (temporary column)
                 .SortKey = .ColumnHeaders.Count - 1
             End With
         'Numberic type?
         ElseIf IsNumeric(strItem) Then
             With ListView1
                 'Set start up value for maximum length of items
                 intMaxItemLength = 0
                 'If first column
                 If ColumnHeader.Index = 1 Then
                     'Find max. length of items
                     For intCounter = 1 To .ListItems.Count
                         strItem = Trim(Replace(Replace(.ListItems(intCounter), ",", ""), ".", ""))
                         If Len(strItem) > intMaxItemLength Then
                             intMaxItemLength = Len(strItem)
                         End If
                     For intCounter = 1 To .ListItems.Count
                         'Get sub item
                         strItem = Trim(Replace(Replace(.ListItems(intCounter), ",", ""), ".", ""))
                         'Add sub item to last column in new format to sort
                         .ListItems(intCounter).SubItems(.ColumnHeaders.Count - 1) = "0" & String(intMaxItemLength - Len(strItem), "0") & strItem
                 'If another column
                     'Find max. length of items
                     For intCounter = 1 To .ListItems.Count
                         strItem = Trim(Replace(Replace(.ListItems(intCounter).SubItems(ColumnHeader.Index - 1), ",", ""), ".", ""))
                         If Len(strItem) > intMaxItemLength Then
                             intMaxItemLength = Len(strItem)
                         End If
                     For intCounter = 1 To .ListItems.Count
                         'Get sub item
                         strItem = Trim(Replace(Replace(.ListItems(intCounter).SubItems(ColumnHeader.Index - 1), ",", ""), ".", ""))
                         'Add sub item to last column in new format to sort
                         .ListItems(intCounter).SubItems(.ColumnHeaders.Count - 1) = "0" & String(intMaxItemLength - Len(strItem), "0") & strItem
                 End If
                 'Set sort key property (temporary column)
                 .SortKey = .ColumnHeaders.Count - 1
             End With
         'Another type?
             ListView1.SortKey = ColumnHeader.Index - 1
         End If
         'Set properties of list view
        With ListView1
             'Change the sort order
             .SortOrder = 1 - .SortOrder
             'Set sorted property
             .Sorted = True
             'Remove temporary column
             .ColumnHeaders.Remove .ColumnHeaders.Count
         End With
     End Sub
    Last edited by seekon; 11-23-2015 at 10:49 PM.

  2. #2
    VBAX Newbie
    Oct 2011
    wow, it appears I was able to just use the following code to achieve what i wanted:

    Private Sub ListView1_ColumnClick(ByVal ColumnHeader As MSComctlLib.ColumnHeader)
        With ListView1
            .SortKey = ColumnHeader.Index - 1
            If .SortOrder = lvwAscending Then
                .SortOrder = lvwDescending
                .SortOrder = lvwAscending
            End If
            .Sorted = True
        End With
    End Sub

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