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Thread: Converting a range to a table and then creating a pivot table through a series of WBs

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Feb 2014

    Converting a range to a table and then creating a pivot table through a series of WBs

    Hi All:

    I have tried to solve this on my old without much success, I did get as far as this. However, I am looking to do this:

    I have this code that loops through all of the workbooks in a folder (as you can see). I then want to change the range that starts in Sheet1, cell A1, to a Table.
    From that point, I want to create a basic pivot table from the Table that was just created, and inset the pivot table on a new worksheet. Once this is procedure is run, I want to close the workbook, save the changes and do the sane for the next workbook in the designated folder. The range will always be in Sheet1 and start in A1, however, the range will change in width (columns) and length/height (rows).

    Sub Rename_Sheet1()
        Dim strPathh As String, strFile As String, counter As Long
        strPath = "C:\Users\lru8079\Desktop\test\"
        strFile = Dir(strPath & "*.xlsx")
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Do While strFile <> ""
            With Workbooks.Open(strPath & strFile)
                .Sheets(1).Name = "Sheet1"
                .Close SaveChanges:=True
            End With
            counter = counter + 1
            strFile = Dir
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        MsgBox counter & " files altered. ", vbInformation, "Process Complete"
    End Sub
    Thank you for reading and any advice.
    Last edited by SamT; 11-25-2015 at 04:36 PM.

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