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Thread: Solved: extract body of the message

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2005

    Solved: extract body of the message

    I have a listview on a form, in that listview i am displaying to, subject and sentdate from outlook inbox.
    When i select any of the item from listbox i get the subject for the selected item by this code :

    But i also want body of the selected message. Note that i am not taking body in the listview. If i take body in listview it will be quite easy to get it(same as above code.) But, I dont want to show body in listview. Or is there any way that i can hide body column from listview.............. Or without adding it to listview can i get ody of the selected message?

    This code is for inbox
    Dim oinFolder As Object
    	Set oinFolder = oNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox)
    THis is the code for adding to listview
    For Each Inboxmail In oinFolder.Items
    			 Dim j As Integer
    			 j = 1
    			 With ListView1.ListItems
    			 .Add j, , Inboxmail.To
    			 End With
    			 With ListView1
    			 .ListItems(j).SubItems(1) = Inboxmail.subject
    			 End With
    			 With ListView1
    			 .ListItems(j).SubItems(2) = Inboxmail.SentOn
    			 End With
    			 'With ListView1
    			' .ListItems(j).SubItems(3) = Inboxmail.body
    			' End With
    			 j = j + 1

  2. #2
    I'm unfamiliar with usign a listview control, but I imagine you could use the same tricks as with a listbox. If you can find a way to set the column widths in the display, you can include the message body as a 0"-width column.

    If that doesn't work, it appears each ListItem in a ListView has a Tag property. You can probably set the message body string to this property.

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