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Thread: Need help on the code i have created for Ping tool on vb script.

  1. #1

    Need help on the code i have created for Ping tool on vb script.

    hi Experts,
    i am not so good on VB Script. I have created a ping tool in VB Script.
    1. pings to Google .com with a greater Count saves the Output file
    2. meanwhile opens that file, checks for String "Minimum and Percent"
    3. if Found will Display the whole line Containing "Minimum and Percent" both
    4. or else close all Files and Again search the same strings.

    No output is Displayed in Msgbox . pl help with Code....

    here is My code:


    Option Explicit
    Sub fnl()
    Dim i
    i = Shell("\windows\system32\cmd.exe", vbNormalFocus)
    Dim objShell
    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    objShell.AppActivate "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02"))
    objShell.SendKeys "[/COLOR][COLOR=#417394]ping -n 10 > D:\Report\percent.txt{ENTER}"
    ' Script to copy just certain lines from a text file.
    ' and place in another text file
    ' Experts Exchange Rob Sampson
    ' Version 1.1 - June 23 2009
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------
    Dim strFileName, strString1, strString2
    Dim objFSO, objFile, strLine
    Dim objOutputFile
    strFileName = "D:\Report\percent.txt"
    strString1 = "Packets"
    strString2 = "Minimum"
    [Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Const ForReading = 1
    Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForReading, False)
    While Not objFile.AtEndOfStream
    strLine = objFile.ReadLine
    If InStr(strLine, strString1) > 0 And InStr(strLine, strString2) > 0 Then RunCode
    End Sub
    Sub RunCode()
    Dim pkt, rndtrip, myFile, text, textline
    Dim Final As Integer
    myFile = "D:\Report\percent.txt"
    Final = FreeFile()
    Open myFile For Input As #Final
    Do Until EOF(Final)
    Line Input #Final, textline
    text = text & textline
    Close #Final
    pkt = Trim(Mid(text, InStr(text, "Packets") + 0, (InStrRev(text, "Losst") + 0) - (InStr(text, "Packets") + 1)))
    rndtrip = Trim(Mid(text, InStr(text, "Minimum") + 0, (InStrRev(text, "ms") + 0) - (InStr(text, "Minimum") + 1)))
    Call MsgBox("Percent : " & pkt & " Round-Trip : " & rndtrip & ".", vbOKOnly)
    Dim objShell
    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    objShell.AppActivate "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02"))
    objShell.SendKeys "exit{ENTER}"
    End Sub

  2. #2
    VBAX Expert Leith Ross's Avatar
    Oct 2012
    San Francisco, California
    Hello prayag2015,

    I have written 2 macros for you. The first will Pings the host computer "" and saves the results to the file "D:\Report\percent.txt"

    The second will read the contents of the file and display the statics you want in a message box.

    ' Written:  November 28, 2015
    ' Author:   Leith Ross
    Sub PingSaveToFile(ByVal Host As String, ByVal FilePath As String)
        Dim Command     As String
        Dim ExePath     As String
            FilePath = Chr(34) & FilePath & Chr(34)
            ExePath = Environ("ComSpec")
            ExePath = Left(ExePath, InStrRev(ExePath, "\"))
            Command = ExePath & "cmd.exe /C " & " ping.exe -n 10 -w 100 " & Host & " > " & FilePath
            With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
                .Run Command, vbHide, True
            End With
    End Sub
    Sub RunCode()
        Dim Data()      As Byte
        Dim FilePath    As String
        Dim pkt         As String
        Dim rndtrip     As String
        Dim Text        As String
            FilePath = "D:\Report\percent.txt"
            Call PingSaveToFile("", FilePath)
            Open FilePath For Binary Access Read As #1
                ReDim Data(LOF(1))
                Get #1, , Data
            Close #1
            Text = StrConv(Data, vbUnicode)
            pkt = Trim(Mid(Text, InStr(Text, "Packets") + 0, (InStrRev(Text, "Lost") + 0) - (InStr(Text, "Packets") + 1)))
            rndtrip = Trim(Mid(Text, InStr(Text, "Minimum") + 0, (InStrRev(Text, "ms") + 0) - (InStr(Text, "Minimum") + 1)))
            Call MsgBox("Percent : " & pkt & " Round-Trip : " & rndtrip & ".", vbOKOnly)
    End Sub
    Leith Ross

    "1N73LL1G3NC3 15 7H3 4B1L17Y 70 4D4P7 70 CH4NG3 - 573PH3N H4WK1NG"

  3. #3
    Thanks Leith!!!

    the code provided help me alot.

    but i am working on this project, which I login in to router . ping to some IP, if i increase the packet size to 4, the O/p will be display result of Percent & roundtrip quicker as compared to packet count-100 which takes time. so need code so that Vb check the file real-time like "screening window" and if wherever it find the Percent & roundtrip on cmd windows it will send logout/exit/some my stuff to cmd and display in the MsgBox as earlier.

    i need help on Vb checking the txt file real-time , if not found, close the file and again open for rechecking and so on or like "screening window" ..

    pl help .

    i will try to fit your code in this one
    My original Code.

    Private Sub Runcode()
    i = Shell("\windows\system32\cmd.exe", vbNormalFocus)
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02"))
    Dim server As Integer
    Dim LocalHost As String
    Dim SourceIP As String
    Dim DestinationIP As String
    Dim Number As String
    Dim Size As String
    Dim myFile As String, text As String, textline As String, pkt As String, rndtrip As String
    LocalHost = XXX.XXX.XX      'Server Ip to telnet
    SourceIP = XXX.XXX.XX       'Source IP
    DestinationIP = XXX.XXX.XX  ' Destination IP
    Number = XXX.XXX.XX         'packet number
    Size = "1400"               'Packet size
    UserName = XXX.XXX.XX       ' my Username
    Password = XXX.XXX.XX       ' my password
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02"))
    SendKeys "telnet " & LocalHost & " 6000 -f D:\Report\PING.txt"
    SendKeys "~"
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02"))
    SendKeys " LGI:OP=""" & UserName & """, PWD = """ & Password & """,DN=EMS; "
    SendKeys "~"
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02"))
    SendKeys " PING IP: SRN=0, SN=14, SIPADDR=""" & SourceIP & """, DESTIP=""" & DestinationIP & """, CONTPING=NO, TIMES=" & Number & ", PKTSIZE=" & Size & "; "
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:10:02"))
    ' for short packet size also i have to wait around 10 mins
    SendKeys "LGO:;"
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02"))
    SendKeys "~"
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02"))
    SendKeys "~"
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02"))
    SendKeys "Exit"
    SendKeys "~"
    myFile = "D:\Report\PING.txt"
    Open myFile For Input As #1
    Do Until EOF(1)
    Line Input #1, textline
    text = text & textline
    Close #1
    pkt = Trim(Mid(text, InStr(text, "Percent") + 0, (InStrRev(text, "Lost") + 0) - (InStr(text, "Percent") + 1)))
    rndtrip = Trim(Mid(text, InStr(text, "round-trip") + 0, (InStrRev(text, "ms") + 0) - (InStr(text, "round-trip") + 1)))
    Call MsgBox("Percent : " & pkt & " Round-Trip : " & rndtrip & ".", vbOKOnly)
    End Sub
    Last edited by SamT; 11-29-2015 at 11:37 AM. Reason: Formatted Code with # Icon

  4. #4
    VBAX Expert Leith Ross's Avatar
    Oct 2012
    San Francisco, California
    Hello prayag2015,

    I would really like to help you find a solution. The problem for me is I am not following what you want to do. Your latest macro is now using Telnet which your original macro did not have.

    Using SendKeys and Wait statements is neither efficient nor reliable. If you are concerned about execution speed then you are on the wrong path.

    As for reading the file in real-time, you would have to check the file at regular intervals to check if the data has changed. There are no events that fire when a text file is changed, created, or deleted. This constant checking would slow your code also.
    Leith Ross

    "1N73LL1G3NC3 15 7H3 4B1L17Y 70 4D4P7 70 CH4NG3 - 573PH3N H4WK1NG"

  5. #5
    below is the description of my code
    1. I login in to my router using telnet and some Login commands as shown using sendkeys
    2. ping to my gateway IP as destination IP
    3. if i increase the packet size to 4, the telnet window will be display result of Percent & roundtrip in 4 sec
    but if i increased packet count to 100 takes 50 sec
    so for every count i have to wait till one minute.
    4. vb code will read that txt file, check for
    Strings "percent & Roundtrip" and displays result inthe msgbox.

    so i need code as u said Vb checks for the Strings, if not found , waits for certain interval and again checks
    and then finally display in the MsgBox as earlier.

  6. #6
    hi Leith,
    My Project has been completed, VB searches for the string in txt file, if not found it will go in wait period for 7 Seconds. after that again call the Search func, if that string is found it will display the required data in the MsgBox and code ends.

    but i need to add code for "Please wait for the Result....." to be running in Foreground, until the entire my VB code is running in background.

    =====My Code=============

    Sub Sfile()

    Dim objFSO
    Dim objShell

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    Const FORREADING = 1
    Const FORWRITING = 2
    Const FORAPPENDING = 8
    Dim sToSearch: sToSearch = "round-trip"
    Dim sFileName: sFileName = "D:\Report\PING.txt"
    Dim sContent, Found
    If Not objFSO.FileExists(sFileName) Then
    MsgBox "File Not Found"
    WScript.Quit 0
    End If
    Set TxtFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(sFileName, FORREADING)
    sContent = TxtFile.ReadAll
    If InStr(sContent, sToSearch) Then
    Found = True
    Call messagebox
    End If

    Set TxtFile = Nothing
    If Not Found Then
    Call waitnw
    End If

    End Sub

    Sub messagebox()
    Dim myFile As String, text As String, textline As String
    Dim pkt
    Dim rndtrip

    myFile = "D:\Report\PING.txt"
    Final = FreeFile()

    Open myFile For Input As #Final

    Do Until EOF(1)
    Line Input #Final, textline
    text = text & textline
    Close #Final
    pkt = Trim(Mid(text, InStr(text, "Percent") + 0, (InStrRev(text, "packet") + 0) - (InStr(text, "Percent") + 1)))
    rndtrip = Trim(Mid(text, InStr(text, "round-trip") + 0, (InStrRev(text, "ms") + 0) - (InStr(text, "round-trip") + 1)))
    Call MsgBox("Percent : " & pkt & vbCrLf & "Round-Trip : " & rndtrip & ".", vbOKOnly)

    End Sub

    Sub waitnw()
    Dim dteWait
    dteWait = DateAdd("s", 10, Now())
    Do Until (Now() > dteWait)
    Call Sfile
    End Sub

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