Hi all,

I keep on trying to archive my emails from outlook via vba. I have managed to download the emails with certain names and save the attachments. What I have not been able to do is this: I want to save the attachments which are really attached by the sender in the attached area. What I don't want to do is save all the pictures/frames which usually come in signatures and logo's. The code that I have now keeps seeing these pictures and logos and attachments which results in a pile of image.png and a lot of LinkedIn and Twitter logo's.

Here is a section of my code:

            If Item.Attachments.Count = 0 Then
            ' Email bevat geen bijlagen. Email wordt opgeslagen in Email directory
                If Dir(StrMail, vbDirectory) = "" Then
                    Item.SaveAs StrMail
                    GoTo 104
                End If
            ElseIf Item.Attachment.Count >= 1 Then
            ' Email bevat bijlagen. Bijlagen worden opgeslagen in Bijlagen directory
            ' Email wordt opgeslagen in Email directory
                If Dir(StrMail, vbDirectory) = "" Then
                    Item.SaveAs StrMail
                    GoTo 104
                End If
                For Each oatt In Item.Attachments
                    If Dir(DirAtt & oatt.FileName, vbDirectory) = "" Then
                        oatt.SaveAsFile DirAtt & oatt.FileName
                    End If
            End If
Can somebody help me how to figure out that only the attachments which are attached by the sender will be downloaded?

Thanks in advance.