I'm pulling in some XML to be read by VBA, but instead of the XML just a having a simple tag called <product> it actually has this format...

<Product xmlns="xttp://mws.amazonservices.com/schema/Products/2011-10-01" xmlns:ns2="xttp://mws.amazonservices.com/sc[/FONT]hema/Products/2011-10-01/default.xsd">
(I've had to put a x at the front of the URL above as I'm new & can't post links!)

My question is how are you supposed to handle such a long XML tag?

Here's the code I'm using (which works if I strip back the long tag above to be just <product>)...

Public Function READXML()  'Reference Microsoft XML 6.0 required

Dim testDOM As DOMDocument60
Dim objRoot As IXMLDOMElement
Dim strMsg As String

Set testDOM = New DOMDocument60
testDOM.resolveExternals = False
testDOM.validateOnParse = False
testDOM.Load ("C:\test.xml")

    Set objRoot = testDOM.documentElement
    txtPrice = objRoot.selectSingleNode("/Product/CompetitivePricing/CompetitivePrices/CompetitivePrice/Price/LandedPrice/Amount").text
   Debug.Print txtPrice
End Function
& here's the XML in full

<Product xmlns="Xttp://mws.amazonservices.com/schema/Products/2011-10-01" xmlns:ns2="Xttp://mws.amazonservices.com/schema/Products/2011-10-01/default.xsd">
<CompetitivePrice belongsToRequester="true" condition="New" subcondition="New">
<OfferListingCount condition="New">10</OfferListingCount>
<OfferListingCount condition="Any">10</OfferListingCount>