Does anybody know how to scroll through every word in a word document and perform an operation on that word depending on a certain condition, I think the following code is along the lines I need but I cant quite get it to work.

[VBA] Dim snt As Word.Range
For Each ActiveDocument.Words In snt
If (Left(snt.Text, Len("<<BOLD>>")) = "<<BOLD>>") And _
(Right(snt.Text, Len("<</BOLD>>")) = "<</BOLD>>") Then
If InStr(snt.Text, "<<BOLD>>") And InStr(snt.Text, "<</BOLD>>") Then
snt = Mid(snt, Len("<<BOLD>>") + 1, Len(snt) - (Len("<<BOLD>>") _
+ Len("<</BOLD>>") + 1))
End If
Next snt
basically where ever I find <<bold>>WORD<</bold>> as a whole word I want it to go bold and remove the bold tags, the code for performing the removal works in VB 6.0 so I know the logic part is correct.
Its just the looping through the words in the document that doesnt work, help anybody?