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Thread: Captilize Select Characters Within A Cell

  1. #1
    VBAX Mentor
    Jan 2006

    Captilize Select Characters Within A Cell

    Hello, I have the following sub that compares the contents of a cell to an acronym list. When it finds an acronym that is on the list I need it to capitalize the acronym within the cell. Anyone know how to modify the sub so that it will capitalize only the acronyms that are found within the cell? I can change the character font but can't figure out how to capitalize only those characters. I tried Ucase but that capitalizes all of the text within the cell.

    Sub CapitalizeAcronyms(rng As Range)
    Dim AcronymToFind As String
    Dim iSeek As Long
    Set rngsource = Range(ActiveCell.Address)
    LastRow = Sheets("Acronyms").UsedRange.Rows.count
    On Error Resume Next
    With rng
       For x = 2 To LastRow
          AcronymToFind = Sheets("Acronyms").Range("A" & x).Value
          If AcronymToFind = "" Then GoTo b
          iSeek = InStr(1, rng.Value, AcronymToFind, vbTextCompare)
          Do While iSeek > 0
             With rng.Characters(iSeek, Len(AcronymToFind)).Font
                '.Name = "Arial"
                '.Size = 14
                .Bold = True
                '.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
                '.ColorIndex = 15
             End With
             GoTo b
       Next x
    End With
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru GTO's Avatar
    Sep 2008
    Lightly tested, but does this do the trick?

    Option Explicit
    'With data below on Sheet1...
    '      A   B
    '1    ECT Cobbler
    '2    COB lectured
    '3    LAD ladder
    '4    CAD cashier
    '5    CAS tack
    '6    TAC caddy
    '7    API sextant
    '8    SEX mapi
    Sub example()
    Dim CellAcronym As Range, CellWord As Range
    Dim lPosition As Long, lLen As Long
    Dim sLeft As String, sMid As String, sRight As String
      For Each CellWord In Sheet1.Range("B1:B8").Cells
        For Each CellAcronym In Sheet1.Range("A1:A8").Cells
          lPosition = InStr(1, CellWord.Value, CellAcronym, vbTextCompare)
          lLen = Len(CellAcronym.Value)
          If lPosition > 0 Then
            If lPosition = 1 Then
              sLeft = UCase$(CellAcronym.Value)
              sMid = Mid$(CellWord.Value, lLen + 1)
              sRight = vbNullString
            ElseIf lPosition + lLen - 1 = Len(CellWord.Value) Then
              sLeft = Left$(CellWord.Value, lPosition - 1)
              sMid = UCase$(CellAcronym.Value)
              sRight = vbNullString
              sLeft = Left$(CellWord.Value, lPosition - 1)
              sMid = UCase$(CellAcronym.Value)
              sRight = Mid$(CellWord.Value, lPosition + lLen)
            End If
            CellWord.Value = sLeft & sMid & sRight
            Exit For
          End If
    End Sub
    Hope that helps,


  3. #3
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    I wasn't sure how you intended to use it, so I added a drive sub to test the algorithm

    Option Explicit
    Sub drv()
        Call CapitalizeAcronyms(ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1), Worksheets("Acronyms").Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion)
    End Sub
    Sub CapitalizeAcronyms(c As Range, rngAcronyms As Range)
        Dim AcronymToFind As String
        Dim iSeek As Long, i As Long
        With c
            For i = 2 To rngAcronyms.Rows.Count
                AcronymToFind = rngAcronyms.Cells(i, 1).Value
                iSeek = InStr(1, .Value, AcronymToFind, vbTextCompare)
                Do While iSeek > 0
                    .Value = Left(.Value, iSeek - 1) & UCase(Mid(.Value, iSeek, Len(AcronymToFind))) & Right(.Value, Len(.Value) - iSeek - Len(AcronymToFind) + 1)
                    With .Characters(iSeek, Len(AcronymToFind)).Font
                         '.Name = "Arial"
                         '.Size = 14
                        .Bold = True
                         '.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
                         '.ColorIndex = 15
                    End With
                    iSeek = InStr(iSeek + Len(AcronymToFind), .Value, AcronymToFind, vbTextCompare)
            Next I
        End With
    End Sub


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  4. #4
    VBAX Mentor
    Jan 2006
    Thanks for the replies. My apologies for not being clear. I have a sheet ("Summary") that I will be entering a paragraph into one cell (B7, B9, B11 and/or B13). From the Worksheet_Change event I have a SentenceCase sub that corrects the paragraph to sentence case. Then then CapitalizeAcronyms Sub is activated to capitalize only the acronyms that are found.
      If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B7,B9,B11,B13")) Is Nothing Then
            CapitalizeAcronyms Target
            'Call drv
            GoTo a
        End If
    The CapitalizeAcronyms sub loops through Acronyms listed on the ("Acronyms") sheet in column a. If it finds an acronym that is in the cell paragraph, I need it to capitalize it within the cell on the ("Summary") sheet.

    Paul, i ran into an issue with Worksheets("Acronyms").Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion) because my acronyms are not in every row. I tried .usedrange but it failed. However after modifying it as below I it runs nicely with one exception. It runs forever because of the SentenceCase sub in the Worksheet_Change event on the ("Summary") sheet.
    Sub CapitalizeAcronyms(c As Range)
        Dim AcronymToFind As String
        Dim iSeek As Long, i As Long
        Dim LastRow As Long
        LastRow = Sheets("Acronyms").UsedRange.Rows.Count
        With c
            For i = 2 To LastRow
                'AcronymToFind = rngAcronyms.Cells(i, 1).Value
                AcronymToFind = Sheets("Acronyms").Range("A" & i).Value
                If AcronymToFind = "" Then GoTo b
                iSeek = InStr(1, .Value, AcronymToFind, vbTextCompare)
                Do While iSeek > 0
                    .Value = Left(.Value, iSeek - 1) & UCase(Mid(.Value, iSeek, Len(AcronymToFind))) & Right(.Value, Len(.Value) - iSeek - Len(AcronymToFind) + 1)
                    iSeek = InStr(iSeek + Len(AcronymToFind), .Value, AcronymToFind, vbTextCompare)
                GoTo b
            Next i
        End With
    End Sub
    Is there a way to keep both the SentenceCase and CaptializeAcronyms in the Worksheet_Change event? I'm attaching a small workbook so you can test and see my problem.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    too much toggling events.

    I'd only put the EnableEvents here

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        'Sentence Case
        If Not Intersect(Target.Cells(1, 1), Range("B7,B9,B11,B13")) Is Nothing Then
            If Len(Target.Cells(1, 1)) > 0 Then
                SentenceCase Target
                CapitalizeAcronyms Target
            End If
        End If
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        Application.EnableEvents = True
    End Sub
    Look at the attachment
    Attached Files Attached Files


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    4. Read the Forum FAQ, especially the part about cross-posting in other forums

  6. #6
    VBAX Mentor
    Jan 2006
    Yes, that was the problem. Solved.


  7. #7
    VBAX Mentor
    Jan 2006
    Good morning, a few months back Paul helped me with a sub to capitalize acronyms within text that is in a cell. It was working great but I reopened this thread because I discovered an issue. As time passed more acronyms have been added to the acronym list so I discovered if a word contains the letters of an acronym within it, it will capitalize those letters. Ex: word = memorandum, acronym on the list = rand, this routine will create memoRANDum as the result. Is there a way to modify this sub to use a space as a delimeter so that the acronym will only be capitalized when it is by itself and not contained within another word.
    Below is the sub i am using,

    Sub CapitalizeAcronyms(c As Range)
    Dim AcronymToFind As String
    Dim iSeek As Long, i As Long
    Dim lastrow As Long
    lastrow = Sheets("Acronyms").UsedRange.Rows.count
      With c
          For i = 4 To lastrow
              AcronymToFind = Sheets("Acronyms").Range("B" & i).Value
              If AcronymToFind = "" Then GoTo a
              iSeek = InStr(1, .Value, AcronymToFind, vbTextCompare)
              Do While iSeek > 0
                  .Value = Left(.Value, iSeek - 1) & UCase(Mid(.Value, iSeek, Len(AcronymToFind))) & Right(.Value, Len(.Value) - iSeek - Len(AcronymToFind) + 1)
                  iSeek = InStr(iSeek + Len(AcronymToFind), .Value, AcronymToFind, vbTextCompare)
              GoTo a
          Next i
      End With
    End Sub

  8. #8
    VBAX Mentor
    Jan 2006
    So I started over and tried using an array with a space as the delimeter. It works as far as isolating the words but I can't figure out how to keep all of the words as well as capitalizing the acronym(s) that it finds. I tried using Redim Preserve but could not get it to work. Below is what I have so far.

    Sub CapitalizeAcronyms2(c As Range)
    Dim myStringArray() As String
    Dim AcronymToFind As String
    Dim i As Long, r As Long
    Dim lastrow As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    'This splits the value of the cell into an array using a space as the delimeter.
    myStringArray() = Split(c, " ")
    lastrow = Sheets("Acronyms").UsedRange.Rows.count
    For i = LBound(myStringArray) To UBound(myStringArray)
       With c
          For r = 4 To lastrow
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Then
                ReDim Preserve myStringArray(i)
                .Value = UCase(myStringArray(i))
             End If
          Next r
        End With
    Next i
    End Sub

  9. #9
    VBAX Mentor
    Jan 2006
    I'm almost there, i replaced
     .Value = UCase(myStringArray(i))
    .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
    and it works. However, if there is any punctuation attached to the acronym it will not capitalize it. How do I use multiple delimeters in this code?

  10. #10
    VBAX Mentor
    Jan 2006
    The following is what I came up with. It a little long and redundant but I couldn't get it to work any other way. It does what its supposed to but it would be nice to have a more compact sub. Does anyone have a shorter version that works?

    Sub CapitalizeAcronyms2(c As Range)
    Dim myStringArray() As String
    Dim AcronymToFind As String
    Dim i As Long, r As Long
    Dim lastrow As Long
    Dim SplitArr() As String
    On Error Resume Next
    'This splits the value of the cell into an array using a space as the delimeter.
    'myStringArray() = Split(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(c, "!", " "), ",", " "), ":", " "), ";", " "), ".", " "), " ")
    myStringArray() = Split(c, " ")
    lastrow = Sheets("Acronyms").UsedRange.Rows.count
    For i = LBound(myStringArray) To UBound(myStringArray)
       With c
          For r = 4 To lastrow
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "," Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
        End With
    Next i
    ReDim myStringArray(UBound(myStringArray))
    myStringArray() = Split(c, " ")
    For i = LBound(myStringArray) To UBound(myStringArray)
       With c
          For r = 4 To lastrow
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "?" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
        End With
    Next i
    ReDim myStringArray(UBound(myStringArray))
    myStringArray() = Split(c, " ")
    For i = LBound(myStringArray) To UBound(myStringArray)
       With c
          For r = 4 To lastrow
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "." Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
        End With
    Next i
    ReDim myStringArray(UBound(myStringArray))
    myStringArray() = Split(c, " ")
    For i = LBound(myStringArray) To UBound(myStringArray)
       With c
          For r = 4 To lastrow
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "!" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
        End With
    Next i
    End Sub

  11. #11
    VBAX Mentor
    Jan 2006
    So now i have a rediculously long sub that checks 7 pages of acronyms with punctuation as attached (. , : : ? !) to it or space as a delimeter. Although it works, it is slow. Anyone know or a way to shorten the code? I've been trying but havnt been able to get it right.
    Sub CapitalizeAcronyms2(c As Range)
    Dim myStringArray() As String
    Dim AcronymToFind As String
    Dim i As Long, r As Long
    Dim lastRow1 As Long
    Dim lastRow2 As Long
    Dim lastRow3 As Long
    Dim lastRow4 As Long
    Dim lastRow5 As Long
    Dim lastRow6 As Long
    Dim lastRow7 As Long
    Dim SplitArr() As String
    On Error Resume Next
    myStringArray() = Split(c, " ")
    lastRow1 = Sheets("A1 Acronyms").UsedRange.Rows.count
    lastRow2 = Sheets("A2 Acronyms").Range("B" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
    lastRow3 = Sheets("C1 Acronyms").Range("B" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
    lastRow4 = Sheets("E1 Acronyms").Range("B" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
    lastRow5 = Sheets("E2 Acronyms").Range("B" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
    lastRow6 = Sheets("E3 Acronyms").Range("B" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
    lastRow7 = Sheets("Misc Acronyms").Range("B" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
    For i = LBound(myStringArray) To UBound(myStringArray)
       With c
          For r = 4 To lastRow1
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("A1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "," Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow2
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("A2 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "," Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow3
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("C1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "," Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow4
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "," Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow5
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E2 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "," Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow6
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E3 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "," Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow7
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("Misc Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "," Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
       End With
    Next i
    ReDim myStringArray(UBound(myStringArray))
    myStringArray() = Split(c, " ")
    For i = LBound(myStringArray) To UBound(myStringArray)
       With c
          For r = 4 To lastRow1
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("A1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "." Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow2
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("A2 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "." Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow3
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("C1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "." Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow4
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "." Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow5
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E2 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "." Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow6
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E3 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "." Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow7
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("Misc Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "." Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
       End With
    Next i
    ReDim myStringArray(UBound(myStringArray))
    myStringArray() = Split(c, " ")
    For i = LBound(myStringArray) To UBound(myStringArray)
       With c
          For r = 4 To lastRow1
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("A1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & ":" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow2
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("A2 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & ":" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow3
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("C1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & ":" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow4
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & ":" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow5
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E2 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & ":" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow6
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E3 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & ":" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow7
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("Misc Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & ":" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
       End With
    Next i
    ReDim myStringArray(UBound(myStringArray))
    myStringArray() = Split(c, " ")
    For i = LBound(myStringArray) To UBound(myStringArray)
       With c
          For r = 4 To lastRow1
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("A1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & ";" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow2
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("A2 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & ";" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow3
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("C1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & ";" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow4
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & ";" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow5
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E2 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & ";" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow6
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E3 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & ";" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow7
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("Misc Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & ";" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
       End With
    Next i
    ReDim myStringArray(UBound(myStringArray))
    myStringArray() = Split(c, " ")
    For i = LBound(myStringArray) To UBound(myStringArray)
       With c
          For r = 4 To lastRow1
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("A1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "?" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow2
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("A2 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "?" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow3
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("C1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "?" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow4
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "?" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow5
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E2 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "?" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow6
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E3 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "?" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow7
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("Misc Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "?" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
       End With
    Next i
    ReDim myStringArray(UBound(myStringArray))
    myStringArray() = Split(c, " ")
    For i = LBound(myStringArray) To UBound(myStringArray)
       With c
          For r = 4 To lastRow1
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("A1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "!" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow2
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("A2 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "!" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow3
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("C1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "!" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow4
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E1 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "!" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow5
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E2 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "!" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow6
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("E3 Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "!" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
          For r = 3 To lastRow7
             AcronymToFind = Sheets("Misc Acronyms").Range("B" & r).Value
             If UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind Or UCase(myStringArray(i)) = AcronymToFind & "!" Then
                myStringArray(i) = UCase(myStringArray(i))
                .Value = Join(myStringArray, " ")
             End If
          Next r
       End With
    Next i
    End Sub


  12. #12
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru GTO's Avatar
    Sep 2008
    Could you give us a fresh example workbook? Easier to see what we're up against...


  13. #13
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    However, if there is any punctuation attached to the acronym it will not capitalize it.

    You mean this ...

    The fbi came and said they were fbi.

    ... becomes this

    The FBI came and said they were fbi.

    since the second ends with a period?

    Also is 'c' a single cell or a range of multiple cells?

    Sub CapitalizeAcronyms2(c As Range)


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  14. #14
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Try this

    I took your first sample, and made just 3 acronym worksheets. The rest is left as a homework assignment

    Option Explicit
    Sub drv()
        Worksheets("Summary").Range("A1:A20").Value = "The abmy came and said they were abmy. Or was it abmy?"
        CapitalizeAcronyms3 (Worksheets("Summary").Range("A1:A20"))
        MsgBox Worksheets("Summary").Range("A1").Value
        MsgBox Worksheets("Summary").Range("A20").Value
    End Sub
    Sub CapitalizeAcronyms3(c As Range)
        Const cPunc As String = "(.,:;?!) " '   includes space
        Dim sAcro As String, sText As String, sTemp As String
        Dim a As Variant
        Dim i As Long
        Dim rTemp As Range
        a = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Range(Worksheets("A1_Acronyms").Range("B1"), Worksheets("A1_Acronyms").Range("B1").End(xlDown)))
        sAcro = Join(a, Chr(0)) & Chr(0)
        a = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Range(Worksheets("A2_Acronyms").Range("B1"), Worksheets("A2_Acronyms").Range("B1").End(xlDown)))
        sAcro = sAcro & Join(a, Chr(0)) & Chr(0)
        a = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Range(Worksheets("C1_Acronyms").Range("B1"), Worksheets("C1_Acronyms").Range("B1").End(xlDown)))
        sAcro = sAcro & Join(a, Chr(0)) & Chr(0)
        For Each rTemp In c.Cells
            sText = rTemp.Value
            sTemp = sText
            For i = 1 To Len(cPunc)
                sTemp = Replace(sTemp, Mid(cPunc, i, 1), Chr(0))
            Next i
            a = Split(sTemp, Chr(0))
            For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
                If InStr(sAcro, UCase(a(i)) & Chr(0)) > 0 Then
                    a(i) = UCase(a(i))
                End If
            Next i
            sTemp = Join(a, Chr(0))
            For i = 1 To Len(sText)
                If Mid(sTemp, i, 1) <> Chr(0) Then
                    Mid(sText, i, 1) = Mid(sTemp, i, 1)
                End If
            Next i
            rTemp.Value = sText
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files


    Remember: Tell us WHAT you want to do, not HOW you think you want to do it

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    4. Read the Forum FAQ, especially the part about cross-posting in other forums

  15. #15
    VBAX Mentor
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul_Hossler View Post
    You mean this ...

    The fbi came and said they were fbi.

    ... becomes this

    The FBI came and said they were fbi.

    since the second ends with a period?
    Exactly what I mean.

    Also is 'c' a single cell or a range of multiple cells?

    Sub CapitalizeAcronyms2(c As Range)
    'c' can be a single cell or merged cells.

  16. #16
    VBAX Mentor
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul_Hossler View Post
    Try this

    I took your first sample, and made just 3 acronym worksheets. The rest is left as a homework assignment

    Option Explicit
    Sub drv()
        Worksheets("Summary").Range("A1:A20").Value = "The abmy came and said they were abmy. Or was it abmy?"
        CapitalizeAcronyms3 (Worksheets("Summary").Range("A1:A20"))
        MsgBox Worksheets("Summary").Range("A1").Value
        MsgBox Worksheets("Summary").Range("A20").Value
    End Sub
    Sub CapitalizeAcronyms3(c As Range)
        Const cPunc As String = "(.,:;?!) " '   includes space
        Dim sAcro As String, sText As String, sTemp As String
        Dim a As Variant
        Dim i As Long
        Dim rTemp As Range
        a = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Range(Worksheets("A1_Acronyms").Range("B1"), Worksheets("A1_Acronyms").Range("B1").End(xlDown)))
        sAcro = Join(a, Chr(0)) & Chr(0)
        a = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Range(Worksheets("A2_Acronyms").Range("B1"), Worksheets("A2_Acronyms").Range("B1").End(xlDown)))
        sAcro = sAcro & Join(a, Chr(0)) & Chr(0)
        a = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Range(Worksheets("C1_Acronyms").Range("B1"), Worksheets("C1_Acronyms").Range("B1").End(xlDown)))
        sAcro = sAcro & Join(a, Chr(0)) & Chr(0)
        For Each rTemp In c.Cells
            sText = rTemp.Value
            sTemp = sText
            For i = 1 To Len(cPunc)
                sTemp = Replace(sTemp, Mid(cPunc, i, 1), Chr(0))
            Next i
            a = Split(sTemp, Chr(0))
            For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
                If InStr(sAcro, UCase(a(i)) & Chr(0)) > 0 Then
                    a(i) = UCase(a(i))
                End If
            Next i
            sTemp = Join(a, Chr(0))
            For i = 1 To Len(sText)
                If Mid(sTemp, i, 1) <> Chr(0) Then
                    Mid(sText, i, 1) = Mid(sTemp, i, 1)
                End If
            Next i
            rTemp.Value = sText
    End Sub
    Paul, this is perfect. Does exactly what I needed. I was thrown a bit when using it in my file, my acronym sheets had blank rows in them (broken up in groups) and it failed. Removed the blank rows and works awesome.

    Thank you.

  17. #17
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Didn't understand the need for the 7 worksheets.

    You could put all onto a single sheet


    Remember: Tell us WHAT you want to do, not HOW you think you want to do it

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    4. Read the Forum FAQ, especially the part about cross-posting in other forums

  18. #18
    VBAX Mentor
    Jan 2006
    Because there are so many acronyms, its easier to organize them and prevent duplicates by putting on multiple sheets. I haven't created a routine to check the acronyms and add them to the sheets. I may tackle that at another time.

    Thanks again for your help.

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