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Thread: Solved: 2 errors to rectify

  1. #1

    Solved: 2 errors to rectify


    At first the hyperlink was working just fine. Only after I change the spreadsheet name, an error occur. By right, when I retrieve data from the database and if there is an error, it will appear on the error spreadsheet. On the error spreadsheet, there will be a hyperlink on the sentence that leads to the error. However when I change the spreadsheet name, the link doesnt work. When clicked on it, and error occurs stating "Reference is not valid." Below is the codings.

    [VBA] Public Sub AddErrorEntry(wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, _
    row As Integer, col As Integer, _
    description As String)
    Dim err_row As Integer
    Dim cellname As String

    ' Find the first empty row
    err_row = GetErrorStartRow(wb)

    With wb.Worksheets("Errors")
    .Cells(err_row, 1).Value =
    .Cells(err_row, 2).Value = row
    .Cells(err_row, 3).Value = description
    End With

    ' Add a name to the cell
    cellname = "Error_" & Format(row, "00000") & Format(col, "00")
    ws.Names.Add cellname, ws.Cells(row, col)

    ' Create hyperlink to cell
    ws.Hyperlinks.Add _
    wb.Worksheets("Errors").Range("A" & err_row & ":C" & err_row), _
    Empty, & "!" & cellname
    End Sub[/VBA]


    Data retrived from the database will be sorted out into 2 different spreadsheet "Bd_eQ" and "Bd&Eq_Cance&Re-inp" but placed in the same workbook. In both spreadsheet all the columns are the same. However the data retrived in "Bd&Eq_Cance&Re-inp" is not placed in the correct column as in "Bd_eQ". But both of the codings are the same. Please help me look out for the errors.

    [VBA] ' ================================================================
    ' Extract records from a specified Socrates trade file.
    ' Params:
    ' trd_file File object which refers to a trade file to
    ' perform extraction
    ' wb Workbook to store extracted records
    ' drow1 (Input) Specify the starting row in the
    ' Bd&Eq worksheet
    ' (Output) The next starting row in the
    ' Bd&Eq worksheet
    ' drow2 (Input) Specify the starting row in the
    ' Bd&Eq_Canc&Re-inp worksheet
    ' (Output) The next starting row in the
    ' Bd&Eq_Canc&Re-inp worksheet
    ' connGems Connection to the GEMS database
    ' num_rows (Output) Number of rows extracted
    ' Return value:
    ' True if successful, False if errors encountered.
    ' ================================================================
    Private Function ExtractFromFile(trd_file As File, _
    wb As Workbook, _
    ByRef drow1 As Integer, _
    ByRef drow2 As Integer, _
    connGems As ADODB.Connection, _
    ByRef num_rows As Integer) _
    As Boolean
    Dim fname As String
    Dim wb_tmp As Workbook
    Dim str As String
    Dim drow As Integer
    Dim srow As Integer
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim dic As Dictionary
    Dim broker As String
    Dim blockid As String
    Dim currAbbr As String
    Dim digits As Integer
    Dim mv As Double
    Dim main_wb As Workbook
    Dim calcType As String
    Dim errors As Boolean

    On Error GoTo Err_Handler

    ' Make sure file is not 0-byte file
    If trd_file.Size = 0 Then Exit Function

    ' Convert file
    fname = ConvertTradeFile(trd_file)

    ' Open converted file in workbook
    Set main_wb = ActiveWorkbook
    Workbooks.Open Filename:=fname, Format:=6, delimiter:=Chr(255)
    Set wb_tmp = ActiveWorkbook

    srow = 1 ' Source: start from 1st row

    ' Create dictionary for holding row numbers
    ' used for mapping CPARTY code
    Set dic = New Dictionary

    ' Do mappings
    With wb_tmp.ActiveSheet
    Do While Len(.Cells(srow, SOCR_TRANSACTION_CODE)) = 1

    ' Extract only if row is Omnibus level
    ' Exclude: - IPT trades (Exec_Broker_ID = 90857)
    ' - IMS_Flag = "Y"
    If Trim(.Cells(srow, SOCR_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID)) Like "?999" And _
    Trim(.Cells(srow, SOCR_EXECUTION_BROKER_ID)) <> "90857" And _
    Trim(.Cells(srow, SOCR_IMS_FLAG)) <> "Y" Then

    ' Check STRSTATUSFLAG to see which worksheet to use
    If Trim(.Cells(srow, SOCR_CANCEL_FLAG)) = "NEW" Then
    ' Write to 'Bd&Eq' worksheet
    Set ws = wb.Worksheets(1)
    drow = drow1

    ' Increment row counter for 'Bd&Eq' worksheet
    drow1 = drow1 + 1
    ' Write to 'Bd&Eq_Canc&Re-inp' worksheet
    Set ws = wb.Worksheets(2)
    drow = drow2

    ' Increment row counter for 'Bd&Eq_Canc&Re-inp' worksheet
    drow2 = drow2 + 1
    End If

    ' Default sys code in EthSys for Socrates is 3
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_EXT_SYS_CODE).Value = 3

    ' Abbreviation in EthSys for Socrates
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_EXT_SYS_ABBR).Value = "Socrates"

    ' EthSys derived field, not available from Front Office system
    ' New_FO_Identifier provided instead
    'ws.Cells(drow, COL_TXN_ID).Value = .Cells(srow, SOCR_NEW_FO_IDENTIFIER).Value
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_TXN_ID).Value = Empty

    str = Trim(.Cells(srow, SOCR_CANCEL_FLAG).Value)
    If str = "NEW" Or str = "REIN" Then
    ' Map NEW or REIN to 1 and PEND
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_STATUS_TXN).Value = 1
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_STATUS_NAME).Value = "PEND"

    ' Map Cancel_PA_System_ID from NEXT row (Allocation level)
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_REVERSED_TXN).Value = .Cells(srow + 1, SOCR_CANCEL_PA_SYSTEM_ID).Value
    ' Map REV to 6 and CANCEL
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_STATUS_TXN).Value = 6
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_STATUS_NAME).Value = "CANCEL"

    ' Map Cancel_PA_System_ID from NEXT row (Allocation level)
    'ws.Cells(drow, COL_REINPUT_TXN).Value = .Cells(srow + 1, SOCR_CANCEL_PA_SYSTEM_ID).Value
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_REINPUT_TXN).Value = Empty
    End If

    ' Lookup TBLGS_CLIENT for account_group given Account_Client_ID
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_ACCNT_GROUP).Value = _
    GetAccountGroup(connGems, .Cells(srow, SOCR_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID))

    ' Misc fields
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_TRADE_DATE).Value = ParseSocratesDate( _
    .Cells(srow, SOCR_TRADE_DATE))
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_VALUE_DATE).Value = ParseSocratesDate( _
    .Cells(srow, SOCR_SETTLEMENT_DATE))
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_CLIENT_CODE).Value = .Cells(srow, SOCR_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID)
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_SECURITY_ID).Value = .Cells(srow, SOCR_SECURITY_CLIENT_ID)

    ' Currency related fields
    If GetCurrencyAbbrAndRounding(connGems, .Cells(srow, SOCR_SETTLE_CURRENCY), _
    currAbbr, digits) Then
    ' Function succeeded
    'ws.Cells(drow, COL_TRADE_CURR).Value = currAbbr
    'ws.Cells(drow, COL_SETTLED_CURR).Value = currAbbr
    ' Currency code not found
    'ws.Cells(drow, COL_TRADE_CURR).Value = "ERR"
    'ws.Cells(drow, COL_SETTLED_CURR).Value = "ERR"
    AddErrorEntry wb, ws, drow, COL_TRADE_CURR, "Invalid currency code: " & _
    .Cells(srow, SOCR_SETTLE_CURRENCY)
    AddErrorEntry wb, ws, drow, COL_SETTLED_CURR, "Invalid currency code: " & _
    .Cells(srow, SOCR_SETTLE_CURRENCY)
    errors = True
    End If
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_TRADE_CURR).Value = .Cells(srow, SOCR_SETTLE_CURRENCY_CODE)
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_SETTLED_CURR).Value = .Cells(srow, SOCR_SETTLE_CURRENCY_CODE)

    str = Trim(.Cells(srow, SOCR_TRANSACTION_CODE))
    If str = "B" Then
    ' Map B to 1 and BUY
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_TYPE_TXN).Value = 1
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_TYPE_TXN_DESC).Value = "BUY"
    ' Map S to 2 and SELL
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_TYPE_TXN).Value = 2
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_TYPE_TXN_DESC).Value = "SELL"
    End If

    ' Special processing for Execution broker id 90858
    broker = Trim(.Cells(srow, SOCR_EXECUTION_BROKER_ID))
    If broker = "90858" Then
    ' Check if entry with Block_User_Field for current block exists
    ' Note: Block_User_Field is on the allocation level, i.e. next row
    blockid = .Cells(srow + 1, SOCR_BLOCK_USER_FIELD)
    If Not dic.Exists(blockid) Then
    ' Map and store the code into the current row
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_CPARTY_CODE).Value = _
    GetCounterPartyCode(Left(Trim(.Cells(srow, SOCR_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID)), 1))

    ' Add entry to dictionary
    dic.Add blockid, drow
    ' A matching row with the same block id has been found earlier
    ' Store the counter party code of that row into the current row
    ' Note: The matching row number is stored as the item data for
    ' the key (blockid) in the dictionary
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_CPARTY_CODE).Value = _
    ws.Cells(CInt(dic.Item(blockid)), COL_CPARTY_CODE)

    ' Map and store the code in the current row into the matching row
    ws.Cells(CInt(dic.Item(blockid)), COL_CPARTY_CODE).Value = _
    GetCounterPartyCode(Left(Trim(.Cells(srow, SOCR_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID)), 1))

    ' Remove entry from dictionary
    dic.Remove blockid
    End If
    ' Just store the value if Execution broker id is not 90858
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_CPARTY_CODE).Value = _
    End If

    ' MV
    mv = MapMarketValueGains(connGems, _
    .Cells(srow, SOCR_SECURITY_CLIENT_ID).Value, _
    .Cells(srow, SOCR_TOTAL_AVG_PRICE).Value, _
    .Cells(srow, SOCR_QUANTITY).Value, _
    digits, calcType)
    If Err.Number = ERR_INVALID_CALC_TYPE Then
    ' Error
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_MV).Value = "ERR"
    AddErrorEntry wb, ws, drow, COL_MV, "Invalid CalcType: " & calcType
    errors = True

    ElseIf Err.Number = 0 Then
    ' No errors
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_MV).Value = mv
    End If

    ' More fields
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_TXN_PRICE).Value = .Cells(srow, SOCR_TOTAL_AVG_PRICE)
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_TXN_QTY).Value = .Cells(srow, SOCR_QUANTITY)
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_COMMISSION).Value = .Cells(srow, SOCR_COMMISSION)

    ' AI

    ' Even more fields
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_USER_ID_CREATED).Value = .Cells(srow, SOCR_EQUITY_PLACEMENT_CREATED_BY)
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_CREATED_DATETIME).Value = ParseTimestamp( _
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_DESC_LINE).Value = .Cells(srow, SOCR_ALLOCATIONS_USER_FIELD56)
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_TXN_ID_EXT_SYS).Value = .Cells(srow, SOCR_NEW_FO_IDENTIFIER)
    ws.Cells(drow, COL_DEALER).Value = .Cells(srow, SOCR_USER_INFORMATION_CLIENT_ID)
    End If

    ' Move to next row
    ' NO NEED to increment destination row counter since it
    ' has been incremented at the start
    srow = srow + 1

    ' Increment row counter
    num_rows = num_rows + 1
    End With

    ' Close workbook

    ' Delete temorary file
    Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
    fso.DeleteFile fname, True

    ' Return True on success
    ExtractFromFile = Not errors
    Exit Function

    HandleError "modSocrates.ExtractFromFile()"
    errors = True

    GoTo Exit_Function
    End Function[/VBA]

    Many thanks in Advance.My brain is totally fried after thinking about this error for a couple of days. And tomorrow my supervisor wants to see me regarding this progress. I am in deep ****.

    Best Regards,
    Farina =P

  2. #2
    2nd VP-Knowledge Base
    VBAX Master malik641's Avatar
    Jul 2005
    Florida baby!
    Welcome to the site Farina

    Just so you know, I placed your code in VB Tags

    New to the forum? Check out our Introductions section to get to know some of the members here. Feel free to tell us a little about yourself as well.

  3. #3
    oraite. thanks =)

  4. #4

    Error 1:
    Can you give an example of the work flow, what you did, what you changed the spreadsheet name to etc. On the sample I tried, it worked when I had the original workbook name, and it also worked when I saved it as another name.


  5. #5
    The old one was;
    Public Function PrepareNewWorkbook() As Workbook
    ' Create new workbook
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Set wb = Workbooks.Add

    ' Rename worksheets in new workbook
    wb.Worksheets(1).name = "BOND_EQ"
    wb.Worksheets(2).name = "BOND_EQ_REINREV"
    wb.Worksheets(3).name = "Errors"

    ' Return new workbook
    Set PrepareNewWorkbook = wb
    End Function

    Here is the codings to the new renamed spreadsheet;
    Public Function PrepareNewWorkbook() As Workbook
    ' Create new workbook
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Set wb = Workbooks.Add

    ' Rename worksheets in new workbook
    wb.Worksheets(1).name = "Bd&Eq"
    wb.Worksheets(2).name = "Bd&Eq Canc&Re-inp"
    wb.Worksheets(3).name = "Errors"

    ' Return new workbook
    Set PrepareNewWorkbook = wb
    End Function

    At first I though it wont cause any problems if i just change the spreadsheet name, but it does. Somehow i just cant find the reference of the cell to the link in the coding. I added the screenshot. Hopefully it will be much more clearer to you.

  6. #6

    1) When you create a new workbook, what is the default number of sheets? If you rely on having 3 sheets as the default, then you may run into problems if the user has a new workbook set up to generate only 1 sheet.

    2) How are you invoking the function??? What code are you using?


  7. #7
    Im using all three worksheet in the workbook. The codings are above in the first entry.

  8. #8

    I called both the above function using
    Sub ccc()
    Set fred = PrepareNewWorkbook()
    End Sub

    and they both created the new workbooks with the correctly named sheets. Any new workbook has 3 sheets as the default.

    Can you give a more complete example of the workflow...


  9. #9
    guys, thanks for all the help, i manage to get it right. now i have another problem.

    how to get the first character of one string and the last character of another string? is it by using string.substring(int, int)?

  10. #10

    1) How did you resolve the other problem
    2) Use the LEFT and RIGHT functions. You don't say where the string resides but say you have the string "fred" in A1 and "lunch" in B1
    =left(a1,1) will give f and
    =right(b1,1) will give h


  11. #11
    guys i need you help. i need to exclude data during the retrival plus i am not so sure where to place the sentence. therefore i place excludeIPT method before the rest of the retriving codes.

    ' ================================================================
    ' Extract records from Apollo database.
    ' Params:
    ' dtFrom Extract files starting from this date
    ' dtTo Extract files up to this date
    ' ================================================================
    Public Sub DoExtractApollo(dtFrom As Date, dtTo As Date)
    Dim conn As adodb.Connection
    Dim connGems As adodb.Connection
    Dim rs As New adodb.Recordset
    Dim squery As String
    Dim row As Integer
    Dim row1 As Integer
    Dim row2 As Integer
    Dim str As String
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim nominalAmt As Double
    Dim mv As Double
    Dim currAbbr As String
    Dim digits As Integer
    Dim calcType As String
    Dim errors As Boolean
    Dim num_rows As Integer
    Dim brokerid As String
    Dim cparty As String
    Dim cpartyalpha As String

    On Error GoTo Error_Handler

    ' Set hourglass cursor
    Application.Cursor = xlWait

    ' Add entry to log
    AddLogEntry "** Extraction from Apollo database started. " & vbCrLf & _
    " Date range: " & dtFrom & " to " & dtTo

    ' Establish database connection
    Set conn = GetApolloConnection
    Set connGems = GetGemsConnection
    If conn Is Nothing Or connGems Is Nothing Then
    ' Error occured
    MsgBox "Unable to establish database connection.", vbExclamation
    AddLogEntry "** Extraction from Apollo database aborted." & vbCrLf & _
    " Error: Unable to establish database connection. "
    Application.Cursor = xlDefault
    Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Build query string
    "FROM Apollo_trades WHERE DTEINPUT >= " & _
    "CONVERT(datetime, '" & Format(dtFrom, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & "', 20) " & _
    " AND DTEINPUT <= " & _
    "CONVERT(datetime, '" & Format(dtTo, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & "', 20) "
    'sQuery = sQuery & " AND STRDEALTYPE IS NULL "

    ' Extract only if row is Omnibus level AND
    ' if it represents an SE trade.
    squery = squery & " AND DBLSUB_ID = 0 AND DBLBLOCK_ID = 0 "

    ' Exclude fields with STRSTATUSFLAG_IMS = 'Y'

    ' Execute query
    Set rs.ActiveConnection = conn
    rs.Open squery

    If rs.EOF Then
    ' No records found
    MsgBox "No records found.", vbExclamation
    GoTo Exit_Sub
    End If

    ' Create and prepare new workbook with necessary worksheets
    Set wb = PrepareNewWorkbook

    ' Write header row
    WriteApolloHeader wb.Worksheets(1), dtFrom, dtTo
    WriteApolloHeader wb.Worksheets(2), dtFrom, dtTo
    wb.Worksheets(1).Names.Add name:="BondEqHeaderRng", _
    RefersTo:="=Bd&Eq!$A$5:$AC$5", Visible:=True
    wb.Worksheets(2).Names.Add name:="BondEqHeaderRng", _
    RefersTo:="=Bd&Eq Canc&Re-inp!$A$5:$AC$5", Visible:=True

    ' Loop through record set
    row1 = 6
    row2 = 6

    Do While Not rs.EOF
    If ExcludeIPT(connGems, cparty, cpartyalpha, rs!STREXECUTION_BROKER) Then

    ' Check STRSTATUSFLAG to see which worksheet to use
    If rs!STRSTATUSFLAG = "NEW" Then
    ' Write to 'Bd&Eq' worksheet
    Set ws = wb.Worksheets(1)
    row = row1

    ' Increment row counter for 'Bd&Eq' worksheet
    row1 = row1 + 1
    ' Write to 'Bd&Eq_REINREV' worksheet
    Set ws = wb.Worksheets(2)
    row = row2

    ' Increment row counter for 'Bd&Eq Canc&Re-inp' worksheet
    row2 = row2 + 1
    End If

    ' Default sys code in EthSys for Apollo is 8
    ws.Cells(row, COL_EXT_SYS_CODE).Value = 8

    ' Abbreviation in EthSys for Apollo
    ws.Cells(row, COL_EXT_SYS_ABBR).Value = "Apollo"

    ' EthSys derived field, not available from Front Office system
    ' STRFRONT_OFFICE_ID can be provided instead but
    ' leave blank for the time being.
    ws.Cells(row, COL_TXN_ID).Value = Empty

    str = rs!STRSTATUSFLAG
    If str = "NEW" Or str = "REIN" Then
    ' Map NEW or REIN to 1 and PEND
    ws.Cells(row, COL_STATUS_TXN).Value = 1
    ws.Cells(row, COL_STATUS_NAME).Value = "PEND"

    ' Do not map STRREVERSE_ID as Apollo
    ' does not support reinput for SE trade
    ' Map REV to 6 and CANCEL
    ws.Cells(row, COL_STATUS_TXN).Value = 6
    ws.Cells(row, COL_STATUS_NAME).Value = "CANCEL"

    ws.Cells(row, COL_REVERSED_TXN).Value = rs!STRREVERSE_ID
    End If

    ' Lookup TBLGS_CLIENT for account_group given Account_Client_ID
    ws.Cells(row, COL_ACCNT_GROUP).Value = GetAccountGroup(connGems, rs!STRPORTFOLIO)

    ' Misc fields
    ws.Cells(row, COL_TRADE_DATE).Value = CDate(rs!DTETRADE)
    ws.Cells(row, COL_VALUE_DATE).Value = CDate(rs!DTESETTLEMENT)
    ws.Cells(row, COL_CLIENT_CODE).Value = rs!STRPORTFOLIO
    ws.Cells(row, COL_SECURITY_ID).Value = rs!DBLSEC_GEMS_ID

    ' Currency related fields
    If GetCurrencyAbbrAndRounding(connGems, rs!STRSETTLE_CURRENCY, _
    currAbbr, digits) Then
    ' Function succeeded
    ws.Cells(row, COL_TRADE_CURR).Value = currAbbr
    ws.Cells(row, COL_SETTLED_CURR).Value = currAbbr
    ' Currency code not found
    ws.Cells(row, COL_TRADE_CURR).Value = "ERR"
    ws.Cells(row, COL_SETTLED_CURR).Value = "ERR"
    AddErrorEntry wb, ws, row, COL_TRADE_CURR, "Invalid currency code: " & _
    AddErrorEntry wb, ws, row, COL_SETTLED_CURR, "Invalid currency code: " & _
    errors = True
    End If

    If str = "B" Then
    ' Map B to 1 and BUY
    ws.Cells(row, COL_TYPE_TXN).Value = 1
    ws.Cells(row, COL_TYPE_TXN_DESC).Value = "BUY"
    ' Map S to 2 and SELL
    ws.Cells(row, COL_TYPE_TXN).Value = 2
    ws.Cells(row, COL_TYPE_TXN_DESC).Value = "SELL"
    End If

    ' MV
    mv = MapMarketValueGems(connGems, rs!DBLSEC_GEMS_ID, _
    rs!DBLPRICE, rs!DBLQUANTITY, digits, calcType)
    If Err.Number = ERR_INVALID_CALC_TYPE Then
    ' Error
    ws.Cells(row, COL_MV).Value = "Error - CalcType = " & calcType
    AddErrorEntry wb, ws, row, COL_MV, "Invalid CalcType: " & calcType
    errors = True

    ElseIf Err.Number = 0 Then
    ' No errors
    ws.Cells(row, COL_MV).Value = mv
    End If

    ' More fields
    ws.Cells(row, COL_TXN_PRICE).Value = rs!DBLPRICE
    ws.Cells(row, COL_TXN_QTY).Value = rs!DBLQUANTITY

    ' Ethsys keeps +ve figure for commission but
    ' RIMS requires -ve sign for commission
    ws.Cells(row, COL_COMMISSION).Value = CDbl(-1 * rs!DBLCOMMISSION)

    ' AI: For future use

    ' Even more fields
    ws.Cells(row, COL_CREATED_DATETIME).Value = CDate(rs!DTEINPUT)
    ws.Cells(row, COL_DESC_LINE).Value = rs!STRREMARKS
    ws.Cells(row, COL_TXN_ID_EXT_SYS).Value = rs!STRFRONT_OFFICE_ID
    ws.Cells(row, COL_DEALER).Value = rs!STRTRADER

    ' Move to next row
    ' NO NEED to increment row counter since it
    ' has been incremented at the start

    num_rows = num_rows + 1
    End If

    ' AutoFit columns on worksheets
    AutoFitColumns wb.Worksheets(1)
    AutoFitColumns wb.Worksheets(2)
    AutoFitColumns wb.Worksheets(3)

    ' Close recordset

    ' Restore cursor
    Application.Cursor = xlDefault

    ' Add entry to log
    If Not errors Then
    If num_rows > 0 Then
    AddLogEntry "** Extraction from Apollo database ended successfully." & vbCrLf & _
    " Extracted data from " & num_rows & " row(s)."
    MsgBox "Extracted data from " & num_rows & " row(s).", vbInformation
    AddLogEntry "** Extraction from Apollo database ended. " & vbCrLf & _
    " No rows found matching criteria."
    MsgBox "No rows found matching criteria.", vbExclamation
    End If
    AddLogEntry "** Extraction from Apollo database ended with errors." & vbCrLf & _
    " Extracted data from " & num_rows & " row(s)."
    End If

    Exit Sub

    HandleError "modApollo.DoExtractApollo()"
    errors = True
    GoTo Exit_Sub
    End Sub
    the strexecution_broker must be the same as the GS_CPARTY code in order for it to retrive the GS_PARTY_ALPHA.

    strexecution_broker and gs_CPARTY_code is the brokerid.
    GS_CPARTY_ALPHa is the name of the broker. then using the gs_party_alpha it is compared to "%GIC". the first and the last character is compared with each other. when both character is not the same then only the information will be retrieved.

    however strexecution_broker is from one db and gs_cparty_code and gs_cparty_alpha is from another db. below are the codes;

    [VBA] Option Explicit

    Public Function GetCpartyAndCpartyAlpha(connGems As adodb.Connection, _
    cparty As String, cpartyalpha As String) _
    As Boolean
    Dim squery As String
    Dim rs As New adodb.Recordset

    'Build Query String

    'Execute Query
    rs.ActiveConnection = connGems
    rs.Open squery

    If rs.EOF Then
    cparty = Empty
    cpartyalpha = Empty
    cparty = rs!GS_CPARTY
    cpartyalpha = rs!GS_CPARTY_ALPHA
    End If

    GetCpartyAndCpartyAlpha = True

    ' Close recordset
    End Function
    Public Function ExcludeIPT(connGems As adodb.Connection, cparty As String, _
    cpartyalpha As String, executionbroker As String) _
    As String
    Dim i As Integer

    If GetCpartyAndCpartyAlpha(connGems, cparty, cpartyalpha) Then
    If executionbroker = cparty Then
    If cparty.substring(i - 1, 1) <> executionbroker.substring(0, 1) Then
    ExcludeIPT = executionbroker
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End Function

    under if cparty.substring(i-1, 1) is where i got the invalid qualifier error. help please!!
    Last edited by johnske; 10-07-2005 at 12:45 AM. Reason: edited to include VBA tags

  12. #12

    As i is not initiated, it will default to 0. 0-1 becomes -1 so is invalid.


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