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Thread: combining several VBA subs

  1. #1

    combining several VBA subs

    Hi all

    im building a sheet where i have several working VBA subs each one work on a different colums


    Sub calc_diff()
    Dim i As Integer
    i = 1
    Do While Cells(i, 37).Value <> ""
    Cells(21 + i, 43).Value = Abs((Cells(19 + i, 41) - Cells(19 + i, 42)))
    i = i + 1
    End Sub
    Sub calc_obs()
    Dim i As Integer
    i = 1
    Do While Cells(i, 37).Value <> ""
    Cells(21 + i, 44).Value = Abs((Cells(21 + i, 43) - Cells(21 + i, 30)))
    i = i + 1
    End Sub

    I have about ten codes to add together in one loop , how to do this ?

    the routine i need to build is like for row 21 : calculate column a , calculate column b , then jump to row 22 calculate column a , calculate column b

    im unable to find the right code..

    help appreciated
    Last edited by Aussiebear; 04-21-2016 at 06:54 PM. Reason: Tidied up code presentation

  2. #2
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    The easy way based on the two examples would be something like this

    Sub calc_all() 
        Dim i As Integer 
        i = 1 
        Do While Cells(i, 37).Value <> "" 
            Cells(21 + i, 43).Value = Abs((Cells(19 + i, 41) - Cells(19 + i, 42))) 
            Cells(21 + i, 44).Value = Abs((Cells(21 + i, 43) - Cells(21 + i, 30))) 
            i = i + 1 
    End Sub


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  3. #3
    HI Paul

    looks good.. how do i nest if then code in there also ?

    example how to add this code:

    Sub gdh()' =IF(AI22<0;-(10^(ABS(AI22)/3)-1);10^(ABS(AI22)/3)-1)
    Dim i As Integer
    i = 1
    If Cells(21 + i, 35) < 0 Then
    Do While Cells(i, 35).Value <> ""
    Cells(21 + i, 39).Value = -(10 ^ (Abs(Cells(21 + i, 35) / 3 - 1)))
    i = i + 1
    Do While Cells(i, 35).Value <> ""
    Cells(21 + i, 39).Value = (10 ^ (Abs(Cells(21 + i, 35) / 3 - 1)))
    i = i + 1
    End If
    End Sub
    Last edited by Aussiebear; 04-21-2016 at 06:55 PM. Reason: Tidied up code presentatioion

  4. #4
    i came up with this code but get error, loop without do

    Sub calc_all()     
    Dim i As Integer
    i = 1
    Do While Cells(i + 21, 31).Value <> ""
    If Cells(21 + i, 37) < 0 Then
    Cells(21 + i, 41).Value = -(10 ^ (Abs(Cells(21 + i, 37) / 3 - 1)))
    Cells(21 + i, 41).Value = (10 ^ (Abs(Cells(21 + i, 37) / 3 - 1)))
    End If
    If Cells(21 + i, 39) < 0 Then
    Cells(21 + i, 42).Value = -(10 ^ (Abs(Cells(21 + i, 39) / 3 - 1)))
    Cells(21 + i, 42).Value = (10 ^ (Abs(Cells(21 + i, 39) / 3 - 1)))
    End If
    Cells(21 + i, 43).Value = Abs((Cells(19 + i, 41) - Cells(19 + i, 42)))
    Cells(21 + i, 44).Value = Abs((Cells(21 + i, 43) - Cells(21 + i, 30)))
    Cells(21 + i, 45).Value = 3 * Application.WorksheetFunction.Log10(1 + (Cells(21 + i, 44)))
    If Cells(21 + i, 42) < Cells(21 + i, 30) Then
    Cells(21 + i, 46).Value = (Cells(21 + i, 42)) + (Cells(21 + i, 44) * 0.1)
    Cells(21 + i, 46).Value = (Cells(21 + i, 42)) - (Cells(21 + i, 44) * 0.1)
    i = i + 1
    End Sub
    Last edited by Aussiebear; 04-21-2016 at 06:57 PM. Reason: Tidied up code presentation

  5. #5
    --solved --- thanks paul

    forgot the end if in above code

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