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Thread: Overflow error on VBA Module

  1. #1

    Overflow error on VBA Module

    I have two VBA-Modules that are almost the same.
    The first looks like this:

    Sub Versuch()
        Dim Z As Double
        Dim counter As Integer
        Dim a As Double
        Dim b As Double
        Dim f As Integer
        Dim e As Integer
        Dim WS_Count As Integer
            Dim I As Integer
        WS_Count = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
        For I = 1 To WS_Count
            counter = 10
            Z = 1
            a = Cells(8, 6).Value
            b = Cells(9, 6).Value
            f = Cells(3, 6).Value
            e = Cells(4, 6).Value
            Do Until Z > e
               Cells(counter, 3).Value = Z
               counter = counter + 1
               If Z < f Then
                Z = Z + a
               End If
               If Z >= f Then
                Z = Z + b
               End If
        Next I
    End Sub
    The second one is slightly changed and gives me an overflow error because of the line: counter = counter +1

    Sub twosignificantlayers()
        Dim Z As Double
        Dim counter As Integer
        Dim a As Double
        Dim b As Double
        Dim f As Integer
        Dim e As Integer
        Dim WS_Count As Integer
            Dim I As Integer
        Dim secondlayer As Integer
        Dim secondlayerstep As Integer
        Dim secondtobottom As Integer
        WS_Count = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
        For I = 1 To WS_Count
            counter = 10
            Z = 1
            a = Cells(8, 6).Value
            b = Cells(9, 6).Value
            f = Cells(3, 6).Value
            e = Cells(4, 6).Value
            secondlayer = Cells(5, 6).Value
            secondlayerstep = Cells(11, 6).Value
            secondtobottom = Cells(15, 6).Value
            Do Until Z > e
               Cells(counter, 3).Value = Z
               counter = counter + 1
               If Z < f Then
                Z = Z + a
               End If
               If Z >= f And Z < secondlayer Then
                Z = Z + secondlayerstep
               End If
               If Z >= secondlayer Then
               Z = Z + secondtobottom
               End If
        Next I
    End Sub
    Can anyone tell me why I get this error? It seems like the programme is not jumping to the next worksheet to continue the calculation


  2. #2
    VBAX Master Aflatoon's Avatar
    Sep 2009
    It appears you have exceeded the maximum value for an integer (32767). Declare your variables as Long instead.
    Be as you wish to seem

  3. #3
    Sub Versuch()    
      For each sh in sheets
         for j=1 to ubound(sn)
           z=z+ sp(8-(z<sp(3,1)),1)
           if z>sp(4,1) then exit for
         if j<ubound(sn)+1 then sh.cells(j,3)=z
    End Sub

  4. #4
    What does ubound(sn) in your code mean? and where do you think I should imply this into my code

  5. #5
    It should replace your entire code.

  6. #6
    Hm that did not really help. I get the error message
    "Compile error: Expected array" when using your code.

    The point is that I have some raw data and want to recalculate the rawdata in that way:
    Let's say I have some rawdata for x and y values that look like this:
    1 0.549
    2 0.741
    3 0.741
    4 0.741
    5 1.106
    6 12.597
    7 52.680
    8 118.524
    9 196.830
    10 286.526
    11 372.597
    12 428.750
    13 458.827
    14 482.285
    15 482.285
    16 482.285
    Now i want to recalculate the first column. and have not steps in size of 1 from one to the next value, but the steps are only 0.4 for the values from 1 to 5, then 1.2 from 5 to 8 and 0.8 from 8 to 16
    These steps shall be shown in column 3. that the final result looks like this:

    1 0.549 1
    2 0.741 1.4
    3 0.741 1.8
    4 0.741 2.2
    5 1.106 2.6
    6 12.597 3.8
    7 52.680 5
    8 118.524 6.2
    9 196.830 7
    10 286.526 7.8
    11 372.597 8.6
    12 428.750 9.4
    13 458.827 10.2
    14 482.285 11
    15 482.285 11.8
    16 482.285 12.6

    The values for the increasement (here 0.4, 1.2 and 0.8) are given in the excelsheet in the fields F8, F11 and F15 respectively.
    The thresholdvalues for the increasementchange (here 5, 8 and 16) are in the excelsheet in the fields F3, F5 and F4 respectively.
    The start value is always 1.
    This process should end as soon it reaches the maximal value (here 16, means field F4)

  7. #7
    It means that your data do not match what your code suggested.
    Please post a file.

  8. #8
    VBAX Expert
    Oct 2012
    Sub test()
        Dim v As Double
        v = 0.6
        addval 1, 5, 0.4, v
        addval 6, 8, 1.2, v
        addval 9, 16, 0.8, v
    End Sub
    Private Sub addval(istart As Integer, iend As Integer, incr As Double, ival)
        For i = istart To iend
            ival = ival + incr
            Cells(i, 3) = ival
    End Sub

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by snb View Post
    It means that your data do not match what your code suggested.
    Please post a file.
    Evaluation sheet04_02_macro1-25.xlsm

  10. #10

    Why do you putv=0.6? What is the effect of "v"?

  11. #11
    Sub test()
        Dim v As Double
        Dim a As Integer
        Dim b As Integer
        Dim secondlayer As Integer
        Dim secondlayerstep As Integer
        Dim secondtobottom As Integer
        Dim f As Integer
        Dim e As Integer
        a = Cells(8, 6).Value
        b = Cells(9, 6).Value
        f = Cells(3, 6).Value
        e = Cells(4, 6).Value
        secondlayer = Cells(5, 6).Value
        secondlayerstep = Cells(11, 6).Value
        secondtobottom = Cells(15, 6).Value
        v = 0.6
        addval 1, f, a, v
        addval 6, secondlayer, secondlayerstep, v
        addval 9, e, secondtobottom, v
    End Sub
    Private Sub addval(istart As Integer, iend As Integer, incr As Double, ival)
        Dim I As Integer
        For I = istart To iend
            ival = ival + incr
            Cells(I, 3) = ival
    End Sub
    I tried it with this code, but then excel complains:
    Compile error:
    ByRef argument type mismatch. What does that mean?

  12. #12
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru GTO's Avatar
    Sep 2008
    It is a bit more complex than this, but in gist, ByRef means By Reference or that is, we are passing the variable back and forth when we pass 'incr as Double' in addval(). Thus, a, secondlayerstep and secondtobottom need to be doubles, or incr needs to be an Integer; but we cannot alter the Type of variable that is being passed into the called Sub or Function. Does that make sense?

    Dim a As Double ' Integer
    Dim b As Integer
    Dim secondlayer As Integer
    Dim secondlayerstep As Double ' Integer
    Dim secondtobottom As Double ' Integer
    Hope that helps,


  13. #13
    So klappt's:

    Sub M_snb()
        For Each sh In Sheets
            sp = sh.Cells(1, 6).Resize(9)
            sn = sh.Cells(9, 1).CurrentRegion.Resize(, 3)
            For j = 2 To UBound(sn)
                sn(j, 3) = sn(j - 1, 3) + sp(8 - (sn(j - 1, 3) < sp(3, 1)), 1)
            sh.Cells(9, 1).CurrentRegion.Resize(, 3) = sn
    End Sub

  14. #14
    Soll ich deinen Code mit in den anderen Code einbauen, oder den ganz allein dastehen lassen? Ich versteh leider nicht genau was dieser Code bewirkt

  15. #15
    The code is meant to replace your 'Versuch' totally.
    It writes in column C your 'Z'- values.
    Du kannst die Code laufen lassen und sehen ob der Erfolg dir gefällt.

    PS. kennst du

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by snb View Post
    The code is meant to replace your 'Versuch' totally.
    It writes in column C your 'Z'- values.
    Du kannst die Code laufen lassen und sehen ob der Erfolg dir gefällt.
    It looks almost solved.
    Just the code takes for the first steps not the value F8 but F9 instead.
    Then on the next increasement-step it adds the value from F8 but not from F11
    And it is missing a third increasement step (starting value in F5) with the added value from F15

    P.S. Hab ich noch nicht gekannt

  17. #17
    Then I think you'd better explain more in detail how results have to be calculated.(I tried to deduce it from your code)
    But if you understand the logic & function of the code it should be rather simple to adapt it yourself.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by snb View Post
    Then I think you'd better explain more in detail how results have to be calculated.(I tried to deduce it from your code)
    But if you understand the logic & function of the code it should be rather simple to adapt it yourself.
    I did not really understand the logic&function of the code you wrote... Otherwise it seems to be really handy.

    The results should be calculated in the following way:

    This it the raw-data:

    1 0.549
    2 0.741
    3 0.741
    4 0.741
    5 1.106
    6 12.597
    7 52.680
    8 118.524
    9 196.830
    10 286.526
    11 372.597
    12 428.750
    13 458.827
    14 482.285
    15 482.285
    16 482.285

    I would like to recalculate the values for the first column and not have stepwidths of 1 all the time, but different changes in the increasement. As in the example above they shall look like the following (example):
    From the values 1 to 5 the numbers are increased by 0.4, from higher than 5 to 8 by 1.2 and from 8 to the end by 0.8.
    The new values shall be shown in the third column. Like this:

    1 0.549 1
    2 0.741 1.4
    3 0.741 1.8
    4 0.741 2.2
    5 1.106 2.6
    6 12.597 3.4
    7 52.680 4.2
    8 118.524 5
    9 196.830 6.2
    10 286.526 7.4
    11 372.597 8.2
    12 428.750 9.0
    13 458.827 9.8
    14 482.285 10.6
    15 482.285 11.4
    16 482.285 12.2

    The values for the increasmentchange (here 0.4, 1.2 and 0.8) are given in the fileds F8, F11 and F15.
    The thresholds for the increasement change (here 5 and 8) are given in the fileds F3 and F5.
    This process shall continue until the 3rd column has as many entries as the first column(here 16). The endvalue 16 is given in the field F4.

    I hope this is understandable for you

  19. #19
    VBAX Expert
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Polarfranz View Post

    Why do you putv=0.6? What is the effect of "v"?
    v=0.6 is the starting value minus the first increment.

    .6+.4 = 1

    As GTO said, the variable v (not just it's value), is passed between the procedures, so that it's value is updated and used as the output.

    Const StartingValue As Byte = 1
    Dim F8 As Range
    Dim F11 As Range
    Dim F15 As Range
    Dim F3 As Range
    Dim F5 As Range
    Dim F4 As Range
    Private Function validate() As Boolean
        Set F8 = Range("F8") '0.4
        Set F11 = Range("F11") '1.2
        Set F15 = Range("F15") '0.8
        Set F3 = Range("F3") '5
        Set F5 = Range("F5") '8
        Set F4 = Range("F4") '16
        'do any validating here
        validate = 1
    End Function
    Sub test()
        If Not validate Then Exit Sub
        Dim v As Double
        v = StartingValue - F8
        addval 1, CInt(F3), CDbl(F8), v
        addval CInt(F3) + 1, CInt(F5), CDbl(F11), v
        addval CInt(F5) + 1, CInt(F4), CDbl(F15), v
    End Sub
    Private Sub addval(istart As Integer, iend As Integer, incr As Double, ival)
        For i = istart To iend
            ival = ival + incr
            Cells(i, 3) = ival
    End Sub

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by jonh View Post
    v=0.6 is the starting value minus the first increment.

    .6+.4 = 1

    As GTO said, the variable v (not just it's value), is passed between the procedures, so that it's value is updated and used as the output.

    Const StartingValue As Byte = 1
    Dim F8 As Range
    Dim F11 As Range
    Dim F15 As Range
    Dim F3 As Range
    Dim F5 As Range
    Dim F4 As Range
    Private Function validate() As Boolean
        Set F8 = Range("F8") '0.4
        Set F11 = Range("F11") '1.2
        Set F15 = Range("F15") '0.8
        Set F3 = Range("F3") '5
        Set F5 = Range("F5") '8
        Set F4 = Range("F4") '16
        'do any validating here
        validate = 1
    End Function
    Sub test()
        If Not validate Then Exit Sub
        Dim v As Double
        v = StartingValue - F8
        addval 1, CInt(F3), CDbl(F8), v
        addval CInt(F3) + 1, CInt(F5), CDbl(F11), v
        addval CInt(F5) + 1, CInt(F4), CDbl(F15), v
    End Sub
    Private Sub addval(istart As Integer, iend As Integer, incr As Double, ival)
        For i = istart To iend
            ival = ival + incr
            Cells(i, 3) = ival
    End Sub
    This looks like what I was looking for. Can you just tell me, how can I programme it, that excel starts writing the values in column C beginning in the 10th line? So far it starts writing the values in the C-column from the 1st line, but I would like to have it started from the 10th.
    And what is the easiest way to run this code in every sheet?

    Thanks a lot
    Last edited by Polarfranz; 05-02-2016 at 05:10 AM.

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