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Thread: Remove string in text files

  1. #1

    Remove string in text files

    In drive D:\MyReport I have several text files formatted this way (see below). I would like to remove the date sent information (see example below 20160504, 20160523) located on the left-most side of the text file.

    INVENTORY LOG FOR 25 May 2016


    Total Files : 4

    How do I programmatically remove the date sent data in each of these text files? See revised LOG below:

    INVENTORY LOG FOR 25 May 2016


    Total Files : 4

  2. #2

    Try in B1:

    Then drag down

  3. #3
    Hi Tom,
    Thanks for your help but the content is stored in the text files in D:\MyReport folder.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard p45cal's Avatar
    Oct 2005
    Surrey UK
    One of many ways, try:
    Sub TextFile_FindReplace()
    Dim TextFile As Integer, FilePath As String, FileContent As String, x As String, m, j, p
    FilePath = "D:\MyReport"  '<<<adjust
    x = Dir(FilePath & "\*.txt")
      TextFile = FreeFile
      Open FilePath & "\" & x For Input As TextFile
      FileContent = Input(LOF(TextFile), TextFile)
      Close TextFile
      m = Split(FileContent, vbLf)
      For j = 0 To UBound(m)
        If InStr(m(j), "\") > 0 Then
          p = Split(m(j), "\")
          m(j) = Join(Application.Index(p, Application.Transpose(Application.Evaluate("row(2:" & UBound(p) + 1 & ")"))), "\")
        End If
      Next j
      TextFile = FreeFile
      Open FilePath & "\" & x For Output As TextFile
      Print #TextFile, Join(m, vbLf)
      Close TextFile
      x = Dir
    Loop Until x = ""
    End Sub
    Run it only once, repeating it will progressively remove the first part of each line up to and including the first backslash. It overwrites existing files.
    There are 2 instances of vbLf which might need a tweak depending on the actual content of your .txt files.
    snb here would probably produce a one- or two-liner
    Everyone: If I've helped and you can't be bothered to acknowledge it, I can't be bothered to look at further posts from you.

  6. #6
    This is just great p45cal. You're a genius!!! Thanks a lot

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