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Thread: field expression syntax error

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    May 2016

    field expression syntax error

    Depending on some inputs from the users in a user form, I am building code to automatically create calculated columns based on defined criteria. However, I am getting a syntax error (run time error 3125, " is not a valid name. Make sure that it does not include invalid characters or punctuation and that it is not too long. Error points to tdf.fields.append fld.) in the field expression, code provided below. Just FYI the inputs are:

    me.yearsback= 0.5
    me.valdate = 5/31/2016
    me.period = "monthly"
    Private Sub Calculate_Click()
    Dim db As Database
    Dim rs As Recordset
    Dim x As Integer
    Dim Months As Integer
    Dim WPmonthly As String ' field name for monthly written premium
    Dim runningDate As Date
    Dim useDateLower As Date
    Dim useDateUpper As Date
    Dim tdf As dao.TableDef
    Dim fld As dao.Field2
    Months = Me.YearsBack * 12 + Month(Me.ValDate)
    If Me.Period = "monthly" Then
    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set tdf = db.TableDefs("tblEPdata")
    For x = 1 To Months
    runningDate = Format(DateAdd("m", -x + 1, Me.ValDate), "mm yyyy")
    useDateLower = runningDate
    useDateUpper = Format(DateAdd("m", -x + 2, Me.ValDate), "mm yyyy")
    WPmonthly = "WP M" & Month(runningDate) & " " & Year(runningDate)
    Set fld = tdf.CreateField(UPRmonthly)
    fld.Expression = "iif([issuedate]<#" & useDateUpper & "#,iif([issuedate]>=#" & useDateLower & "#,[grossPremium]))" ' output gross premium if issue date is between usedateupper and usedatelower, otherwise 0
    tdf.Fields.Append fld
    MsgBox "added"
    End If
    End Sub

  2. #2
    VBAX Expert
    Oct 2012
    Unless it's global, UPRmonthly isn't set.

    Do you know what a query is?

  3. #3
    VBAX Newbie
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by jonh View Post
    Unless it's global, UPRmonthly isn't set.

    Do you know what a query is?

    Hey John. Thanks for that, I was about to post that I figured that out. I was trying to do this using a query, however I was unable to loop the query so as not to hardcode for each month (The number of months depends on user input). The code I tried using querydef is provided below, which only creates one column which represents the last calculation in the loop(obviously because previous queries get overwritten instead of adding on). Your comments on how to make this work are more than appreciated.

    Private Sub Calculate_Click()
    Dim db As Database
    Dim x As Integer
    Dim y As Integer
    Dim WPmonthly As String ' field name for monthly written premium
    Dim UPRmonthly As String ' field name for monthly unearned premium
    Dim EPmonthly As String ' field name for monthly earned premium
    Dim runningDate As Date
    Dim useDateLower As Date
    Dim useDateUpper As Date
    Dim qry As dao.QueryDef
    Months = Me.YearsBack * 12 + Month(Me.ValDate)
    If Me.Period = "monthly" Then
        Set db = CurrentDb
        Set qry = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("MyQuery")
        Debug.Print qry.SQL ' shows the SQL from MyQuery
        For x = 1 To Months
        runningDate = Format(DateAdd("m", -x + 1, Me.ValDate), "mm yyyy")
        useDateLower = runningDate
        useDateUpper = Format(DateAdd("m", -x + 2, Me.ValDate), "mm yyyy")
        WPmonthly = "WP M" & Month(runningDate) & " " & Year(runningDate)
        EPmonthly = "EP M" & Month(runningDate) & " " & Year(runningDate)
        UPRmonthly = "UPR M" & Month(runningDate) & " " & Year(runningDate)
        qry.SQL = "SELECT IIf([tblEPdata]![IssueDate]>" & useDateLower & ",IIf([tblEPdata]![IssueDate]<" & useDateUpper & ",[tblEPdata]![GrossPremium])) AS " & WPmonthly & " FROM tblEPdata;"
    End If
    end sub

  4. #4
    VBAX Expert
    Oct 2012
    You need to build up the field list as string and then build the sql from that like ...

    Private Sub Calculate_Click()
        ValDate = #1/1/2002#
        runningDate = ValDate
        YearsBack = 2
        Months = YearsBack * 12 + Month(runningDate)
        'If Me.Period = "monthly" Then
            Set db = CurrentDb
            Set tdf = db.TableDefs("tblEPdata")
            For x = 1 To Months
                If Len(s) Then s = s & "," & vbNewLine
                s = s & mnthfld(runningDate, x)
            SQL = Replace("select % from tblEPdata", "%", s)
            Debug.Print SQL
            CurrentDb.QueryDefs("query1").SQL = SQL
            DoCmd.OpenQuery "query1"
        'End If
    End Sub
    Private Function mnthfld(dt, mno) As String
        useDateLower = dt
        useDateUpper = DateAdd("m", -mno + 2, dt)
        mnthfld = "IIf([issuedate] Between #" & Format(useDateLower, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# And #" & _
            Format(useDateUpper, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#,[grosspremium],0) as 'WP M" & _
            Format(useDateUpper, "mm yyyy") & "'"
    End Function

  5. #5
    Moderator VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    me.yearsback= 0.5
    me.valdate = 5/31/2016
    me.period = "monthly"
    Thos look like UserForm Control Values, which are always Strings. The VBE Compiler is very "smart" and forgiving, but I always explicitly convert them before use.
    Dim yearsback As Double
    Dim valdate as Date
    yearsback = CDbl(Me.yearsback
    valdate = CDate(Me.ValDate)
    In the interest of speed add
    Dim Period as String
    Period = Me.period
    To make your code handle many types of periods add
    Dim NumPeriods as Long 'Replaces months
    NumPeriods = GetPeriods
    Private Function GetPeriods(Period As String, YearsBack As Double, ValDate As Date)
    If Period = "monthly" Then
    GetPeriods  = YearsBack * 12 + Month(ValDate) 
    ElseIf Period = "yearly" then
    GetPeriods = YearsBack + Year(ValDate)
    ElseIf Period = "quarterly" then
    End If
    End Function
    Private Function GetRunningDate(Period As String, ValDate As Date) As Date
    If Period  = "monthly" then 
    GetRunningDate= Format(DateAdd("m", -x + 1, Me.ValDate), "mm yyyy")
    ElseIf Period = "yearly" Then
    ElseIf Period = "quarterly" Then
    End If
    end Function
    If you repeat this style of using small easily written and proofed functions for each of the period dependent variables in the query string, your loop can handle all possible periods.
            For x = 1 To Periods
                runningDate = GetrunningDate(Period, ValDate) 
                useDateLower = runningDate 
                useDateUpper = GetuseDateUpper(Period, ValDate) 
                WP = GetWp(RunningDate) 
                'EP = GetEP(runningDate 'This variable is not used in your query
                'UPR = GetUPR(RunningDate) 'This variable is not used in your query
                qry.SQL = "SELECT IIf([tblEPdata]![IssueDate]>" & useDateLower & ",IIf([tblEPdata]![IssueDate]<" & useDateUpper & ",[tblEPdata]![GrossPremium])) AS " & WP & " FROM tblEPdata;" 
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  6. #6
    VBAX Newbie
    May 2016
    Much appreciated John and Sam.

    Using most of the code provided by John, if I change the function to the one below I get an error "Extra ) in query expression '0)'". Following is the query expression:

    mnthfld = "IIf([issuedate] <= #" & useDateUpper & "#," & _
        "IIf([expirydate] <= #" & useDateUpper & "#, 0, IIf([expirydate <=#" & useDateUpper & "#," & _
        "([expirydate]-#" & useDateUpper & "#+1)/([expirydate]-[effectivedate]+1),[grosspremium]),0),0) as 'EP M" & _
        Format(useDateLower, "mm yyyy") & "'
    My hunch is the use of brackets in the calculations is something I'm getting wrong. Following is a debug print output on one iteration:

    IIf([issuedate] <= #11/30/2015#,IIf([expirydate] <= #11/30/2015#, 0, IIf([expirydate <=#11/30/2015#,([expirydate]-#11/30/2015#+1)/([expirydate]-[effectivedate]+1),[grosspremium]),0,0)) as [EP M11 2015]
    Any help is appreciated.

  7. #7
    VBAX Newbie
    May 2016
    Found the mistake. It was a silly "]" missing on the expirydate.

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