
I want to move all of the (from myself) sent messages linked to a certain topic to the folder which contains the received messages. Currently all sent messages from all topics are located in a "sent" folder in the same .pst archive as the topic folders. When viewing messages in one of the topic folders with the conversation view activated, the corresponding sent messages are also shown (greyed out). Using this view I can select these messages and successfully move out of the sent folder them into that topic folder.

The problem is, I would have to select each coversation individually, as selecting all messages collapses the conversation trees, and therefore the greyed out items are not affected by subsequent actions.

Apparently there is no way of doing this with options, therefore I wondered about writing a macro for it.

The task would be:
- for a specific topic folder in the .pst archive: find all messages which are NOT phyiscally in that folder, but linked to it. These being the greyed out messages in the conversation view
- either select, or move directly, only these messages

Note: if all other messages are also selected or "moved", this is not a problem as the move command will just be ignored for them. Indeed this is what I do manually: select the entire conversation tree, greyed out and not greyed out, and drag-drop them to the same folder. Only the greyed out ones are moved.

Would anyone be able to help with the required code for this?

Thanks in advance!