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Thread: Rule/Script Fail

  1. #1

    Rule/Script Fail

    Hi all,

    I have an Outlook rule which is not running in the correct order. Effectively it is running my VBA script before it is moving the email to the correct subfolder. When the rule runs it runs the script, which of course can't find the email as it hasn't been moved yet. It then moves the email into the correct folder. I had this working so have no idea why it would run the script first and then the other rules.

    I have attached a screen grab.

    Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.


    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Why don't you use the script to move the message after you have processed it?
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by gmayor View Post
    Why don't you use the script to move the message after you have processed it?
    Hi Graham,

    The order of events is that the Microsoft rule is supposed to move the e-mail from arrival in my Inbox to a sub-folder called "MyFolder". The next step in the rule is that the script (Public Sub RunMacroItem As Outlook.MailItem) gets called and moves any attachments found in E-mails in "MyFolder".

    What is actually happening is that for some reason the Script is running before the e-mail has arrived in the "MyFolder" subfolder.

    So, when the new e-mail arrives, the rule runs, the script gets kicked off and can't find any e-mails in the "MyFolder" subfolder. Then the e-mail arrives in the subfolder.

    Just as a note when I manually put an e-mail in the MyFolder subfolder and run the VBA it works perfectly.

    I hope I have explained this properly.



  4. #4
    A script that will run from a rule is associated with a message object
    Sub MacroName(Item As Outlook.MailItem)
    . That message 'item' is the message that triggers the rule, so it shouldn't matter where the message is, the script should be able to process it.
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  5. #5

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by gmayor View Post
    A script that will run from a rule is associated with a message object
    Sub MacroName(Item As Outlook.MailItem)
    . That message 'item' is the message that triggers the rule, so it shouldn't matter where the message is, the script should be able to process it.

    Hi Graham,

    That is very useful to know. So are you saying that I should be able to run the script against the email as it sits in the inbox before it gets moved to the "MyFolder" subfolder? If that is the case would I just change the "MyFolder" reference as below to "Inbox"?

    Public Sub RunMacro(Item As Outlook.MailItem)
    End Sub
    Sub RunMacroX()
    'Change this 
       SaveEmailAttachmentsToFolderNew "MyFolder", "", "C:\Processed File"
    'Change to this
       SaveEmailAttachmentsToFolderNew "Inbox", "", "C:\Processed File"
    End Sub



  6. #6
    No. What I meant is that you can process Item in the script. Look at how it is used in the thread - in the script
    Private Sub SaveAttachments(olItem As MailItem)
    That code is to save a specific type of attachment named from text in the file, but the principles are the same as what you appear to be attempting.
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by gmayor View Post
    No. What I meant is that you can process Item in the script. Look at how it is used in the thread - in the script
    Private Sub SaveAttachments(olItem As MailItem)
    That code is to save a specific type of attachment named from text in the file, but the principles are the same as what you appear to be attempting.

    Hi Graham,

    Before I take on the challenge of amending the method in the link you provide (thank you for that), do you know of any reason why the Outlook rule is not executing in the order that it is set up to. I even put a pause in the VBA piece to delay it to allow for the email to be moved into the subfolder. All that did was delay the running of the VBA, after that the emails are delivered.

    Its very frustrating as the solution I have works perfectly.



  8. #8
    So from a little bit of research over the weekend it seems that the following can be said of the Outlook rule. If you add a script to the rule, the script will run before the rule does. So in this instance I am going to have the Outlook rule move the target mail from my Inbox to the sub folder called "MyFolder" with no script involved. And that works perfectly well. The next step is to get the VBA macro to run seperately which will move the attachments from "MyFolder" to a directory. I have the macro code written and working below that will move the attachments from the e-mails in "MyFolder" But how do I call the macro? It seems to me that one option is to add an event listener. The trouble with the event listener is that it focuses on the Inbox if I use something like

    PrivateSub Application_NewMail()
    Call Your_main_macro

    So how do I get the following code to be called when a mail arrives in the "MyFolder" subfolder?
    Public Sub GuinnessCashBalances(item As Outlook.MailItem)
    End Sub
    Sub RunMacroGuinnessCashBalances()
    'Arg 1 = Folder name of folder inside your Inbox
    'Arg 2 = File extension, "" is every file
    'Arg 3 = Save folder, "C:\Users\Ron\test" or ""
    '        If you use "" it will create a date/time stamped folder for you in your "Documents" folder
    '        Note: If you use this " C:\Trade File " the folder must exist.
    'here we are telling it what outlook folder to take the files from, what type of files , and where to put them on the network.
       SaveEmailAttachmentsToFolderNew "MyFolder", "", "C:\Trade File"
    End Sub
    Sub SaveEmailAttachmentsToFolderNew(OutlookFolderInInbox As String, _
    ExtString As String, DestFolder As String)
    Dim ns As NameSpace
    Dim Inbox As MAPIFolder
    Dim SubFolder As MAPIFolder
    Dim item As MailItem
    Dim Atmt As Attachment
    Dim FileName As String
    Dim sFileType As String
    Dim MyDocPath As String
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim wsh As Object
    Dim fs As Object
    On Error GoTo ThisMacro_err
    Set ns = GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set Inbox = ns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
    Set SubFolder = Inbox.Folders(OutlookFolderInInbox)
    ' Check subfolder for messages and exit of none found
    If SubFolder.Items.Count = 0 Then
    MsgBox "There are no messages in this folder : " & OutlookFolderInInbox, _
    vbInformation, "Nothing Found"
    Set SubFolder = Nothing
    Set Inbox = Nothing
    Set ns = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    End If
    'Create DestFolder if DestFolder = ""
    If DestFolder = "" Then
    Set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    MyDocPath = wsh.SpecialFolders.item("mydocuments")
    DestFolder = MyDocPath & "\" & Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yyyy hh-mm-ss")
    If Not fs.FolderExists(DestFolder) Then
    fs.CreateFolder DestFolder
    End If
    End If
    If Right(DestFolder, 1) <> "\" Then
    DestFolder = DestFolder & "\"
    End If
    i = 0
    ' Check each message for attachments and extensions
    For Each item In SubFolder.Items
    If item.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
    For j = item.Attachments.Count To 1 Step -1
    Set Atmt = item.Attachments(j)
    sFileType = LCase$(Right$(Atmt, 4))
          Select Case sFileType
    ' Add additional file types below
           Case ".csv", ".xls", "xlsx", ".pdf"
    If LCase(Right(Atmt.FileName, Len(ExtString))) = LCase(ExtString) Then
    FileName = DestFolder & item.SenderName & " " & Atmt.FileName
    Atmt.SaveAsFile FileName
    i = i + 1
    End If
        End Select
    item.Attachments.Remove j
    Next j
    item.Close olSave
    End If
    Next item
    ' Show this message when Finished
    'If i > 0 Then
    'MsgBox "You can find the files here : " _
    '& DestFolder, vbInformation, "Finished!"
    'MsgBox "No attached files in your mail.", vbInformation, "Finished!"
    'End If
    ' Clear memory
    Set SubFolder = Nothing
    Set Inbox = Nothing
    Set ns = Nothing
    Set fs = Nothing
    Set wsh = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    ' Error information
    MsgBox "An unexpected error has occurred." _
    & vbCrLf & "Please note and report the following information." _
    & vbCrLf & "Macro Name: SaveEmailAttachmentsToFolder" _
    & vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & Err.Number _
    & vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & Err.Description _
    , vbCritical, "Error!"
    Resume ThisMacro_exit
    End Sub

  9. #9
    As I have already said, if you are running the script from a rule the only message that matters to the script is the message that triggers the rule. If you want to save the attachments to that message then you can do so by referring to the message (item), and it doesn't matter whether the rule moves the message before running the script or after. It's the same 'item'.

    Your code seems preccupied with processing folders, when it should be concentrating on processing the message. The following script run from a rule will save the attachments to that message in the named folder, which it will create if it doesn't exist and the filenames will be unique, no matter how many times the message is processed. You can run the TestProcess macro to test with a selected message.

    Option Explicit
    Sub SaveAttachments(olItem As MailItem)
    'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
    Dim olAttach As Attachment
    Dim strFname As String
    Dim strExt As String
    Dim sFileType As String
    Dim j As Long
    Const strSaveFldr As String = "C:\Path\Attachments\" 'The folder to save the attachments
        CreateFolders strSaveFldr
        On Error GoTo CleanUp
        If olItem.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
            For j = olItem.Attachments.Count To 1 Step -1
                Set olAttach = olItem.Attachments(j)
                sFileType = LCase(Right(olAttach.FileName, 4))
                Select Case sFileType
                        ' Add additional file types below
                    Case ".csv", ".xls", "xlsx", ".pdf"
                        strFname = olAttach.FileName
                        strExt = Right(strFname, Len(strFname) - InStrRev(strFname, Chr(46)))
                        strFname = FileNameUnique(strSaveFldr, strFname, strExt)
                        olAttach.SaveAsFile strSaveFldr & strFname
                        'olAttach.Delete        'delete the attachment
                    Case Else
                End Select
            Next j
        End If
        Set olAttach = Nothing
        Set olItem = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Private Function FileNameUnique(strPath As String, _
                                    strFileName As String, _
                                    strExtension As String) As String
    'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
    Dim lngF As Long
    Dim lngName As Long
        lngF = 1
        lngName = Len(strFileName) - (Len(strExtension) + 1)
        strFileName = Left(strFileName, lngName)
        Do While FileExists(strPath & strFileName & Chr(46) & strExtension) = True
            strFileName = Left(strFileName, lngName) & "(" & lngF & ")"
            lngF = lngF + 1
        FileNameUnique = strFileName & Chr(46) & strExtension
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Private Function FileExists(filespec) As Boolean
    'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
    Dim fso As Object
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If fso.FileExists(filespec) Then
            FileExists = True
            FileExists = False
        End If
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Private Function FolderExists(fldr) As Boolean
    'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
    Dim fso As Object
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If (fso.FolderExists(fldr)) Then
            FolderExists = True
            FolderExists = False
        End If
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Private Function CreateFolders(strPath As String)
    'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
    Dim strTempPath As String
    Dim lngPath As Long
    Dim vPath As Variant
        vPath = Split(strPath, "\")
        strPath = vPath(0) & "\"
        For lngPath = 1 To UBound(vPath)
            strPath = strPath & vPath(lngPath) & "\"
            If Not FolderExists(strPath) Then MkDir strPath
        Next lngPath
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Sub TestProcess()
    'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
    Dim olMsg As MailItem
        On Error Resume Next
        Set olMsg = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
        SaveAttachments olMsg
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  10. #10
    Hi Graham,

    Your method works perfectly the 1st time I run the rule. Each subsequent time I send another email through it puts the attachments through to the subfolder but the attachments are not being saved out to the directory. I have put a message box at the start and end so I know the macro is being called.

    Was this working for you when you sent a number of emails through.

    Here is how I am using your full code.

    Option Explicit
    Public Sub Graham(item As Outlook.MailItem)
    MsgBox "Macro started"
    MsgBox "Macro ended"
    End Sub
    Sub SaveAttachments(olItem As MailItem)
         'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
        Dim olAttach As Attachment
        Dim strFname As String
        Dim strExt As String
        Dim sFileType As String
        Dim j As Long
        'Const strSaveFldr As String = "C:\Path\Attachments\" 'The folder to save the attachments
        Const strSaveFldr As String = "C:\Trade File\" 'The folder to save the attachments
        CreateFolders strSaveFldr
        On Error GoTo CleanUp
        If olItem.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
            For j = olItem.Attachments.Count To 1 Step -1
                Set olAttach = olItem.Attachments(j)
                sFileType = LCase(Right(olAttach.FileName, 4))
                Select Case sFileType
                     ' Add additional file types below
                Case ".csv", ".xls", "xlsx", ".pdf"
                    strFname = olAttach.FileName
                    strExt = Right(strFname, Len(strFname) - InStrRev(strFname, Chr(46)))
                    strFname = FileNameUnique(strSaveFldr, strFname, strExt)
                    olAttach.SaveAsFile strSaveFldr & strFname
                     'olAttach.Delete        'delete the attachment
                Case Else
                End Select
            Next j
        End If
        Set olAttach = Nothing
        Set olItem = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Private Function FileNameUnique(strPath As String, _
        strFileName As String, _
        strExtension As String) As String
         'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
        Dim lngF As Long
        Dim lngName As Long
        lngF = 1
        lngName = Len(strFileName) - (Len(strExtension) + 1)
        strFileName = Left(strFileName, lngName)
        Do While FileExists(strPath & strFileName & Chr(46) & strExtension) = True
            strFileName = Left(strFileName, lngName) & "(" & lngF & ")"
            lngF = lngF + 1
        FileNameUnique = strFileName & Chr(46) & strExtension
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Private Function FileExists(filespec) As Boolean
         'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
        Dim fso As Object
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If fso.FileExists(filespec) Then
            FileExists = True
            FileExists = False
        End If
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Private Function FolderExists(fldr) As Boolean
         'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
        Dim fso As Object
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If (fso.FolderExists(fldr)) Then
            FolderExists = True
            FolderExists = False
        End If
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Private Function CreateFolders(strPath As String)
         'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
        Dim strTempPath As String
        Dim lngPath As Long
        Dim vPath As Variant
        vPath = Split(strPath, "\")
        strPath = vPath(0) & "\"
        For lngPath = 1 To UBound(vPath)
            strPath = strPath & vPath(lngPath) & "\"
            If Not FolderExists(strPath) Then MkDir strPath
        Next lngPath
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Sub TestProcess()
         'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
        Dim olMsg As MailItem
        On Error Resume Next
        Set olMsg = ActiveExplorer.Selection.item(1)
        SaveAttachments olMsg
        Exit Sub
    End Sub

  11. #11
    The rule is intended to run on the message as it arrives. It is not intended to process a folder, and the addition you made to test it will not work either. The test macro I posted processes a single selected message. If you want to process a folder full of messages then use the following macro to call the process for each message in the selected folder. It doesn't run from a rule!:

    Note that the macro employs a progress indicator. You can download that progress indicator userform (attached), extract from the zip and import it into your VBA editor. It will crash without the indicator present.

    Sub ProcessFolder()
    'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
    Dim olNS As Outlook.NameSpace
    Dim olMailFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    Dim olItems As Outlook.Items
    Dim olMailItem As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim ofrm As New frmProgress
    Dim PortionDone As Double
    Dim i As Long
        On Error GoTo err_Handler
        Set olNS = GetNamespace("MAPI")
        Set olMailFolder = olNS.PickFolder
        Set olItems = olMailFolder.Items
        ofrm.Show vbModeless
        i = 0
        For Each olMailItem In olItems
            i = i + 1
            PortionDone = i / olItems.Count
            ofrm.lblProgress.Width = ofrm.fmeProgress.Width * PortionDone
            SaveAttachments olMailItem
        Next olMailItem
        Unload ofrm
        Set ofrm = Nothing
        Set olNS = Nothing
        Set olMailFolder = Nothing
        Set olItems = Nothing
        Set olMailItem = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  12. #12
    So for anyone that might get some benefit here is what I ended up using. Using Graham Mayors code (thanks Graham), the macro below does the following.

    Any e-mails (that have attachments) that come into my mail box will have the attachments (depending on type) copied into a directory based on the attachment name.

    Here is the full code. The only thing I added was the current date to the start of the attachment name and an instring search of the attachment name.

    Option Explicit
    Sub SaveAttachments(olItem As MailItem)
         'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
        Dim olAttach As Attachment
        Dim strFname As String
        Dim strExt As String
        Dim sFileType As String
        Dim J As Long
        Dim item_in_review As String
        Dim strSaveFldr1 As String
        On Error GoTo CleanUp
        If olItem.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
            For J = olItem.Attachments.Count To 1 Step -1
                Set olAttach = olItem.Attachments(J)
                sFileType = LCase(Right(olAttach.FileName, 4))
                Select Case sFileType
                     ' Add additional file types below
                Case ".csv", ".xls", "xlsx", ".pdf", ".txt"
                    strFname = olAttach.FileName
                    strExt = Right(strFname, Len(strFname) - InStrRev(strFname, Chr(46)))
                'JP Morgan Cash transactions
                item_in_review = strFname
                If InStr(item_in_review, "Posted.csv") Then
                strSaveFldr1 = "J:\General\Reports\Transactions A\"
                End If
                'JP Morgan Cash Balances
                item_in_review = strFname
                If InStr(item_in_review, "Posted Statement") Then
                strSaveFldr1 = "J:\General\Reports\Transactions B\"
                End If
                'JP Morgan Positions
                item_in_review = strFname
                If InStr(item_in_review, "Priced.pdf") Then
                strSaveFldr1 = "J:\General\Reports\Transactions C\"
                End If
                strFname = FileNameUnique(strSaveFldr1, strFname, strExt)
                Dim dateFormat As String
                dateFormat = Format(now, "yyyy-mm-dd H-mm")
                 'olAttach.SaveAsFile strSaveFldr1 & strFname
                 'extended to include the date
                 olAttach.SaveAsFile strSaveFldr1 & dateFormat & " " & strFname
                     'olAttach.Delete        'delete the attachment
                Case Else
                End Select
            Next J
        End If
        Set olAttach = Nothing
        Set olItem = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Private Function FileNameUnique(strPath As String, _
        strFileName As String, _
        strExtension As String) As String
         'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
        Dim lngF As Long
        Dim lngName As Long
        lngF = 1
        lngName = Len(strFileName) - (Len(strExtension) + 1)
        strFileName = Left(strFileName, lngName)
        Do While FileExists(strPath & strFileName & Chr(46) & strExtension) = True
            strFileName = Left(strFileName, lngName) & "(" & lngF & ")"
            lngF = lngF + 1
        FileNameUnique = strFileName & Chr(46) & strExtension
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Private Function FileExists(filespec) As Boolean
         'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
        Dim fso As Object
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If fso.FileExists(filespec) Then
            FileExists = True
            FileExists = False
        End If
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Private Function FolderExists(fldr) As Boolean
         'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
        Dim fso As Object
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If (fso.FolderExists(fldr)) Then
            FolderExists = True
            FolderExists = False
        End If
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Private Function CreateFolders(strPath As String)
         'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
        Dim strTempPath As String
        Dim lngPath As Long
        Dim vPath As Variant
        vPath = Split(strPath, "\")
        strPath = vPath(0) & "\"
        For lngPath = 1 To UBound(vPath)
            strPath = strPath & vPath(lngPath) & "\"
            If Not FolderExists(strPath) Then MkDir strPath
        Next lngPath
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Sub TestProcess()
         'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor
        Dim olMsg As MailItem
        On Error Resume Next
        Set olMsg = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
        SaveAttachments olMsg
        Exit Sub
    End Sub

  13. #13
    Good evening, I found interesting this macro created by Graham and also the implementations performed by Dodonohoe, put on my outlook and macro did not run when it came email. How should I proceed to the macro to run without having to create a rule in Outlook. The macro should be placed in a module or in Outlook session?

  14. #14
    The macro is intended to be run from a rule. It will only then run automatically when the message arrives.
    The alternative is to run it manually running one or other of the macros TestProcess or ProcessFolder featured elsewhere in the thread.
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  15. #15
    Hi Romula,

    Just in addition to Grahams comments. The code needs to be put into "ThisOutlookSession". Also when you are pointing the script in the rule at the code you will select "Sub SaveAttachments(olItem As MailItem)"

    I am marking this thread as solved


  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by dodonohoe View Post
    The code needs to be put into "ThisOutlookSession"
    That's not necessary. The script can be attached to a rule from any Outlook module in the project.
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  17. #17
    Good Morning,
    Thank you Graham and Des for help, thanks ..

  18. #18
    VBAX Newbie
    Aug 2016
    hi - anyone please tell me where this code is failing:

    I want to scrape the numbers from daily email i receive, the numbers are in the same position each time, the list might be 800 rows long so i want it to start at the top and repeat to the end until the list has finished.

    i am 99% there, when i run the script it adds a single entry to the database table, but it is blank
    If it helps further the actual string from the email body is below:
    etc (there could be 800 lines)

    The only parts of this string i need is the 3 digit number after 'AWB,' 111, 111, 222, 333 etc
    Note - AWB, will always be in that position (i.e 5th character in)
    and the 8 digit number after that... so 11223344, 22334455 etc..

    Sub ImportOutlookEmail()
    Dim db As Database
    Dim rst As Recordset
    Dim ol As Outlook.Application
    'Set ol = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Dim olInbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    Dim olItems As Outlook.Items
    Dim olObj As Object
    Dim BodyTxt As String
    Dim BodyRow As String
    Set OlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olInbox = OlApp.GetNamespace("Mapi").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("TDI") 'i have created a sub-folder in my inbox called "TDI", and it will only hold the emails i need to scrape, rather than search my whole inbox
    Set olItems = olInbox.Items
    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Email")
    'NOTE: i have set up a table in access called "Email" with a memo field called "EmailData"
    For Each olObj In olItems
    If InStr(olObj.Subject, " ") > 0 Then 'the subject line is always going to be blank, but only these email will be in the folder "TDI"
    'BodyTxt = Email.Body '***this gives me an error Runtime 424 Object Required, when i cut it out it gives me a blank entry in the table

    BodyTxt = Mid(BodyTxt, InStr(BodyTxt, "AWB,") + 5, 8))
    'this should search the body for the word "AWB" then cuts from character 5 onwards, then moves to the next line and repeats until rows end

    rst!EmailData = BodyRow
    If BodyTxt = "" Then Exit Do
    End If 'i added End If because it kept showing an error that i have an "IF but not an EndIf", have i added in the correct place?



    Set OlApp = Nothing
    Set Inbox = Nothing
    Set InboxItems = Nothing
    Set Mailobject = Nothing
    Set TempRst = Nothing

    End Sub

    thanks in advance

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