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Thread: Macro to replace part of a formula with result

  1. #1

    Macro to replace part of a formula with result


    I am referring to the thread below:

    I am trying to achieve the same but my formula is much more siplistic --> [Cell Ref]/1000

    Could you please help by suggesting a macro that would show the result of [Cell Ref]/1000?

    For example:
    - Previously: =A1/1000
    - Now: =5000/1000

    Where the value of A1 is 5000

    I.e. as if I have selected the cell reference and clicked F9.

    Many thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    I still don't follow the logic that your chasing here. Excel makes it extremely easy to follow your example where the cell shows the result and the formula bar shows the "=A1/1000". If you are worried about complex formulas not being calculated correctly add a helper column in.
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  3. #3
    Thanks Aussuebear.
    Did you take a look at the thread I was referring to?

    Say, in column A (starting from A1) I have a number of hard-coded numbers: 3, 5, 7, etc.
    In column B (starting from B1) I have incorporated the formula =A1/1000, A2/1000, A3/1000

    Typically, if you select cell B1 and if you enter content editing and mark the A1 piece and press F9, you will get 3/1000, instead of =A1/1000. In other words, instead of the cell reference you will get the calculation.

    Now imagine i have N such formulas in column B. I would need the macro to replace the reference in the formula, with the actual number but keep the formula intact, i.e. keep the "/1000" part.

    Hope this clarifies.


  4. #4
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    I understand ""what you are referring to, but you haven't explained "why".
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  5. #5
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    Possibly this will work for you.
    Given a cell that contains a formula, ConstantReplace will return the formula in that cell with the cell references replaced by their values.
    Those replaced values are surrounded by square brackets to distinguish from constants in the formula.
    The example in the OP would return [5000]/1000

    Note that the formula can only refer to open workbooks. It doesn't work for closed workbooks.
    Note also that, multi-cell references, like SUM(A1:B2) are not changed. (Would one want to return only the two values in A1 and B2 or all four values or ....)
    Also, the leading = has been removed from the formula so that the string can be placed in a cell without being interpreted as a formula
    Finally, ConstantReplace cannot be used as a UDF.

    Note the testing sub at the bottom of the code.

    (I join with Aussiebear in wondering "why?")
    Function ConstantReplace(CellWithFormula As Range) As String
        Dim i As Long, j As Long, pointer As Long
        Dim strFormula As String, strReplacement As Variant
        Dim colPrecedents As New Collection
        Dim onePrecedent As Range, oneAddress As String
        Dim allPrecedents() As String
        ReDim allPrecedents(1 To 1)
        With CellWithFormula.Cells(1, 1)
            strFormula = .Formula
            strFormula = Application.ConvertFormula(strFormula, xlA1, xlA1, xlAbsolute)
            Rem build array of all precedent references
            i = 1
                On Error Resume Next
                Set onePrecedent = .NavigateArrow(True, 1, i)
                colPrecedents.Add Item:=onePrecedent, Key:=onePrecedent.Address
            Loop Until Err
            i = 1
                Set onePrecedent = .NavigateArrow(True, i, 1)
                On Error Resume Next
                colPrecedents.Add Item:=onePrecedent, Key:=onePrecedent.Address
                i = i + 1
            Loop Until onePrecedent.Address(, , , True) = .Address(, , , True)
            For Each onePrecedent In colPrecedents
                If onePrecedent.Address(, , , True) <> .Address(, , , True) Then
                    ' add "[Workbook1.xlsm]Sheet1!$A$1" to array
                    oneAddress = onePrecedent.Address(, , , True)
                    GoSub AddOneAddressToArray
                    If onePrecedent.Parent.Parent.Name = .Parent.Parent.Name Then
                        ' if oneprecident is in my workbook add "Sheet1!$A$1" to array
                        oneAddress = Replace(onePrecedent.Address(, , , True), "[" & onePrecedent.Parent.Parent.Name & "]", vbNullString)
                        GoSub AddOneAddressToArray
                        If onePrecedent.Parent.Name = .Parent.Name Then
                            'if onePresident is on same sheet then add "$A$1" to array
                            oneAddress = onePrecedent.Address
                            GoSub AddOneAddressToArray
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
          Next onePrecedent
        End With
        If 0 < pointer Then
            ReDim Preserve allPrecedents(1 To pointer)
            Rem sort allprecedents on length of address
            For i = 1 To pointer - 1
                For j = i + 1 To pointer
                    If Len(allPrecedents(i)) < Len(allPrecedents(j)) Then
                        oneAddress = allPrecedents(i)
                        allPrecedents(i) = allPrecedents(j)
                        allPrecedents(j) = oneAddress
                    End If
                Next j
            Next i
            Rem replace references with values
            For i = 1 To pointer
                strReplacement = Chr(5)
                If Range(allPrecedents(i)).Count = 1 Then
                    strReplacement = Evaluate(allPrecedents(i))
                    If strReplacement = vbNullString Then
                        strReplacement = """"""
                        Select Case TypeName(strReplacement)
                            Case "String"
                                strReplacement = Chr(34) & strReplacement & Chr(34)
                            Case "Boolean"
                                strReplacement = UCase(CStr(strReplacement))
                            Case "Double"
                                strReplacement = CStr(strReplacement)
                        End Select
                    End If
                    strReplacement = "[" & strReplacement & "]"
                End If
                If strReplacement <> Chr(5) Then
                strFormula = Replace(strFormula, allPrecedents(i), strReplacement)
                End If
            Next i
            If strFormula Like "=*" Then strFormula = Mid(strFormula, 2)
            ConstantReplace = strFormula
            ConstantReplace = CellWithFormula.Cells(1, 1).Text
        End If
        Set colPrecedents = Nothing
        Exit Function
        pointer = pointer + 1
        If UBound(allPrecedents) < pointer Then ReDim Preserve allPrecedents(1 To 2 * pointer)
        allPrecedents(pointer) = oneAddress
    End Function
    Sub test()
        Dim oneCell As Range
        For Each oneCell In Sheet1.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
            oneCell.Offset(10, 0) = ConstantReplace(oneCell)
        Next oneCell
    End Sub

  6. #6
    Thanks both.

    I have a multi-sheet financial model with hard-coded historical financials.

    I need to include functionality of figures to be presented in thousands, millions or as are.

    Given the large amount of cells (more than 20,000), without the macro, this would mean going manually in each cell and inserting the division.

    With the macro I can create references to the hard-coded numbers (effectively creating shadow P&L statements) and then use the macro to remove the references.

    Hope this clarifies.

    Many thanks - will test and let you know if it works.


  7. #7
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Why not just Copy+PasteSpecialValues and then format in thousands or millions?

    Seems like a more 'usual' way of doing it


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  8. #8
    Thanks Paul.

    Because I need to have the functionality - say, through a drop down.

  9. #9

    Apologies in advance if my questions look stupid but I am not familiar with VBA in general and find it difficult to modify the code to edit the functionality.

    1) Do you think there is any easy way to make the macro work only for cells that are selected?
    2) Do you think it is possible to have =Constant/Divider, i.e. have the = sign so that Excel reads it as a formula and also remove the brackets?

    Happy to clarify further if needed.

    Many thanks for your help!

  10. #10
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Because I need to have the functionality - say, through a drop down.

    For example:
    - Previously: =A1/1000
    - Now: =5000/1000

    Where the value of A1 is 5000
    I'm not seeing the reason to replace (say)




    Once it's replaced, then it's gone and you can't run the macro again, dropdown or not

    So I join the others is asking "Why?"

    What are you REALLY trying to do?

    It sort of looks like you want to freeze values (maybe) and display numbers in 1,000's (maybe)


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  11. #11
    Again - i want to insert functionality for numbers to be presented in thousands, millions or as are.

    If you thousands of cells of hard-coded values, then the only viable way to insert that functionality (without a macro) is to go into each cell and insert division. For that matter it need not be "/1000" but rather a division by a named cell that can be 1,1000 or 1000000.


    Once it's replaced, then it's gone and you can't run the macro again, dropdown or not

    /1000 was just an example. i will then find replace "/1000" with a named cell which will insert the functionality.

  12. #12
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    Quote Originally Posted by kkrastev View Post
    2) Do you think it is possible to have =Constant/Divider, i.e. have the = sign so that Excel reads it as a formula and also remove the brackets?
    Yes, just remove these two lines
    ' ...
    strReplacement = "[" & strReplacement & "]"
    ' ...
    If strFormula Like "=*" Then strFormula = Mid(strFormula, 2)
    1) Do you think there is any easy way to make the macro work only for cells that are selected?
    Sub test()
        Dim oneCell As Range
        Dim memSelection As Range
        Set memSelection = Selection
        For Each oneCell In Selection
            If oneCell.HasFormula Then
                MsgBox oneCell.Address & vbCr & ConstantReplace(oneCell)
            End If
        Next oneCell
        Application.Goto memSelection
    End Sub
    You should note that running ConstantReplace will change Selection, because it uses the NavigateArrow method.
    If the CellWithFormula argument is off of the ActiveSheet, the ActiveSheet will change.
    Therefore, to restore Selection to what it was before using ConstantReplace, one should use Application.Goto rather then Select.

    Its not clear what you want to do with this modified formula string.
    The OP said that you want to convert a formula to its intermediate evaluation "=A1/1000" to "=5000/1000"
    It didn't say what you want to do with the "=5000/1000" once you have it.

  13. #13
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Again - i want to insert functionality for numbers to be presented in thousands, millions or as are.
    Again -- you can use Custom Number Formatting to handle presenting in thousands, millions or as are

    Without a macro, and full precision is retained internally



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  14. #14
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    Paul's number formatting could easily be incorporated into the UDF.

    But we are still waiting for an answer to "what do you want to do with the string that the UDF returns" and "why do you want to do that. What is the purpose of all of this?"

  15. #15
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    I have a macro that applies various .NumberFormat depending on the size of the number

    This is a money-oriented version

    The sub runs on a selected group of cell or a whole column so you don't need to mess with individual cells and there is no UDF that returns a formatted string that cannot easily be used in calculations


    Option Explicit
    Sub VariableFormat()
        Dim r As Range, c As Range, r1 As Range, r2 As Range
        Set r = Intersect(Selection, ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
        Set r1 = Nothing
        Set r2 = Nothing
        On Error Resume Next
        Set r1 = r.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers)
        Set r2 = r.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlNumbers)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If Not r1 Is Nothing Then
            r1.NumberFormatLocal = Application.International(xlGeneralFormatName)
            For Each c In r1.Cells
                Select Case Abs(c.Value)
                    Case Is < 10 ^ 3
                        c.NumberFormatLocal = "$#,##0"
                    Case Is < 10 ^ 6
                        c.NumberFormatLocal = "$#,##0,.0""K"""
                    Case Is < 10 ^ 9
                        c.NumberFormatLocal = "$#,##0,,.0""M"""
                    Case Else
                        c.NumberFormatLocal = "$#,##0,,,.0""B"""
                End Select
        End If
        If Not r2 Is Nothing Then
            r2.NumberFormatLocal = Application.International(xlGeneralFormatName)
            For Each c In r2.Cells
                Select Case Abs(c.Value)
                    Case Is < 10 ^ 3
                        c.NumberFormatLocal = "$#,##0"
                    Case Is < 10 ^ 6
                        c.NumberFormatLocal = "$#,##0,.0""K"""
                    Case Is < 10 ^ 9
                        c.NumberFormatLocal = "$#,##0,,.0""M"""
                    Case Else
                        c.NumberFormatLocal = "$#,##0,,,.0""B"""
                End Select
        End If
    End Sub


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