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Thread: infinite series for the sine using VBA command button and input boxes

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Nov 2016

    infinite series for the sine using VBA command button and input boxes

    This is the assignment that I was given, I have tried to do it over and over and this is what I have so far, yet I do not know where I keep going wrong:

    The infinite series for the sine of x is

    or, in expanded form,

    Write a command button event procedure and another procedure called Sine to do the following:
    · The event procedure will obtain the angle from the user using an input box. The user will provide the angle in degrees.
    · The event procedure will call Sine, sending it the value of x.
    · The Sine sub procedure will evaluate the Sine, using a loop to implement the series shown above.
    · The number of terms used in the infinite series will be determined by comparing the summation with the result of the VBA sin(x) function. When the difference between the two is less than 1·10-10, enough terms have been used.
    · The Sine procedure then returns the sine value to the event procedure.
    · The event procedure gives the answer to the user in a suitable format in a message box.

    [VB]Option Explicit
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    ' Local Variables
    Dim Series As Integer
    Dim sin As Double
    Dim Add As Boolean
    Dim val As Range
    Dim answer As Double

    val = InputBox("Please Enter an Angle in Degrees", "Angle", 1)
    Call Sine(val, sin)

    answer = MsgBox("The sine of angle " & val & " is " & sin, , "Sine")

    End Sub

    Public Function Sine(val As Range, sin As Double)

    Add = False

    Do While True
    Series = Series + 1
    If Series Mod 2 <> 0 And Series > 1 Then
    If Add Then
    sin = sin + (val ^ Series) / dev(CLng(Series))
    blnAddTerm = False
    sin = sin - (val ^ Series) / dev(CLng(intSeries))
    blnAddTerm = True
    End If
    End If
    If (DegInRads ^ Series) / Factorial(CLng(Series)) < 0.0000000001 Then Exit Do

    SinBySeries = sin

    End Function

    Private Function dev(intNumber As Long) As Long

    Dim i As Long

    For i = intNumber To 0 Step -1
    dev = dev + i
    Next i

    End Function

    End Sub [/VB]

  2. #2
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Couple of suggestions for what is almost surely a homework assignment. Did not test it or worry about the math (otherwise it wouldn't be a homework assignment)

    1. There is a difference between a Function and as Sub. Simple example to just double a number that shows the difference. Look where and how the result is returned to the upper level function that called it

    Option Explicit
    Sub Button_Click()
        Dim NumberIn As Long, Result As Long
        NumberIn = InputBox("Enter Number", "Number")
        Call Double_As_Sub(NumberIn, Result)
        MsgBox "The result using a sub is " & Result
        MsgBox "The result using a function is " & Double_As_Function(NumberIn)
    End Sub
    Sub Double_As_Sub(N As Long, R As Long)
        R = 2 * N
    End Sub
    Function Double_As_Function(N As Long) As Long
        Double_As_Function = 2 * N
    End Function

    2. Variables have a scope, i.e. which subs or functions an see them. You had some Dim-ed in the Click sub, and so were not available to the others. Good idea to avoid global variables, and to Dim them 'local' to the sub or function that actually uses them

    3. There were calls to functions that are not VBA functions

    4. Some variables were never Dim-ed and/or were not ever given a value

    5. Here's some annotations to (I hope) help you along

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
         '   Local Variables
        Dim sin     As Double
        Dim val     As Double   '   Not range
        'wrong call to InputBox
        val = InputBox("Please Enter an Angle in Degrees", "Angle")
        Call Sine(val, sin)
        'no need to return result
        Call MsgBox("The sine of angle " & val & " is " & sin, , "Sine")
    End Sub
    'val is double not range, this seems like it should be a Sub, not Function
    Public Sub Sine(val As Double, sin As Double)
        'these were out of scope (= invisible) to this function since they were 'local' to the sub above
        Dim Series As Integer
        Dim Add As Boolean
        Dim blnAddTerm As Boolean
        'you use this but never Dim or set it
        Dim DegInRads As Double
        DegInRads = 360# / 6.28318530717958
        Add = False
        Do While True
            Series = Series + 1
            If Series Mod 2 <> 0 And Series > 1 Then
                If Add Then
                    sin = sin + (val ^ Series) / dev(CLng(Series))
                    blnAddTerm = False
                    sin = sin - (val ^ Series) / dev(CLng(Series)) ' intSeries should probably be 'Series'
                    blnAddTerm = True
                End If
            End If
            'Factorial is not an intrinsic VBA function. To use the worksheet formula version ...
            If (DegInRads ^ Series) / Application.WorksheetFunction.Fact(CLng(Series)) < 0.0000000001 Then Exit Do
        'no idea, since SinBySeries is not defined
        'SinBySeries = sin
        'but since this is a sub, the value of 'sin' is returned in the calling parameter
    End Sub
    Private Function dev(intNumber As Long) As Long
        Dim i As Long
        For i = intNumber To 0 Step -1
            dev = dev + I
        Next i
    End Function


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  3. #3
    Moderator VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    'but since this is a sub, the value of 'sin' is returned in the calling parameter
    THanks for teaching me a new trick.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  4. #4
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    @SamT -- slightly expanded example showing difference in call using ByRef (default) and ByVal

    Option Explicit
    Sub Button_Click()
        Dim NumberIn As Long, Result As Long
        NumberIn = InputBox("Enter Number", "Number")
        'default calling is ByRef
        Call Double_As_Sub(NumberIn, Result)
        MsgBox "The result using a sub is " & Result
        Result = 0
        Call Double_As_Sub_ByVal(NumberIn, Result)
        MsgBox "The result using a sub called ByVal is " & Result
        MsgBox "The result using a function is " & Double_As_Function(NumberIn)
    End Sub
    Sub Double_As_Sub(N As Long, R As Long)
        'updated R is passed back
        R = 2 * N
    End Sub
    Sub Double_As_Sub_ByVal(N As Long, ByVal R As Long)
        'updated R is not passed back
        R = 2 * N
    End Sub
    Function Double_As_Function(N As Long) As Long
        Double_As_Function = 2 * N
    End Function


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