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Thread: ComboBox problem in custom ribbon

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    ComboBox problem in custom ribbon

    I hope someone can help, because I'm stuck.

    I'm attaching a file where I have customized the Home tab. The section "All Styles" contains a combobox, in which I want users to be able to type in the name of a style and hit Enter it will be applied (via macro).

    It works great most of the time, but at some point, it stops working, and I can't figure out why. There must be a pattern, but I can't figure it out. At some point, typing in a new style and hitting Enter has no effect. At that point, if I click the down arrow and manually select the style from the dropdown, it works, but I want to avoid asking people to do that extra step.

    (NOTE, I know this i re-creating the functionality available on Windows in the Apply Styles dialog, but that dialog and the old Classic Style Combo are not available in Word 2016 for Mac - and this is essential for us because there it is cumbersome to have to hunt for the style you need from the Style Panel.)

    Any ideas why this stops working, and if there is a way to jump start it once it stops? (Or alternatively, any ideas for a different way of accomplishing this?)

    Thanks in advance for any advice!

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