Hi everyone...

I have a table in memory ,name table1 and i want to open another database with same table name (table1) and also insert from table in memory records that dont exist in the external database. Records find with TEL_NUM_FACTURA that don't exist.
What i done is next:

connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=" & strpath
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open connStr
Dim dbs As Database
Dim cadena As String
cadena = "SELECT [tabla1].TEL_NUM_FACTURA, [tabla1].TEL_NU_TELEFONO, [tabla1].TEL_NU_EXTENSION, [tabla1].TEL_PRO_CARGOS, [tabla1].TEL_SUMA_TOTAL, [tabla1].TEL_DTO_PLAN, [tabla1].TEL_DTO_CLIENTE FROM [tabla1] LEFT JOIN tabla1 ON [tabla1].[TEL_NUM_FACTURA] = tabla1.[TEL_NUM_FACTURA] WHERE (((tabla1.TEL_NUM_FACTURA) Is Null));"
Set dbs = objConn.Execute(cadena)
Set rs = Nothing
Set objConn = Nothing

Before insert into y have problems with join... and i don't know how to solve it.
Does anybody can help me?

And happy new year...
