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Thread: Find unique records between 2 sheets and delete

  1. #1

    Find unique records between 2 sheets and delete

    I'm working on a long application and I hit a wall trying to find unique records between 2 sheets and removing the row from the first sheet if the record doesn't exist in the second sheet. Here's the code I have for this section of my program, I'm a bit confuse as to how to accomplish this and I'm hoping someone will be willing to take a look and give me some suggestions, thanks.
    I'm looking for the unique records in column B and I'll be searching over 3000 cells in that column. If the records exist in sheet 1 but not in sheet 2 they should be deleted.

     Option Explicit
        Sub RemoveReversionItems()
        Dim wbook As Workbook, Wsheet As Worksheet, wbName As String, wsName As String
        Dim AlphaRange As Range, ReversionRange As Range
        Dim AlphaArray
        Dim ReversionArray
        Dim x As Long
        Dim AlphaSheetColumn As String: AlphaSheetColumn = "B" 'The column with the PO#
        Dim ReversionSheetColumn As String: ReversionSheetColumn = "B" 'The column with the PO#
        For Each wbook In Workbooks
        If wbook.Name <> ActiveWorkbook.Name Then wbName = wbook.Name
        '    Look for Reversion Queue
        For Each Wsheet In wbook.Worksheets
            wsName = Wsheet.Name
            If Wsheet.Name Like "Revers*" Then
            MsgBox "This workbook is named " & wbName & " The Sheet is " & wsName
            'Get Reversion Range
            With Sheets(wsName)
                Set ReversionRange = .Range(.Range(ReversionSheetColumn & "2"), _
                        .Range(ReversionSheetColumn & rows.Count).End(xlUp))
                ReversionArray = ReversionRange
            End With
            End If
        Next Wsheet
        '    Look for Alpha Queue
        For Each Wsheet In wbook.Worksheets
            wsName = Wsheet.Name
            If Wsheet.Name Like "PO_LN*" Then
                'Load Alpha WorkSheet array
            With Sheets(wsName)
                Set AlphaRange = .Range(.Range(AlphaSheetColumn & "2"), _
                        .Range(AlphaSheetColumn & rows.Count).End(xlUp))
                AlphaArray = AlphaRange
            End With
            MsgBox "This workbook is named " & wbName & " The Sheet is " & wsName
            End If
        Next Wsheet
            If IsArray(ReversionArray) Then
                For x = UBound(ReversionArray) To 1 Step -1
                    If AlphaArray <> ReversionArray(x, 2) Then
                    ReversionRange.Cells(x).EntireRow.Interior.Color = 255   'I'll change this to delete
                    End If
            End If
        Next wbook
        End Sub

  2. #2
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    I'd do it a little differently.

    I think the arrays might be an unnecessary complication

    Since there was no sample workbook attached with data to test with (yes, that is a hint) this is not tested, but it might give you ideas

    I wasn't sure what you were calling Sheet1 and Sheet2 so I made an assumption

    Option Explicit
    Sub RemoveReversionItems()
        Dim wbook As Workbook
        Dim wsheet As Worksheet, wsRevers As Worksheet, wsPO_LN As Worksheet
        Dim AlphaRange As Range, ReversionRange As Range, rCell As Range
        Dim x As Long
        For Each wbook In Workbooks
            If wbook Is ActiveWorkbook Then GoTo GetNextWorkbook
            Set wsRevers = Nothing
            Set wsPO_LN = Nothing
            For Each wsheet In wbook.Worksheets
                If wsheet.Name Like "Revers*" Then
                    Set wsRevers = wsheet
                ElseIf wsheet.Name Like "PO_LN*" Then
                    Set wsPO_LN = wsheet
                End If
            If wsRevers Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox "This workbook is named " & wbook.Name & " but there is no Sheet like 'Revers*'"
                GoTo GetNextWorkbook
                MsgBox "This workbook is named " & wbook.Name & " The Revers Sheet is " & wsRevers.Name
                Set ReversionRange = wsRevers.Cells(2, 2)
                Set ReversionRange = Range(ReversionRange, ReversionRange.End(xlDown))
            End If
            If wsPO_LN Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox "This workbook is named " & wbook.Name & " but there is no Sheet like 'wsPO_LN*'"
                GoTo GetNextWorkbook
                MsgBox "This workbook is named " & wbook.Name & " The wsPO_LN Sheet is " & wsPO_LN.Name
                Set AlphaRange = wsPO_LN.Cells(2, 2)
                Set AlphaRange = Range(AlphaRange, AlphaRange.End(xlDown))
            End If
            '"If the records exist in sheet 1 but not in sheet 2 they should be deleted." is ambigious <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
            '   since I don't know which is Sheet1
            'Making assumption that
            '   If Col B value in Revers is NOT in Col B in LN_PO, then delete the Revers row  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
            For Each rCell In ReversionRange.Cells
                x = -1
                On Error Resume Next
                x = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(rCell, AlphaRange, 0)
                On Error GoTo 0
                If x = -1 Then
                    rCell.Interior.Color = vbRed 'I'll change this to delete
    'UNCOMMENT      rCell.value = true
                End If
            On Error Resume Next
    'UNCOMMENT   ReversionRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlLogical).EntireRow.Delete
            On Error GoTo 0
        Next wbook
    End Sub


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  3. #3
    Hi Paul, I have no words to express how grateful I am, I've been racking my brain trying to figure this out and you nailed it. I wanted to attach a sample sheet which I've been using for testing, but the forum doesn't allow me to, I think it might be because I'm a new member, however, I'm including screenshots to give you an idea. Thank you for taking your valuable time to help me with this.

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Robinsper; 01-23-2017 at 11:16 AM.

  4. #4
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    If it does what you want, you can use the [Thread Tools] menu about your first post to make it Solved

    If it doesn't, let me know and I'll build a WB with your data and see


    Remember: Tell us WHAT you want to do, not HOW you think you want to do it

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