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Thread: Convert user entered measurement string to points

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Mar 2017

    Question Convert user entered measurement string to points

    In the PowerPoint format shape box, users can enter measurements followed by a unit - e.g. "cm", "mm", "in", or not enter a unit - in which case the default measurement unit for the system is used (e.g. cm).

    I would like to create an input box which accepts measurements in the same way. I've not been able to find a function that could handle the resulting string in PowerPoint VBA - Application.ConvertResult for VBA in Microsoft Visio looks like it could do the job - but that's not in PowerPoint. I could of course use string functions to detect any measurement unit a user has entered: the problem with that however is that I don't know what all the valid measurement abbreviations are for PowerPoint, and this most probably won't work for PowerPoint offered in different languages.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Sub Button_Click()Dim stringinput, unit As String
    Dim measurement As Double
    Dim lpos As Long
    'Stores your input into stringinput variable
    stringinput = Slide1.TextBox1.Value
    'This code finds the position where the space between your number and measurement unit is. It will not work without a space.
    lpos = CDbl(InStr(1, stringinput, " "))
    'This line takes just only the number out of your string, for example "45 cm"
    measurement = Left(stringinput, lpos - 1)
    'This line takes the last two characters of your input and stores it as your unit
    unit = Right(stringinput, 2)
    'Now to do your conversions. The default unit is points. This is one example for using inches.
    If UCase(unit) = "IN" Then measurement = measurement * 0.0138889
    'And then you can do what you want with your measurement.
    End Sub

  3. #3
    VBAX Master
    Feb 2007
    This would work in most cases

    Sub getMeasurement()   Dim strIn As String
       strIn = InputBox("Enter Measurement")
       Select Case True
       Case LCase(strIn) Like "*c*"
          MsgBox "probably " & Val(strIn) & " cm."
       Case LCase(strIn) Like "*m*"
          MsgBox "probably " & Val(strIn) & " mm."
        Case LCase(strIn) Like "*in*"
          MsgBox "probably " & Val(strIn) & " in."
       End Select
    End Sub
    Last edited by John Wilson; 03-13-2017 at 05:41 AM.
    John Wilson
    Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
    Amazing Free PowerPoint Tutorials

  4. #4
    VBAX Regular
    Mar 2017
    Thank you very much for your replies - and sorry for my slow response!. I've gone for just looking for "cm", "mm", and "in" - and treating everything else as invalid. Where no unit is given, I set it to "cm" or "in" depending on what the user has set on their system. This seems to be the nearest match to what PowerPoint does with measurements in other contexts.

    So I have:

    ' Returns points for strings which specify a unit following a number
    ' (cm, mm, or in).
    ' If no unit is contained in the string, then the measurement system for the
    ' locale is used - i.e. "cm" for metric, or "in" for US/imperial.
    ' An invalid measurement string returns -1.
    Public Function StrToPoints(strMeasurement) As Double
    ' valid units: mm, cm, in
    ' we'll use these, and cm (or in) as default if no unit in string
    ' return -1 if not a valid measure.
    ' use val to get the numerical bit
    ' remove everything except numbers and decimal separators
    ' if characters in there which are not "mm" etc. numbers or dec.points - then not valid.
    Dim strNumericChars
    strNumericChars = "0123456789" & LocaleGetDecSep()
    Dim strNumericString As String
    strNumericString = ""
    Dim dblPoints As Double
    Dim stMeasUnit As String
    stMeasUnit = ""
    Dim boolNumericFound As Boolean
    Dim boolNonNumericFound As Boolean
    Dim iChar As Integer
    Dim strChar As String
    StrToPoints = -1
      For iChar = 1 To Len(strMeasurement)
        strChar = Mid$(strMeasurement, iChar, 1)
        If strChar = " " Then
          'ignore spaces;
        ElseIf InStr(1, strNumericChars, strChar) > 0 Then
          If boolNonNumericFound Then
            ' Numbers after non-numbers is not allowed
            Exit Function
            boolNumericFound = True
            strNumericString = strNumericString & strChar
          End If
          If Not boolNumericFound Then
            ' Non-numbers before numbers is not allowed
            Exit Function
            boolNonNumericFound = True
            stMeasUnit = stMeasUnit & strChar
          End If
        End If
      Next iChar
      If Not boolNonNumericFound Then
        If LocaleGetMeasure() = 1 Then
          stMeasUnit = "in"
          stMeasUnit = "cm"
        End If
      End If
      ' CDbl will correctly handle the decimal separator according to the user's
      ' locale.
      If strNumericString = "" Then
        Exit Function
      End If
      dblPoints = CDbl(strNumericString)
      Select Case stMeasUnit
      ' valid units: mm, cm, in (nothing else is recognised by ppt)
        Case "cm"
          dblPoints = cm2Points(dblPoints)
        Case "mm"
          dblPoints = cm2Points(dblPoints * 0.1)
        Case "in"
          dblPoints = in2Points(dblPoints)
        Case Else
          dblPoints = -1
      End Select
      StrToPoints = dblPoints
    End Function
    ' In another module:
    Option Explicit
    Option Base 0
    ' This is based on various sources:
    Private Declare Function GetLocaleInfo Lib "kernel32" _
      Alias "GetLocaleInfoEx" (ByVal lpLocaleName As String, ByVal LCType As Long, _
        ByVal lpLCData As String, ByVal cchData As Integer) As Integer
    'Private Declare Function GetSystemDefaultLCID Lib "kernel32" () As Long
    Private Declare Function GetUserDefaultLocaleName Lib "kernel32" _
      (ByVal lpLocaleName As String, ByVal cchLocaleName As Integer) As Integer
    ' &HD is a long with decimal value 13.
    Private Const LOCALE_IMEASURE = &HD         '  0 = metric, 1 = US
    Private Const LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH = &H55
    Private Const LOCALE_SDECIMAL = &HE
    Private Const MY_DEFAULT_MEASURE = 0 ' default to metric if there's a problem.
    ' Outputs 0 for metric or 1 for US/imperial
    Public Function LocaleGetMeasure() As String
        ' Initialise strings to a length with * 255 for example
        ' Passing a null string to either of the kernel32 functions
        ' will cause a crash.
        Dim lpLocaleName As String * 85
        Dim strMeasure As String
        Dim strBuffer As String * 2
        Dim intLen As Integer
        strMeasure = MY_DEFAULT_MEASURE
        If GetUserDefaultLocaleName(lpLocaleName, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH) = 0 Then
          LocaleGetMeasure = strMeasure
          Exit Function
        End If
        intLen = GetLocaleInfo(lpLocaleName, LOCALE_IMEASURE, _
         strBuffer, Len(strBuffer))
        ' Trim off extra junk, and final Null character.
        If intLen > 1 Then
            strMeasure = Left$(strBuffer, intLen - 1)
        End If
        LocaleGetMeasure = strMeasure
    End Function
    Public Function LocaleGetDecSep() As String
      Dim lpLocaleName As String * 85
        'Dim strMeasure As String
        Dim strSep As String
        Dim strBuffer As String * 2
        Dim intLen As Integer
        Dim strSepDefault As String
        strSepDefault = "."
        strSep = strSepDefault
        If GetUserDefaultLocaleName(lpLocaleName, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH) = 0 Then
          LocaleGetDecSep = strSep
          Exit Function
        End If
        intLen = GetLocaleInfo(lpLocaleName, LOCALE_SDECIMAL, _
         strBuffer, Len(strBuffer))
        ' Trim off extra junk, and final Null character.
        If intLen > 1 Then
            strSep = Left$(strBuffer, intLen - 1)
        End If
        ' won't support multi character separators:
        If Len(strSep) > 1 Or Len(strSep) = 0 Then
          strSep = strSepDefault
        End If
        LocaleGetDecSep = strSep
    End Function
    Last edited by neilt17; 06-05-2017 at 06:56 AM.

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