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Thread: GetFolder Function - Add create new folder if missing

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Mar 2017

    GetFolder Function - Add create new folder if missing


    I'm pretty new VBA in outlook, and I am trying to create module that will allow me to move older emails from one folder to another, and if the destination folder does not exist, to create it..

    I am using a version of the GetFolder Function by Microsoft for Outlook, which uses a text path string to create an Outlook.folder output to return to the calling sub..
    The function works fine if the folder exists, but fails if I attempt to create a new folder that doesn't exit in the path with the following error:

    An unexpected Error has occurred.
    Error Number: 438
    Error Description: Object doesn't support this property or method

    I am hoping someone here can point out where my problem is in the code and how I can fix it..


    Function GetFolder(ByVal FolderPath As String) As Outlook.folder
    Dim TestFolder As Outlook.folder
    Dim FoldersArray As Variant
    Dim i As Integer

    On Error GoTo GetFolder_Error

    Debug.Print "Org Folder Path: " & FolderPath
    If Left(FolderPath, 2) = "\\" Then
    FolderPath = Right(FolderPath, Len(FolderPath) - 2)
    Debug.Print "New Folder Path: " & FolderPath
    End If
    'Convert folderpath to array
    FoldersArray = Split(FolderPath, "\")
    Set TestFolder = Application.Session.Folders.Item(FoldersArray(0))
    If Not TestFolder Is Nothing Then
    Debug.Print "Base Folder Path: " & FoldersArray(0)
    For i = 1 To UBound(FoldersArray, 1)
    Dim SubFolders As Outlook.Folders
    Set SubFolders = TestFolder.Folders
    Debug.Print "Working Folder: " & FoldersArray(i)
    On Error Resume Next

    ' If doesn`t exist create
    If SubFolders.Item(FoldersArray(i)) Is Nothing Then
    On Error GoTo GetFolder_Error
    Debug.Print "Add Start" & vbCrLf
    Set SubFolders = SubFolders.Folders.Add(FoldersArray(i))
    Debug.Print "Folder Created" & vbCrLf
    Set SubFolders = TestFolder.Folders
    End If
    Set TestFolder = SubFolders.Item(FoldersArray(i))
    End If

    'Return the TestFolder
    Set GetFolder = TestFolder
    Debug.Print "Done" & vbCrLf
    Set TestFolder = Nothing
    Set FoldersArray = Nothing
    Exit Function

    Set GetFolder = Nothing
    For j = 1 To UBound(FoldersArray, 1)
    txt = txt & FoldersArray(j) & vbCrLf
    Next j
    Debug.Print vbCrLf & "An unexpected Error has occurred." _
    & vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & Err.Number _
    & vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & Err.Description _
    & vbCrLf & "GetFolder Error [" & FoldersArray(i) & "]"
    Exit Function
    End Function

  2. #2
    VBAX Mentor skatonni's Avatar
    Jun 2006
    This looks like the immediate problem.

    'Set SubFolders = SubFolders.Folders.Add(FoldersArray(i))
    Set SubFolders = SubFolders.Add(FoldersArray(i))

    This looks like it creates folders as needed.

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub GetFolder_Test()
        Dim myFolder As Folder
        Dim myFolderPath As String
        myFolderPath = "\\" & "Your address" & "\Inbox\new"
        Set myFolder = GetFolder(myFolderPath)
        If Not (myFolder Is Nothing) Then
            ' Display myFolder in new window
        End If
    End Sub
    Function GetFolder(ByVal FolderPath As String) As Folder
        Dim TestFolder As Outlook.Folder
        Dim FoldersArray As Variant
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim j As Long
        Dim txt As String
        ' As the programmer, try not to use this, especially when debugging.
        ' Let the errors show up and highlight the line.
        ' On Error GoTo GetFolder_Error
        Debug.Print "Org Folder Path: " & FolderPath
        If Left(FolderPath, 2) = "\\" Then
            FolderPath = Right(FolderPath, Len(FolderPath) - 2)
            Debug.Print "New Folder Path: " & FolderPath
        End If
        'Convert folderpath to array
        FoldersArray = Split(FolderPath, "\")
        Set TestFolder = Application.Session.Folders.item(FoldersArray(0))
        If Not TestFolder Is Nothing Then
            Debug.Print "Base Folder Path: " & FoldersArray(0)
            For i = 1 To UBound(FoldersArray, 1)
            Dim SubFolders As Outlook.Folders
            Set SubFolders = TestFolder.Folders
            Debug.Print "Working Folder: " & FoldersArray(i)
            On Error Resume Next ' Bypass errors for a purpose
            ' If doesn`t exist create
            If SubFolders.item(FoldersArray(i)) Is Nothing Then
            'On Error GoTo GetFolder_Error
            Debug.Print "Add Start" & vbCrLf
            ' Especially important to have no unexpected errors, 
            '  such as a syntax error.
            'Set SubFolders = SubFolders.Folders.Add(FoldersArray(i))
            Set SubFolders = SubFolders.Add(FoldersArray(i))
            If Err = 0 Then
                Debug.Print "A folder should have been created." & vbCrLf
            End If
            On Error GoTo 0 ' To stop bypassing errors when the purpose is over
            Set SubFolders = TestFolder.Folders
        End If
        Set TestFolder = SubFolders.item(FoldersArray(i))
     End If
     'Return the TestFolder
     Set GetFolder = TestFolder
        Debug.Print "Done" & vbCrLf
        Set TestFolder = Nothing
        Set FoldersArray = Nothing
        Exit Function
        Set GetFolder = Nothing
        ' This will generate errors
        '  by referring to missing FoldersArray data
        ' Limit yourself to the Err information
        '  if you use this error handling
        For j = 1 To UBound(FoldersArray, 1)
        txt = txt & FoldersArray(j) & vbCrLf
        Next j
        Debug.Print vbCrLf & "An unexpected Error has occurred." _
        & vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & Err.number _
        & vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & Err.Description _
        & vbCrLf & "GetFolder Error [" & FoldersArray(i) & "]"
        'Exit Function
        Resume ExitRoutine
     End Function
    Last edited by skatonni; 03-14-2017 at 02:25 PM.
    To debug, mouse-click anywhere in the code. Press F8 repeatedly to step through the code.

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  3. #3
    VBAX Newbie
    Mar 2017
    Thanks.. That fixed it..
    Thanks for the added advice on script debugging..

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