Hi all,

I've got a userform with a combobox that I set the list items via VBA.

question is:
how do I make the validation list disappear after the code has finished?
I currently have to click the list once to make it go away, and then reopen the list and set the combobox value
tis kinda annoying.

the relevant code is the section following 'myarray = getfittingtype(myString)'


Private Sub cbxLampType_AfterUpdate()
'create lookup values for fitting type and balast type
Dim myCbox As ComboBox
Dim myArray() As String
Dim myRow As Long
Dim myString As String
Dim myFlag As Boolean

If enableFormEvents = False Then Exit Sub

myString = frmAssessment.cbxLampType.Value
Set myCbox = frmAssessment.cbxFittingType
myFlag = False
    If myString = "" Then Exit Sub 'quit if no lamp type is selected
    myArray = GetFittingType(myString)
    For myRow = 1 To UBound(myArray)    'set fitting type validation
        myCbox.AddItem myArray(myRow)
        If myCbox.Value = myArray(myRow) Then myFlag = True
    Next myRow
    If myFlag = False Then myCbox.Value = ""
    Erase myArray()
    Set myCbox = frmAssessment.cbxControlGear
    myFlag = False
    myArray = GetControlGear(myString)
    For myRow = 1 To UBound(myArray)    'set control gear validation
        myCbox.AddItem myArray(myRow)
        If myCbox.Value = myArray(myRow) Then
            myFlag = True   'a valid value exists
        End If
    Next myRow
    If myFlag = False Then myCbox.Value = GetDefaultBalast(myString)

End Sub