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Thread: Parsing websites

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Mar 2017

    Parsing websites


    I have problems with parsing a specific website . I used the excel function for importing data of a website (Data tab --> Get External Data group --> From Web) which I inserted into a macro.
    And here is the problem: It seems that the information that I need is not available the day after I created the macro. I'm looking for soccer odds of a specific country (also only a specific bet offer) but obviously the bet website changes the information of the web address. Means when I run the makro after a while excel does deliver other information that I'm looking for.
    Is there anything I can do? Obviously I need another programming language which is able to run through the website, click on the right buttoms and set the right filters e.g., right? I'm looking for a dynamic solution which always delivers the information I need but does find its way to that point of the website each time "new".

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    VBAX Expert
    May 2016
    without knowing what the web site looks like it is very difficult to help you. In general terms what I have found often works with these sort of sites is to look very carefully at the URL that gives you the correct page, it often is made up of two parts:
    the part of the url which is after the question mark is a set of parameters which determine what is sent back. if you look at the parameters you can often work out how to set these to get the answers you are looking. e.g. todays date, team code or whatever
    Best of luck

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Mar 2017

    thanks you for your reply. Since I'm new here and need at least 5 posts to post links, I can't show you an example. If you follow the path below you can reach the point where 'm struggling:

    --> Go to Tipico(.com) --> press "Football" --> Press "Spain" --> Press "La Liga". Until this path there is a link. That's fine so far. But I am interested in a specific bet Option --> Press "Show bet Options" --> Press "Over/Under Points in match".

    Attachment 18701


    Unfortunatley, when chosing this bet options, the link doesn't change, so I still have no direct connection to the bet options I'd like to have.

    Thanks in advance,


  4. #4
    VBAX Expert
    May 2016
    Hopefully this will get you started, it gets most of the information on the page,. if you want more you will need to change the logic a bit. also i haven't tidied up the output because I wasn't sure quite what you wanted.

    [VBA]Sub test()
    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(12000, 10)) = ""
    meta = "<meta itemprop"
    result = "result_pk"
    Dim str As String
    indi = 2
    Dim inarr As Variant
    Dim outarr As Variant
    Set FinHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.xmlHTTP")
    Dim FinRows, FinCols
    urlstring = ""
    FinHTTP.Open "GET", urlstring, False

    textmess = FinHTTP.responseText
    'MsgBox textmess
    FinRows = Split(FinHTTP.responseText, Chr(10))
    For j = 0 To UBound(FinRows) - 1

    ' Cells(j + 1, 1) = FinRows(j)
    str = FinRows(j)

    If InStr(str, meta) > 0 Or InStr(str, result) > 0 Then
    Cells(indi, 1) = FinRows(j)
    indi = indi + 1
    End If
    Next j

    End Sub


  5. #5
    VBAX Regular
    Mar 2017

    thanks a lot for this code! It helps me to get the Information in a more sorted way than just copying everything (that's how Excel does it when you use the standard function) into a sheet.

    I'm still not at the point where the Information I need is. With your code I get the odds for the three possible results of each game (win home team, draw, win away team). I'm looking for the Odds of the bet option "Over/Under points in match". But therefore you first need to click "Show bet options" to select it (that's at the very top of the homepage). Can you see where I'm struggling?



  6. #6
    VBAX Expert
    May 2016
    Hi , I don't think my method is going to solve the problem for you, I think the only way I know to do this is to do it by instantiating Internet Explorer within VBA, then running through the elements or classes to find the right name and then sending a click event. You can use my methd to get a complete printout of the web page to allow yo to see what the classes are by removing the if statement. I am sorry but I don't have time to do it for you.

  7. #7
    VBAX Regular
    Mar 2017
    Hey guys,

    what I found and adjusted to my needs is:

    Sub Click()
    Dim ele As Object
        Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    IE.Visible = False
        IE.navigate "Tipico_Link"
        Set ele = IE.Document.getElementById("Show bet options")
    End Sub
    Unfortunately I receive the following message: "the method document of iwebbrowser2 failed"
    Others were able to solve this Problem by changing Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") into Set IE = GetObject("new:{D5E8041D-920F-45e9-B8FB-B1DEB82C6E5E}"). For me it doesn't make any difference, it just shows the same error message.

    By the way, the HTML-code for my button is:

    <span class="">Show bet options</span>


    Last edited by Aussiebear; 03-26-2017 at 04:12 PM. Reason: Added code wrapper tags

  8. #8
    VBAX Expert
    May 2016
    I have done some work on this and I have got half way there, I have now managed to click the "show bet options" Hopefully this will show you that way to get the other half.
    Note I added a sheet called data to help in development along with some of the code which is stil in this sub.
    [vba]Sub Laliga()
    Range("A1:z2000") = ""

    Dim Items As IHTMLElementCollection
    Dim Item As IHTMLElement
    Dim RowNumber As Long
    Dim ItemId As String
    Dim QFields As IHTMLElementCollection
    Dim QField As IHTMLElement
    Exitf = False

    Dim tsext As String

    Dim ie As Object
    Dim HTMLDoc As HTMLDocument

    Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

    ie.navigate ""

    ie.Visible = True

    Do While ie.Busy And Not ie.readyState = 4

    Set HTMLDoc = ie.Document
    i = 1
    Set Items = HTMLDoc.all

    For Each Item In Items
    Set QFields = Item.all

    For Each QField In QFields
    i = 1
    tsext = QField.innerText
    flagt = InStr(tsext, "Show bet options")
    flagc = InStr(QField.outerHTML, "more_types onclick")
    If flagt = 1 And flagc = 14 Then
    Cells(i, 1) = tsext
    Cells(i, 2) = flagc
    Cells(i, 3) = QField.outerHTML
    ' MsgBox (flagc)

    Exitf = True
    Exit For
    End If

    ' MsgBox (tsext)
    Next QField
    If Exitf Then
    Exit For
    End If
    Next Item

    Set Document = Nothing
    Set Browser = Nothing

    End Sub

    Last edited by offthelip; 03-23-2017 at 11:40 AM. Reason: Exit for in wrong place

  9. #9
    VBAX Expert
    May 2016
    I am getting there this now opens the Over/Under point in match bits:

    [vba]Sub Laliga()
    Range("A1:z2000") = ""

    Dim Items As IHTMLElementCollection
    Dim Item As IHTMLElement
    Dim RowNumber As Long
    Dim ItemId As String
    Dim QFields As IHTMLElementCollection
    Dim QField As IHTMLElement
    Exitf = False

    Dim tsext As String

    Dim ie As Object
    Dim HTMLDoc As HTMLDocument

    Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

    ie.navigate ""

    ie.Visible = True

    Do While ie.Busy And Not ie.readyState = 4

    Set HTMLDoc = ie.Document
    i = 1
    Set Items = HTMLDoc.all

    For Each Item In Items
    Set QFields = Item.all

    For Each QField In QFields
    i = 1
    tsext = QField.innerText
    flagt = InStr(tsext, "Show bet options")
    flagc = InStr(QField.outerHTML, "more_types onclick")
    If flagt = 1 And flagc = 14 Then
    ' Cells(i, 1) = tsext
    ' Cells(i, 2) = flagc
    ' Cells(i, 3) = QField.outerHTML
    ' MsgBox (flagc)

    Exitf = True
    Exit For
    End If

    ' MsgBox (tsext)
    Next QField
    If Exitf Then
    Exit For
    End If
    Next Item

    ' Find over/under
    i = 1

    For Each Item In Items
    Set QFields = Item.all
    Exitf = False
    For Each QField In QFields
    tsext = QField.innerText
    flagt = InStr(tsext, "Over/Under points in Match")

    flagc = InStr(QField.outerHTML, "more_types onclick")
    If flagt = 1 Then
    Cells(i, 1) = tsext
    Cells(i, 2) = flagt
    Cells(i, 3) = QField.outerHTML
    ' MsgBox (flagc)
    i = i + 1

    Exitf = True
    Exit For
    End If

    ' MsgBox (tsext)
    Next QField
    If Exitf Then
    Exit For
    End If
    Next Item

    Set Document = Nothing
    Set Browser = Nothing
    End Sub

  10. #10
    VBAX Regular
    Mar 2017

    impressing, thanks! It took me a while to understand but I finally made it.

    I tried your code and have even been able to check if I'm on the right page by running through the items and searching for a specific team (which was fortunately found).

    Now I have the next problem: I don't know how to get the right information on the page. Of course I could put all football teams into an array and check if the string of the current item is equal to the strings in the array. But that wouldn't help me to find the bets and odds since they change of course. I tried to find the height of the found team (example: "Real Madrid", height: 144) in order to get the bets which are right to the teams. It didn't work out for me.
    Another approach was to use you first suggestion (using the Microsoft.xmlHTTP Object) but from my point of view I have the same problem like at the beginning since creating this object requires a URL which is not correct in my case because it doesn't deliver the right information before clicking two buttons. Is there any way to transfer the items I already have into the FinHTTP-object?

    I don't know how to deal with that, I need the information (games, bets, odds) listed like in your first approach.

    Here's the code (only the last few rows are "new"):

    Sub Laliga()
        range("A1:Z2000") = ""
        Dim Items As IHTMLElementCollection
        Dim Item As IHTMLElement
        Dim QFields As IHTMLElementCollection
        Dim QField As IHTMLElement
        Dim HTMLDoc As HTMLDocument
        meta = "<meta itemdrop"
        Result = "result_pk"
        Dim str As String
        indi = 2
        Dim inarr As Variant
        Dim outarr As Variant
        Set FinHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.xmlHTTP")
        Dim FinRows, FinCols
        Dim RowNumber As Long
        Dim ItemId As String
        Exitf = False
        Dim tsext As String
        Dim ie As Object 'ie --> InternetExplorer als Objekt einrichten und Seite öffnen
        Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
        ie.navigate "LINK" (still not able to post Links here)
        ie.Visible = True
        Do While ie.Busy And Not ie.readyState = 4
        Set HTMLDoc = ie.document 'Internet Explorer als HTML-Dokument darstellen
        i = 1
        Set Items = HTMLDoc.all 'IHTML-Elemente mit HTML-Elementen füllen
        For Each Item In Items 'Find the button "Show bet options"
            Set QFields = Item.all
            For Each QField In QFields
                i = 1
                tsext = QField.innerText
                flagt = InStr(tsext, "Show bet options")
                flagc = InStr(QField.outerHTML, "more_types onclick")
                If flagt = 1 And flagc = 14 Then
                    Exitf = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next QField
            If Exitf Then
                Exit For
            End If
        Next Item
        i = 1
        For Each Item In Items 'Find the button "Over/Under points in Match"
            Set QFields = Item.all 'Alle Items der Seite "Over/Under points in Match" QFields zuordnen
            Exitf = False
            For Each QField In QFields
                tsext = QField.innerText
                flagt = InStr(tsext, "Over/Under points in Match")
                flagc = InStr(QField.outerHTML, "more_types onclick")
                If flagt = 1 Then '--> button found
                    i = i + 1
                    Exitf = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next QField
            If Exitf Then
                Exit For
            End If
        Next Item
        i = 1
        'Added code
       FinHTTP = Items 'Copy the information into Excel
        FinRows = Split(FinHTTP.responseText, Chr(10))
        For j = 0 To UBound(FinRows) - 1
            str = FinRows(j)
            If InStr(str, meta) > 0 Or InStr(str, Result) > 0 Then
                Cells(indi, 1) = FinRows(j)
                indi = indi + 1
            End If
        Next j
        Set document = Nothing
        Set Browser = Nothing
    End Sub
    Thanks for helping me so much!
    Last edited by mdmackillop; 03-25-2017 at 05:10 PM. Reason: Code tags added

  11. #11
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012
    Please use code tags !

  12. #12
    VBAX Regular
    Mar 2017
    Hey there,

    I made it by using the classNames. It's still some work to do in the Excel-file but that's not a big deal.

            For Each QField In QFields
                tsext = QField.innerText
                flagt = InStr(tsext, "Over/Under points in Match")
                flagc = InStr(QField.outerHTML, "more_types onclick")
                If QField.className = "multi_row" And InStr(tsext, "(1.") = 1 Then 'This gives me the bet options including bets
                    Cells(j, 1) = tsext
                    j = j + 1
                    If j = 40 Then
                        Exitf = True
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                End If
                If QField.className = "e_active t_row jq-event-row-cont" Then 'This gives me the date of the match and the teams
                    Cells(i, 2) = tsext
                    i = i + 1
                    If i = 40 Then
                        Exitf = True
                        Exit For
                    End If
                End If
            Next QField
            If Exitf Then
                Exit For
            End If
        Next Item
    Thank you!

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