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Thread: Save & delete old email macro - new guy need help

  1. #1

    Save & delete old email macro - new guy need help

    Hi there,

    I'm new to Outlook VBA.

    While searching for a macro that could file and delete my emails I found this.

    This is not mine.
    Vbscript for Outlook emails backup and cleanup

    I keep getting an error

    Compile Error
    Invalide outside procedure

    it's in the first few line, i've added a coment to locate it

    I know a bit about excel macro and my guess is that i'm missing a declaration but absolutely not sure.

    Is there any change someone can help me.

    Many thanks.

    PS: If for any reason this is not the right place to post this thread please let me know and i'll redo.

    Option Explicit 
    Dim strt, daysold
    Dim rootpath, path, foldr, strStoreName
    Dim log, logline, strttime, endtime, status, foldcntr, closingnote, excludelist
    Dim folder(75, 5)
    foldcntr = 0
    strStoreName = InputBox("Please enter the email address or display name as it appears in your Outlook", "Email id")
    If strStoreName = "" Then
    MsgBox "Invalid email, please re-run the script"
    End If
    rootpath = InputBox("Please enter the path to save the emails", "Path")
    If rootpath = "" Then
    MsgBox "Invalid path, please re-run the script"
    End If
    folder_exist (rootpath)
    rootpath = rootpath & "\"
    daysold = InputBox("Please enter the number of days", "Older than days")
    If daysold = "" Then
    MsgBox "Invalid number, please re-run the script"
    ElseIf Not IsNumeric(daysold) Then
    MsgBox "Please enter number only, please re-run the script"
    End If
    If MsgBox("Do you want to exclude any folder(s) ?", 36, "Confirmation") = vbYes Then
        excludelist = LCase(InputBox("To exclude any folder(s), please enter folder name as it appears in outlook separated by comma "","" ", "Feed-in"))
    End If
    If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to proceed ?", vbYesNo, "confirmation") = vbNo Then
    End If
    MsgBox "If you want to stop this process, please open Task Manager and kill ""wscript.exe"" under processes tab ", vbInformation, "Alert"
    strttime = Now
    'Other declarations
    Dim objOutlook, objNamespace, objStore, objRoot, objInbox, objSentItems
    Dim objFSO, objHTAFile, objshell, objLOGFile, mailbody
    Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set objNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set objStore = objNamespace.Stores.Item(strStoreName)
    Set objRoot = objStore.GetRootFolder()
    Set objInbox = objRoot.Folders("Inbox")
    Set objSentItems = objRoot.Folders("Sent Items")
    Dim objWorkingFolder, foldname
    Dim colitems, olMsg, cnt
    Dim objInputFile, size
    olMsg = 3
    '************ Call the function to save the email
    Set objshell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    objshell.Run ".\status1.hta"
    mailbody = "Outlook backup and clean-up tool has Started will send out an completion email, please do not run another instance"
    SendEmail "Outlook backup and clean-up has Started : " & strttime, mailbody
    WScript.sleep "5000"
    Set objshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objInputFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("log.ini", 1)
    mailbody = objInputFile.readall
    SendEmail "Outlook backup and clean-up has Finished : " & endtime, mailbody
    Set objWorkingFolder = Nothing
    Set objInbox = Nothing
    Set objRoot = Nothing
    Set objStore = Nothing
    Set objNamespace = Nothing
    Set objOutlook = Nothing
    Set objSentItems = Nothing
    MsgBox " emails are saved in location " & vbCr & rootpath, vbSystemModal, "Task Completed Successfully"
    Public Function SaveEmail()
    path = rootpath & Trim(objInbox) & "\"
    folder_exist (path)
    cnt = objInbox.Items.Count
    Set colitems = objInbox.Items
    objWorkingFolder = objInbox.Name
    foldname = objInbox.Name
    SaveAndDeleteEmails ()
    Set colitems = Nothing
    Dim objSubFolder
    For Each objSubFolder In objInbox.Folders
        path = rootpath & objInbox & "\" & Trim(objSubFolder) & "\"
        folder_exist (path)
        cnt = objSubFolder.Items.Count
        Set colitems = objSubFolder.Items
        objWorkingFolder = objInbox.Name & "\" & objSubFolder.Name
        foldname = LCase(objSubFolder.Name)
        Set colitems = Nothing
        If objSubFolder.Folders.Count > 1 Then
            Dim foldSub SaveAndDeleteEmails()
    foldcntr = foldcntr + 1
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 0) = objWorkingFolder
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 1) = cnt
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 2) = "-"
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 3) = "-"
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 4) = "Processing"
    status = "<span style=""background-color: #FFFF00"">Running</span>"
    endtime = "Running"
    If InStr(excludelist, foldname) <> 0 Then
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 2) = "0"
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 3) = "0"
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 4) = "<span style=""background-color: #E6E6FA"">Excluded</span>"
    Exit Function
    End If
    Dim counter
    counter = 0
    If Not cnt = 0 Then
    Dim i
    Dim filename, tempfilename, fsize
    For i = cnt To 0 Step -1
        If colitems(i).ReceivedTime < DateAdd("d", -daysold, Now) Then
            filename = colitems(i).Subject & " " & colitems(i).ReceivedTime & ".msg"
            tempfilename = CleanString(filename)
            fsize = fsize + colitems(i).size
            On Error Resume Next
            colitems(i).SaveAs path & tempfilename, olMsg
            counter = counter + 1
            Exit For
        End If
        folder(foldcntr - 1, 2) = counter
        folder(foldcntr - 1, 3) = Int((fsize / 1024))
    End If
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 2) = counter
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 3) = Int((fsize / 1024))
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 4) = "Finish"
    size = size + fsize
    End Function
            For Each fold In objSubFolder.Folders
                path = rootpath & objInbox & "\" & Trim(objSubFolder) & "\" & Trim(fold) & "\"
                folder_exist (path)
                cnt = fold.Items.Count
                objWorkingFolder = objInbox.Name & "\" & objSubFolder.Name & "\" & fold.Name
                foldname = LCase(fold.Name)
                Set colitems = fold.Items
                Set colitems = Nothing
        End If
    Next 'folders loop
    '*************** For Sent items
    path = rootpath & Trim(objSentItems) & "\"
    folder_exist (path)
    cnt = objSentItems.Items.Count
    Set colitems = objSentItems.Items
    objWorkingFolder = objSentItems.Name
    foldname = LCase(objSentItems.Name)
    closingnote = "<BR><B>Outlook backup and clean-up script has completed, you may now close this window</B><BR>"
    status = "<span style=""background-color: #90EE90"">Finished</span>"
    endtime = Now
    Set objSubFolder = Nothing
    Set fold = Nothing
    End Function
    Sub SaveAndDeleteEmails()
    foldcntr = foldcntr + 1
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 0) = objWorkingFolder
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 1) = cnt
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 2) = "-"
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 3) = "-"
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 4) = "Processing"
    status = "<span style=""background-color: #FFFF00"">Running</span>"
    endtime = "Running"
    If InStr(excludelist, foldname) <> 0 Then
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 2) = "0"
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 3) = "0"
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 4) = "<span style=""background-color: #E6E6FA"">Excluded</span>"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim counter
    counter = 0
    If Not cnt = 0 Then
    Dim i
    Dim filename, tempfilename, fsize
    For i = cnt To 0 Step -1
        If colitems(i).ReceivedTime < DateAdd("d", -daysold, Now) Then
            filename = colitems(i).Subject & " " & colitems(i).ReceivedTime & ".msg"
            tempfilename = CleanString(filename)
            fsize = fsize + colitems(i).size
            On Error Resume Next
            colitems(i).SaveAs path & tempfilename, olMsg
            counter = counter + 1
            Exit For
        End If
        folder(foldcntr - 1, 2) = counter
        folder(foldcntr - 1, 3) = Int((fsize / 1024))
    End If
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 2) = counter
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 3) = Int((fsize / 1024))
    folder(foldcntr - 1, 4) = "Finish"
    size = size + fsize
    End Sub
    Function Create_HTA_FILE()
    'on error resume next
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
    Set objHTAFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(".\status1.hta", 2, True)
    objHTAFile.writeline "<html>"
    objHTAFile.writeline "<head>"
    objHTAFile.writeline "<H2>Status of the outlook emails backup and clean-up script</H2>"
    objHTAFile.writeline "<title>Status - Auto Refreshed</title>"
    objHTAFile.writeline "<HTA:APPLICATION "
    objHTAFile.writeline "     ID=""objAutoRefresh"""
    objHTAFile.writeline "       APPLICATIONNAME=""Status - Auto Refreshed"""
    objHTAFile.writeline "     SCROLL=""auto"""
    objHTAFile.writeline "     SINGLEINSTANCE=""yes"""
    objHTAFile.writeline ">"
    objHTAFile.writeline "</head>"
    objHTAFile.writeline "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=""VBScript"">"
    objHTAFile.writeline "       Sub Window_OnLoad"
    objHTAFile.writeline "        RefreshList "
    objHTAFile.writeline "       iTimerID = window.setInterval(""RefreshList"", 1000)"
    objHTAFile.writeline "        End Sub"
    objHTAFile.writeline "    Sub RefreshList"
    objHTAFile.writeline "        strHTML="""""
    objHTAFile.writeline "        Set objShell = CreateObject(""WScript.Shell"") "
    objHTAFile.writeline "           Set objFSO = CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject"")"
    objHTAFile.writeline "        Set objInputFile= objFSO.OpenTextFile(""log.ini"",1)"
    objHTAFile.writeline "        strHTML= objInputFile.readall"
    objHTAFile.writeline "        objInputFile.close"
    objHTAFile.writeline "       ProcessList.InnerHTML = strHTML"
    objHTAFile.writeline "    End Sub"
    objHTAFile.writeline "</SCRIPT>"
    objHTAFile.writeline "<body><span id = ""ProcessList""></span>"
    objHTAFile.writeline "</body>"
    objHTAFile.writeline "<sub>"
    objHTAFile.writeline "-- <BR>"
    objHTAFile.writeline "Scripted by Somesh</sub>"
    objHTAFile.writeline "</html>"
    Set objFSO = Nothing
    Set objHTAFile = Nothing
    End Function
    Function Create_Log_File()
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
    Set objLOGFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(".\log.ini", 2, True)
    objLOGFile.writeline "<PRE style=""font-family:calibri;font-size:16px;"">Email account    : <B>" & strStoreName
    objLOGFile.writeline "</B><BR>Start time        : " & strttime
    objLOGFile.writeline "<BR>Status        : " & status
    objLOGFile.writeline "<BR>End time        : " & endtime
    objLOGFile.writeline "<BR>Path        : " & rootpath
    objLOGFile.writeline "<BR>Number of days old emails to backup    : " & daysold
    objLOGFile.writeline "<BR>Total Size freed up (Kb)    : " & (size / 1024)
    objLOGFile.writeline "</PRE><BR><Table border=""1""><style=""font-family:Times New Roman;""><TR><TD>Folder Name</TD><TD>Total emails </TD><TD>Processed</TD>" _
                & "<TD>Size saved(Kb)</TD><TD>Status</TD></TR></TR>"
    Dim i
    For i = 0 To foldcntr - 1
    objLOGFile.writeline "<TR>"
    objLOGFile.writeline "<TD>" & folder(i, 0)
    objLOGFile.writeline "</TD><TD>" & folder(i, 1)
    objLOGFile.writeline "</TD><TD>" & folder(i, 2)
    objLOGFile.writeline "</TD><TD>" & folder(i, 3)
    objLOGFile.writeline "</TD><TD>" & folder(i, 4)
    objLOGFile.writeline "</TR>"
    objLOGFile.writeline "</Table>"
    objLOGFile.writeline closingnote
    Set objFSO = Nothing
    Set objLOGFile = Nothing
    End Function
    Function folder_exist(path)
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objshell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If Not (objFSO.FolderExists(path)) Then
    objFSO.CreateFolder path
    End If
    End Function
    Function CleanString(strData)
        'Replace invalid strings.
        strData = Replace(strData, "´", "'")
        strData = Replace(strData, "`", "'")
        strData = Replace(strData, "{", "(")
        strData = Replace(strData, "[", "(")
        strData = Replace(strData, "]", ")")
        strData = Replace(strData, "}", ")")
        strData = Replace(strData, "  ", " ")     'Replace two spaces with one space
        strData = Replace(strData, "   ", " ")    'Replace three spaces with one space
        'Cut out invalid signs.
        strData = Replace(strData, ": ", "_")     'Colan followded by a space
        strData = Replace(strData, ":", "_")      'Colan with no space
        strData = Replace(strData, "/", "_")
        strData = Replace(strData, "\", "_")
        strData = Replace(strData, "*", "_")
        strData = Replace(strData, "?", "_")
        strData = Replace(strData, """", "'")
        strData = Replace(strData, "<", "_")
        strData = Replace(strData, ">", "_")
        strData = Replace(strData, "|", "_")
        CleanString = Trim(strData)
    End Function

  2. #2
    VBAX Mentor skatonni's Avatar
    Jun 2006
    There are many sites where you can find VBA code. You did not find that code on one of them.

    Option Explicit
    Sub This_is_VBA()
        Dim strt
        strt = Now
        MsgBox "strt is: " & strt
    End Sub
    To debug, mouse-click anywhere in the code. Press F8 repeatedly to step through the code.

    If your problem has been solved in your thread, mark the thread "Solved" by going to the "Thread Tools" dropdown at the top of the thread. You might also consider rating the thread by going to the "Rate Thread" dropdown.

  3. #3
    OK thanks for the help.

    By the way this is where i found the macro

  4. #4
    The code you posted is not VBA but VB. The two are not quite the same and VB is not compatible with Outlook VBA.

    Rather than spend hours converting the code to VBA, the following code will save ALL the messages in a selected folder to an EXISTING named folder on your hard drive - here "C:\Outlook Message Backup\".

    The macro does not delete the messages in the folder. You can delete them when you are sure they have been saved to your satisfaction

    The code includes a macro to test the process with a single selected message and you can use Sub SaveItem as a scipt associated with a rule to save the messages to your hard drive as they arrive.

    Option Explicit
    Private Const strPath As String = "C:\Outlook Message Backup\" 'The folder to save the messages
    Sub TestMacro()
    Dim olMsg As MailItem
        On Error Resume Next
        Set olMsg = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
        SaveItem olMsg
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Sub SaveAllMessagesInFolder()
    'An Outlook macro by Graham Mayor -
    'Saves all the messages in a selected Outlook folder
    Dim olItems As Outlook.Items
    Dim olItem As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim lngCount As Long: lngCount = 0
        Set olItems = Session.PickFolder.Items
        For Each olItem In olItems
            SaveItem olItem
            lngCount = lngCount + 1
        Next olItem
        MsgBox "Saved " & lngCount & " messages to " & vbCr & strPath
        Set olItem = Nothing
        Set olItems = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Public Sub SaveItem(olItem As MailItem)
    'Graham Mayor - - Last updated - 29/03/2017
    'May be used as a script with an Outlook rule
    Dim fname As String
    If olItem.sender Like "*" Then    'Your domain or in the case of an exchange account your account name
            fname = Format(olItem.SentOn, "yyyymmdd") & Chr(32) & _
                    Format(olItem.SentOn, "HH.MM") & Chr(32) & olItem.SenderName & " - " & olItem.Subject
            fname = Format(olItem.ReceivedTime, "yyyymmdd") & Chr(32) & _
                    Format(olItem.ReceivedTime, "HH.MM") & Chr(32) & olItem.SenderName & " - " & olItem.Subject
        End If
        fname = Replace(fname, Chr(58) & Chr(41), "")
        fname = Replace(fname, Chr(58) & Chr(40), "")
        fname = Replace(fname, Chr(34), "-")
        fname = Replace(fname, Chr(42), "-")
        fname = Replace(fname, Chr(47), "-")
        fname = Replace(fname, Chr(58), "-")
        fname = Replace(fname, Chr(60), "-")
        fname = Replace(fname, Chr(62), "-")
        fname = Replace(fname, Chr(63), "-")
        fname = Replace(fname, Chr(92), "-")
        fname = Replace(fname, Chr(124), "-")
        On Error GoTo err_handler
        SaveUnique olItem, strPath, fname
        Exit Sub
        WriteToLog strPath & "Error Log.txt", strPath & fname
        GoTo lbl_Exit
    End Sub
    Private Function SaveUnique(oItem As Object, _
                                strPath As String, _
                                strFileName As String)
    'Graham Mayor - - Last updated - 29/03/2017
    'Ensures that filenames are not overwritten
    Dim lngF As Long
    Dim lngName As Long
    Dim fso As Object
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        lngF = 1
        lngName = Len(strFileName)
        Do While fso.FileExists(strPath & strFileName & ".msg") = True
            strFileName = Left(strFileName, lngName) & "(" & lngF & ")"
            lngF = lngF + 1
        oItem.SaveAs strPath & strFileName & ".msg", olMsg 'save as msg format
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  5. #5
    HI there,

    Thanks a lot.

    Worked like a charme.

    Really appreciate it.


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