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Thread: Specific procedure slowdown after 2007-2010 migration

  1. #1
    VBAX Mentor Movian's Avatar
    Aug 2008
    NC, USA

    Specific procedure slowdown after 2007-2010 migration


    Nearly done with my migration from 2007 to 2010 however I seem to have one final problem.

    A specific procedure that worked very quickly in 2007 has slowed to a crawl after moving to 2010, the procedure loops through the controls on a form and updates their row source. I have worked to speed this process up as well as splitting its previous version (it would update both the parent form and the subform at the same time, I split those into two different functions and now only call the one that needs updating) however the speed improvement is not enough for every day use....

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Please ignore the horrible nature of the if statement, I am looking at other options to ignore specific controls (if you have a suggestion on that too, I am also listening XD).

    Public Sub Refresh_SubFormDropDowns()
    Application.Echo False
    Dim myrs As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim Language As String
    If Not IsNull(GetGlobalSetting("Language")) Then
        Language = GetGlobalSetting("Language")
        Language = "English"
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim cCont As Control
    If UCase(Me.fsubModule.Form.Name) = "TNR SCHEDULING" _
        Or UCase(Me.fsubModule.Form.Name) = "G-CODES" Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    For Each cCont In Me.fsubModule.Controls
        If TypeName(cCont) = "ComboBox" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "Tech" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "Phys" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "RefPhys" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "FamPhys" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "ExaminedBy" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "ImageSelect" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "Machine" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "cbCVX" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "cbCPT" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "cbDescription" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "txtName" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "txtLOINC" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "Smoke" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "txtDescription" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "InitImp" And Not cCont.Name = "InitImp1" And Not cCont.Name = "InitImp2" And Not cCont.Name = "InitImp3" And Not cCont.Name = "InitImp4" _
        And Not cCont.Name = "InitImp5" And Not cCont.Name = "InitImp6" And Not cCont.Name = "InitImp7" And Not cCont.Name = "InitImp8" And Not cCont.Name = "InitImp9" And Not cCont.Name = "cbFileList" Then
            If cCont.Parent.Name = "Follow Up Office Visit+" Then
                If Not cCont.Name = "InitRec1" _
                And Not cCont.Name = "InitRec2" _
                And Not cCont.Name = "InitRec3" _
                And Not cCont.Name = "InitRec4" _
                And Not cCont.Name = "InitRec5" _
                And Not cCont.Name = "DermExamNarr" _
                And Not cCont.Name = "Combo12" Then
                    cCont.RowSource = "SELECT value, [Order] FROM [tblLookupValues] WHERE [Form1]='" & cCont.Parent.Name & "' AND [Control]='" & cCont.Name & "' and language ='" & Language & "' ORDER BY [Order]"
                End If
                cCont.RowSource = "SELECT value, [Order] FROM [tblLookupValues] WHERE [Form1]='" & cCont.Parent.Name & "' AND [Control]='" & cCont.Name & "' and language ='" & Language & "' ORDER BY [Order]"
            End If
            On Error Resume Next
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If
    Next cCont
    Application.Echo True
    End Sub

    Ok I cleaned up the procedure a little, it's quicker but still not quick enough (or as quick as the old version was in 2007)

    Public Sub Refresh_SubFormDropDowns()'Stop screen update to increase execution speed.
    Application.Echo False
    Dim cCont As Control
    Dim Language As String
    'Get System Language
    If Not IsNull(GetGlobalSetting("Language")) Then
        Language = GetGlobalSetting("Language")
        Language = "English"
    End If
    'Exit sub on specific Edge Cases
    If UCase(Me.fsubModule.Form.Name) = "TNR SCHEDULING" _
        Or UCase(Me.fsubModule.Form.Name) = "G-CODES" Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    For Each cCont In Me.fsubModule.Controls
        If TypeName(cCont) = "ComboBox" Then
            Select Case cCont.Name
            'Cases to do nothing where row source is specificaly set
            Case "Tech", "Phys", "RefPhys", "FamPhys", "ExaminedBy", "ImageSelect", "Machine", "cbCVX", "cbCPT", "cbDescription", "txtName", "txtLOINC", "Smoke", "txtDescription", "cbFileList"
            Case "InitImp", "InitImp1", "InitImp2", "InitImp3", "InitImp4", "InitImp5", "InitImp6", "InitImp7", "InitImp8", "InitImp9"
            'Update Row Sources
            Case Else
                If cCont.Parent.Name = "Follow Up Office Visit+" Then
                    Select Case cCont.Name
                    Case "InitRec1", "InitRec2", "InitRec3", "InitRec4", "InitRec5", "DermExamNarr", "Combo12"
                    Case Else
                            cCont.RowSource = "SELECT value, [Order] FROM [tblLookupValues] WHERE [Form1]='" & cCont.Parent.Name & "' AND [Control]='" & cCont.Name & "' and language ='" & Language & "' ORDER BY [Order]"
                    End Select
                    cCont.RowSource = "SELECT value, [Order] FROM [tblLookupValues] WHERE [Form1]='" & cCont.Parent.Name & "' AND [Control]='" & cCont.Name & "' and language ='" & Language & "' ORDER BY [Order]"
                End If
            End Select
        End If
        'Ensure system responsiveness
    Next cCont
    'turn screen updates back on
    Application.Echo True
    End Sub
    Last edited by Movian; 04-03-2017 at 06:16 AM. Reason: Provide updated procedure code
    "From the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success" - Chitty chitty bang bang

    "I fear not the man who has 10,000 kicks practiced once. I fear the man who has 1 kick practiced 10,000 times" - Bruce Lee

  2. #2
    VBAX Mentor Movian's Avatar
    Aug 2008
    NC, USA
    Never mind,

    tracked the real problem to a different sub that is a non needed feature now so I have deactivated that sub and will not in the update notes it is disabled.

    May come back and look at this sub later though

    -REAL problem Sub-

    Public Sub SetLock()Dim ctl As Control
    If eventuser = Me.LockedBy Then
        If currentlock = True Then
            currentlock = False
            Exit Sub
            currentlock = False
        End If
        currentlock = Me.Locked
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    Select Case currentlock
        Case True
            For Each ctl In Me.fsubModule.Controls
                    Me.fsubModule.Controls(ctl.Name).Locked = True
        Case False
            For Each ctl In Me.fsubModule.Controls
                Me.fsubModule.Controls(ctl.Name).Locked = False
    End Select
    End Sub
    "From the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success" - Chitty chitty bang bang

    "I fear not the man who has 10,000 kicks practiced once. I fear the man who has 1 kick practiced 10,000 times" - Bruce Lee

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