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Thread: Copy Charts To Word Bookmarks

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Jan 2014

    Copy Charts To Word Bookmarks

    Hi Guys,

    I have found a routine from an old post on this forum - Excel range into word bookmark range (sorry can't seem to link to the page).

    ' ' Proof of concept code that will take all the named values in
     ' the worsheet ResultTalbes and insert them into the document
     ' defined at the top of the sheet with using the vlaues for
     ' Target Word File, and Target Word Doc.
    Option Explicit 
    Sub insertIntoWordBookmark() 
         ' define error handler
        On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 
         ' resltValues is a collection of the names from the ResultTables
         ' worksheet
        Dim resultValues As Collection 
        Set resultValues = New Collection 
         ' resultValues is an excel name object as a member of the resultValues collection
        Dim resultValue As Excel.Name 
         ' declare and set the variable nms a the active workbooks
         ' names collection. The workbooks names collection contains
         ' all the workbook's named cell rangesthese will be used to
         ' insert the target word document.
        Dim nms As Excel.names 
        Set nms = ActiveWorkbook.names 
         ' loop incrementer
        Dim i As Integer 
         ' create the word target document, the document is set later it the script
        Dim targetWord As Word.Document 
         ' loop through excel named ranges and set the name of the bookmarks that
         ' will be updated are only from the worksheet named Result Tables
        For i = 1 To nms.Count 
             'copy range value
             '    If nms(i).RefersToRange.Parent.Name = "ResultTables" Then
            resultValues.add Item:=nms(i), Key:=nms(i).Name 
             '    End If
        Next i 
         ' create and set the word application object
        Dim appWord As Word.Application 
        Set appWord = New Word.Application 
         ' open word doc
        Dim pathToWord As String 
        pathToWord = Range("targetWordDir") & Range("targetWordFile") 
        Set targetWord = appWord.Documents.add(pathToWord) 
         ' loop through the word document and create a temporary collection
         ' of the documents original bookmarks, the script will delete any
         ' new bookmarks that are introduce by the insertion process.
        Dim oBookmarks As Collection 
        Dim oBookmark As Word.bookmark 
        Dim delete As Boolean 
        Set oBookmarks = New Collection 
        For Each oBookmark In targetWord.Bookmarks 
            oBookmarks.add Item:=oBookmark, Key:=oBookmark.Name 
        Next oBookmark 
         ' loop through our results and paste into word
        For Each resultValue In resultValues 
            If targetWord.Bookmarks.Exists(resultValue.Name) Then 
                 ' determine if the source area in Excel is a single cell range, or a
                 ' multiple cell range.
                If resultValue.RefersToRange.Count > 1 Then 
                     ' we have a table
                    insertTable targetWord, resultValue 
                ElseIf resultValue.RefersToRange.Count = 1 Then 
                     ' we have a value
                    insertValue targetWord, resultValue 
                End If 
            End If 
        Next resultValue 
         ' clean up any introduced bookmarks
        Dim targetBookmark As Word.bookmark 
        For Each targetBookmark In targetWord.Bookmarks 
            delete = True 
            For Each oBookmark In oBookmarks 
                If UCase(oBookmark.Name) = UCase(targetBookmark.Name) Then 
                    delete = False 
                     ' found a match break out of loop
                    Exit For 
                End If 
            Next oBookmark 
             ' delete bad bookmark
            If delete Then 
            End If 
        Next targetBookmark 
         ' activate word document
        With appWord 
            .Visible = True 
            .ActiveWindow.WindowState = 1 
        End With 
        Set appWord = Nothing 
        Set targetWord = Nothing 
        Exit Sub 
         'Error Handling routine
        If Err Then 
            MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & ". " & Err.Description 
            If Not appWord Is Nothing Then 
                appWord.Quit False 
            End If 
            Resume ErrorExit 
        End If 
    End Sub 
     ' inserts a single cell range excel value into a word document "targetWord" at
     ' the insertion point bookmarkName
    Sub insertValue(targetWord As Word.Document, bookmarkName As Excel.Name) 
        Dim myRange As Word.Range 
         ' check that the bookmark exists in both excel and word
        If targetWord.Bookmarks.Exists(bookmarkName.Name) Then 
             ' activate the word doucment, got and update the current bookmark
            Set myRange = targetWord.Bookmarks(bookmarkName.Name).Range 
             ' redefine the text value of the range
            myRange.Text = bookmarkName.RefersToRange.Text 
             ' redefine the bookmark because it is destroyed when the value
             ' is changed.
            myRange.Bookmarks.add Name:=bookmarkName.Name 
        End If 
    End Sub 
     ' pastes a range of excel values into a word document "targetWord" at
     ' the insertion point bookmarkName
    Sub insertTable(targetWord As Word.Document, bookmarkName As Excel.Name) 
         ' this is the range of the insertion point in the target document
        Dim myRange As Word.Range 
        Dim newRange As Word.Range 
         ' check that the bookmark exists in both excel and word
        If targetWord.Bookmarks.Exists(bookmarkName.Name) Then 
             ' set target range, cordinates of the insertion point in the word document
            Set myRange = targetWord.Bookmarks(bookmarkName.Name).Range 
             ' check if we are in a table
            If myRange.Information(wdWithInTable) Then 
                 ' if so, delete the table
            End If 
             ' copy the result table from xl
             ' collapse range so our insertions don't overlap with ranges
            myRange.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseStart 
             ' The myRangeStart variable is used to store the static location of the start
             ' position of the myRange. When the paste method is executed the start position
             ' changes and the original is needed to reset the bookmark.
            Set newRange = targetWord.Range(myRange.Start, myRange.Start) 
             ' paste table
            myRange.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=wdPasteHTML 
             ' reset target bookmark
            targetWord.Bookmarks.add Name:=bookmarkName.Name, Range:=newRange 
        End If 
    End Sub
    The code copies text/tables from named ranges into a word document with bookmarks of the same name. I would like to extend on this to also copy any charts to the bookmarks at the same time. Is this achievable or is there an alternative solution somebody could suggest?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    VBAX Guru macropod's Avatar
    Jul 2008
    Pasting charts to Word is quite straightforward:
    Sub Demo()
    'Note: A reference to the Word library must be set, via Tools|References
    Dim wdApp As New Word.Application, wdDoc As Word.Document, xlShp As Excel.Shape
    Const StrDocNm As String = "Full document name & path"
    If Dir(StrDocNm) = "" Then Exit Sub
    Set wdDoc = wdApp.Documents.Add(StrDocNm)
    wdApp.Visible = True
    With wdDoc
      For Each xlShp In ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Shapes
        If .Bookmarks.Exists(xlShp.Name) Then
        End If
    End With
    Set wdDoc = Nothing: Set wdApp = Nothing
    End Sub
    The above code is self-contained. It assumes the charts are named and that their names correspond with bookmark names in the document.

    PS: My own coding style is quite different from that used for the code you posted and I don't have the time to study your code to integrate mine with it - or to re-write yours.
    Paul Edstein
    [Fmr MS MVP - Word]

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Jan 2014
    Thanks Macropod, I was able to adapt your code and incorporate it within the existing routine.

    Full routine incase anybody finds this of benefit:

     ' Proof of concept code that will take all the named values in
     ' the worsheet ResultTalbes and insert them into the document
     ' defined at the top of the sheet with using the vlaues for
     ' Target Word File, and Target Word Doc.
    Option Explicit
    Sub InsertIntoWordBookmark()
         ' define error handler
        On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
         ' resltValues is a collection of the names from the ResultTables
         ' worksheet
        Dim resultValues As Collection
        Set resultValues = New Collection
         ' resultValues is an excel name object as a member of the resultValues collection
        Dim resultValue As Excel.Name
         ' declare and set the variable nms a the active workbooks
         ' names collection. The workbooks names collection contains
         ' all the workbook's named cell rangesthese will be used to
         ' insert the target word document.
        Dim nms As Excel.Names
        Set nms = ActiveWorkbook.Names
         ' loop incrementer
        Dim i As Integer
         ' create the word target document, the document is set later it the script
        Dim targetWord As Word.Document
         ' loop through excel named ranges and set the name of the bookmarks that
         ' will be updated are only from the worksheet named Result Tables
        For i = 1 To nms.Count
             'copy range value
             '    If nms(i).RefersToRange.Parent.Name = "ResultTables" Then
            resultValues.Add Item:=nms(i), Key:=nms(i).Name
             '    End If
        Next i
         ' create and set the word application object
        Dim appWord As Word.Application
        Set appWord = New Word.Application
         ' open word doc
        Dim pathToWord As String
        pathToWord = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Doc1.docx"
        Set targetWord = appWord.Documents.Add(pathToWord)
         ' loop through the word document and create a temporary collection
         ' of the documents original bookmarks, the script will delete any
         ' new bookmarks that are introduce by the insertion process.
        Dim oBookmarks As Collection
        Dim oBookmark As Word.Bookmark
        Dim delete As Boolean
        Set oBookmarks = New Collection
        For Each oBookmark In targetWord.Bookmarks
            oBookmarks.Add Item:=oBookmark, Key:=oBookmark.Name
        Next oBookmark
         ' loop through our results and paste into word
        For Each resultValue In resultValues
            If targetWord.Bookmarks.Exists(resultValue.Name) Then
                 ' determine if the source area in Excel is a single cell range, or a
                 ' multiple cell range.
                If resultValue.RefersToRange.Count > 1 Then
                     ' we have a table
                    InsertTable targetWord, resultValue
                ElseIf resultValue.RefersToRange.Count = 1 Then
                     ' we have a value
                    InsertValue targetWord, resultValue
                End If
            End If
        Next resultValue
        'Copy charts to bookmarks
        InsertChart targetWord
         ' clean up any introduced bookmarks
        Dim targetBookmark As Word.Bookmark
        For Each targetBookmark In targetWord.Bookmarks
            delete = True
            For Each oBookmark In oBookmarks
                If UCase(oBookmark.Name) = UCase(targetBookmark.Name) Then
                    delete = False
                     ' found a match break out of loop
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next oBookmark
             ' delete bad bookmark
            If delete Then
            End If
        Next targetBookmark
         ' activate word document
        With appWord
            .Visible = True
            .ActiveWindow.WindowState = 1
        End With
        Set appWord = Nothing
        Set targetWord = Nothing
        Exit Sub
         'Error Handling routine
        If Err Then
            MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & ". " & Err.Description
            If Not appWord Is Nothing Then
                appWord.Quit False
            End If
            Resume ErrorExit
        End If
    End Sub
     ' inserts a single cell range excel value into a word document "targetWord" at
     ' the insertion point bookmarkName
    Sub InsertValue(targetWord As Word.Document, bookmarkName As Excel.Name)
        Dim myRange As Word.Range
         ' check that the bookmark exists in both excel and word
        If targetWord.Bookmarks.Exists(bookmarkName.Name) Then
             ' activate the word doucment, got and update the current bookmark
            Set myRange = targetWord.Bookmarks(bookmarkName.Name).Range
             ' redefine the text value of the range
            myRange.Text = bookmarkName.RefersToRange.Text
             ' redefine the bookmark because it is destroyed when the value
             ' is changed.
            myRange.Bookmarks.Add Name:=bookmarkName.Name
        End If
    End Sub
     ' pastes a range of excel values into a word document "targetWord" at
     ' the insertion point bookmarkName
    Sub InsertTable(targetWord As Word.Document, bookmarkName As Excel.Name)
         ' this is the range of the insertion point in the target document
        Dim myRange As Word.Range
        Dim newRange As Word.Range
         ' check that the bookmark exists in both excel and word
        If targetWord.Bookmarks.Exists(bookmarkName.Name) Then
             ' set target range, cordinates of the insertion point in the word document
            Set myRange = targetWord.Bookmarks(bookmarkName.Name).Range
             ' check if we are in a table
            If myRange.Information(wdWithInTable) Then
                 ' if so, delete the table
            End If
             ' copy the result table from xl
             ' collapse range so our insertions don't overlap with ranges
            myRange.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseStart
             ' The myRangeStart variable is used to store the static location of the start
             ' position of the myRange. When the paste method is executed the start position
             ' changes and the original is needed to reset the bookmark.
            Set newRange = targetWord.Range(myRange.Start, myRange.Start)
             ' paste table
            myRange.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=wdPasteHTML
            myRange.Tables(1).AutoFitBehavior (wdAutoFitWindow)
             ' reset target bookmark
            targetWord.Bookmarks.Add Name:=bookmarkName.Name, Range:=newRange
        End If
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End Sub
     ' pastes a chart from excel into a word document "targetWord" at
     ' the insertion point bookmarkName
    Sub InsertChart(targetWord As Word.Document)
        Dim wdDoc As Word.Document, xlShp As Excel.Shape
        Set wdDoc = targetWord
        With wdDoc
            For Each xlShp In ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Shapes
                If .Bookmarks.Exists(xlShp.Name) Then
                End If
        End With
        Set wdDoc = Nothing
    End Sub

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