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Thread: sum if textbox <>""

  1. #1

    sum if textbox <>""

    Hey guys,
    Is there any way to simplify the code for below request?
    I have textbox1 to textbox10 AND textbox1A to textbox10A
    and I would like to have
    labelsum.caption = (textbox1.value/textbox1A.value) + (textbox2.value/textbox2A.value) + (textbox3.value/textbox3A.value)+ (textbox4.value/textbox4A.value) + ... +(textbox10.value/textbox10A.value)

    This has no problem if all the textbox are fill up with number.
    But what if there are some textbox left empty?

    I know I can do in the way that declare If textbox1 <>'' then... for all textbox...
    but it's too troublesome...
    Is there any way to simplify this?


  2. #2
    VBAX Expert Leith Ross's Avatar
    Oct 2012
    San Francisco, California
    Hello ooitzechyi,

    This should work provided all the controls are on a UserForm.

    Sub TestA()
        Dim ErrMsg  As String
        Dim j       As Variant
        Dim k       As Variant
        Dim n       As Integer
        Dim Total   As Double
            ErrMsg = " does not contain a valid value." & vbLf _
                    & "Please enter a number and try again."
            For n = 1 To 10
                j = Me.Controls("TextBox" & n).Value
                If j = "" Or (Not IsNumeric(j)) Then MsgBox "TextBox" & n & ErrMsg: Exit Sub
                k = Me.Controls("TextBox" & n & "A").Value
                If k = "" Or (Not IsNumeric(k)) Then MsgBox "TextBox" & n & "A" & ErrMsg: Exit Sub
                Total = Total + (j / k)
            Next n
            LabelSum.Caption = Total
    End Sub
    Leith Ross

    "1N73LL1G3NC3 15 7H3 4B1L17Y 70 4D4P7 70 CH4NG3 - 573PH3N H4WK1NG"

  3. #3
    Hi Leith Ross,
    Thanks! it does help but one problem is, it request to fill up those empty textbox but not skip...
    I try to change to GoTo... but prompted error "Type Mismatch"...

    Dim ErrMsg  As String
        Dim j       As Variant
        Dim k       As Variant
        Dim n       As Integer
        Dim Total   As Double
        For n = 1 To 5
            j = UserForm1.Controls("TBTime" & n).Value
            If j = "" Or (Not IsNumeric(j)) Then GoTo Line1
            k = UserForm1.Controls("TBBatch" & n).Value
            If k = "" Or (Not IsNumeric(k)) Then GoTo Line1
            Total = Total + (j / k)
        Next n
        LabelTtlLoss.Caption = Total

  4. #4
    I got it by using On Error Resume Next...

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