Hi, I have a question which I couldn't find the answer with my searching skill.

I've created a class library with VB.NET for using in EXCEL VBA, and successfully compiled, registered and reference it in VBA.

So, I can use the class.

The class is about 'Timer' which replace the timer in VBA 'application.ontime'.

And it works well, but I can't destroy the instance of it.

'Set ... = Nothing' doesn't work.

Here are my Class Library Code.

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Timers

Public Interface ITimer
    Function fSetTimer(ByVal iIntervalInMilliSec As Integer, ByVal iCallBackObj As Object, ByVal iCallBackProc As String, _
                                  Optional ByVal iCallBackArg As Object = Nothing) As Byte
    Sub pKillTimer()
End Interface

Public Class cTimer
    Implements ITimer

    Private cTIM_Var_Timer As Timer
    Private cTIM_Var_CallBackObj As Object
    Private cTIM_Var_CallBackProc As String
    Private cTIM_Var_CallBackArg As Object
    Private cTIM_Var_Running As Boolean

    Public Sub pKillTimer() Implements ITimer.pKillTimer
        cTIM_Var_Running = False
    End Sub

    Public Function fSetTimer(ByVal iIntervalInMilliSec As Integer, ByVal iCallBackObj As Object, ByVal iCallBackProc As String, _
                                         Optional ByVal iCallBackArg As Object = Nothing) As Byte Implements ITimer.fSetTimer

        If iIntervalInMilliSec < 1 Or iCallBackObj Is Nothing Or iCallBackProc = "" Then
            Return 0
        End If

        If cTIM_Var_Running = True Then Return 1

        cTIM_Var_Running = True
        cTIM_Var_Timer = New Timer(iIntervalInMilliSec)
        cTIM_Var_CallBackObj = iCallBackObj
        cTIM_Var_CallBackProc = iCallBackProc
        cTIM_Var_CallBackArg = iCallBackArg

        AddHandler cTIM_Var_Timer.Elapsed, New ElapsedEventHandler(AddressOf pHandler)
        cTIM_Var_Timer.AutoReset = False

        Return 255

    End Function

    Public Sub pHandler(ByVal iSender As Object, ByVal iArgs As ElapsedEventArgs)

        If cTIM_Var_CallBackArg Is Nothing Then
            CallByName(cTIM_Var_CallBackObj, cTIM_Var_CallBackProc, CallType.Method)
            CallByName(cTIM_Var_CallBackObj, cTIM_Var_CallBackProc, CallType.Method, cTIM_Var_CallBackArg)
        End If

        cTIM_Var_Running = False
    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
    End Sub

End Class
Option Explicit

Private aaa As cTimer

Sub test()
    Set aaa = Nothing
    Set aaa = New cTimer
    Debug.Print aaa.fSetTimer(3000, Me, "kkk", "5000")
End Sub

Sub kkk(iarg As String)
    Debug.Print iarg
    Set aaa = Nothing
End Sub
And This is Code in VBA.

When I Run 'test()' procedure in VBA Code and re-rerun it again before 3 secs, the Old one is not destroyed and runs 'kkk' procedure.

so, the result in console window shows "5000" twice. I hope to destroy the class library's instance in VBA.

Please, help. Thank you.