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Thread: Check if Excel list is already open, if so then close Excel list.

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Jun 2016

    Check if Excel list is already open, if so then close Excel list.


    i have a word document which automatically transfers data to an excel list when saved.
    Therefore it opens the list automatically, transfers the data, saves the excel list and closes it.

    Some users sometimes forget to close the excel list when they manually open it.

    When the macro is executed while the excel list is allready opened, a second instance (write protected) is opened and the makro fails to save the transfered data.

    This is what i have so far:

    'Code to check if the excel list is opened.
    Sub ExcelMapCheckIfOpen()
        Dim xlApp As Object
        Dim xlWBook As Object
        On Error Resume Next
        Set xlApp = CreateObject("excel.Application")
        Set xlWBook = xlApp.Workbooks(ThisDocument.Path & "\artexGeräteliste.xlsx")
        On Error GoTo 0
        If Not xlWBook Is Nothing Then xlWBook.Close False
    End Sub
    'Code for the data transfer.
    Sub DataTransfer(sID As String)
        Dim xlApp As Object
        Dim xlWBook As Object
        Dim fld As FormField
        Dim nRow As Long
        Dim nCol As Integer
        Dim ws As Object
        Dim lfdNr As Long
        Dim NextID As Long
        Dim nInstall As String
        Dim nTech As String, nEqui As String, nTyp As String, nPTB As String, nSNR As String, nSA As String
        Dim nFDSS As String, nEXGRP As String, nBetriebsdruck As String, nBetriebstemp As String, nEinbaulage As String
        Dim nWRKR As String, nFFA As String, nPMBAR As String, nVMBAR As String, nPVDTNG As String, nVVDTNG As String
        Dim nMWRKST As String, nMedium As String, nHeizung As String, nIsolierung As String, nAccess As String
        Dim nrow1 As Long
        Const xlUp = -4162
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Set xlApp = CreateObject("excel.Application")
        Set xlWBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(ThisDocument.Path & "\artexGeräteliste.xlsx")
        xlWBook.Application.Visible = True
        Set ws = xlWBook.Sheets("Tankschutzarmaturen")
        If sID = "0" Then
        nRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row + 1
        NextID = xlApp.WorksheetFunction.Max(ws.Range("A:A")) + 1
        ws.Cells(nRow, 1) = NextID
        ActiveDocument.Variables("lfdNr").Value = NextID
            On Error Resume Next
            nRow = xlApp.WorksheetFunction.Match(CLng(sID), ws.Range("A:A"), 0)
            If nRow = 0 Then nRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row + 1
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If
    The code which i use to check if the excel list is already opened doesn't work. The List is not beeing closed before the transfer macro opens another instance.

    Does anyone have an idea how i could achieve this?

  2. #2
    If the 'list' is a worksheet with a header row at row 1 starting in column A then it would be simpler to use ADOBB to write directly to the worksheet without opening it. Then the problem doesn't arise.

    The following Word Function will write the values to the next row of the named worksheet.

    Private Function WriteToWorksheet(strWorkBook As String, _
                                      strWorksheet As String, _
                                      strValues As String)
    'Graham Mayor - - Last updated - 12 Jul 2017
    Dim ConnectionString As String
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim CN As Object
        ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
                           "Data Source=" & strWorkBook & ";" & _
                           "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES;"";"
        strSQL = "INSERT INTO [" & strWorksheet & "$] VALUES('" & strValues & "')"
        Set CN = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
        Call CN.Open(ConnectionString)
        Call CN.Execute(strSQL, , 1 Or 128)
        Set CN = Nothing
        Exit Function
    End Function
    You would call this function from your existing macro that collects the data. As you have only posted part of your macro and I don't therefore know how many fields you have thus values to write, so the following may not match exactly what you have. If you don't have 22 columns with names that match the names I extracted from what you did supply of your macro, then the following would crash, but so you can test the premise I have changed the folder to your Desktop folder, where it will create the workbook if not already present. If present, the data addition is virtually instantaneous.

    You should be able to modify the macro to work with your values.

    Sub Example()
    'Graham Mayor - - Last updated - 12 Jul 2017 
    Dim strValues As String
    Dim strWorkBook As String
    'I assumed these were your data columns
    Dim nTech As String, nEqui As String, nTyp As String, nPTB As String, nSNR As String, nSA As String
    Dim nFDSS As String, nEXGRP As String, nBetriebsdruck As String, nBetriebstemp As String, nEinbaulage As String
    Dim nWRKR As String, nFFA As String, nPMBAR As String, nVMBAR As String, nPVDTNG As String, nVVDTNG As String
    Dim nMWRKST As String, nMedium As String, nHeizung As String, nIsolierung As String, nAccess As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim fso As Object
    Dim xlApp As Object
    Dim xlWB As Object
    Dim bXLStarted As Boolean
        'Dummy values
        nTech = "111"
        nEqui = "222"
        nTyp = "333"
        nPTB = "444"
        nSNR = "555"
        nSA = "666"
        nFDSS = "777"
        nEXGRP = "888"
        nBetriebsdruck = "999"
        nBetriebstemp = "111"
        nEinbaulage = "222"
        nWRKR = "333"
        nFFA = "444"
        nPMBAR = "555"
        nVMBAR = "666"
        nPVDTNG = "777"
        nVVDTNG = "888"
        nMWRKST = "999"
        nMedium = "111"
        nHeizung = "222"
        nIsolierung = "333"
        nAccess = "444"
        strWorkBook = Environ("USERPROFILE") & Chr(92) & "Desktop" & "\artexGeräteliste.xlsx"
        strValues = nTech & "', '" & nEqui & "', '" & nTyp & "', '" & _
                    nPTB & "', '" & nSNR & "', '" & nSA & "', '" & nFDSS & "', '" & _
                    nEXGRP & "', '" & nBetriebsdruck & "', '" & nBetriebstemp & "', '" & _
                    nEinbaulage & "', '" & nWRKR & "', '" & nFFA & "', '" & _
                    nPMBAR & "', '" & nVMBAR & "', '" & nPVDTNG & "', '" & _
                    nVVDTNG & "', '" & nMWRKST & "', '" & nMedium & "', '" & _
                    nHeizung & "', '" & nIsolierung & "', '" & nAccess
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If Not fso.FileExists(strWorkBook) Then
            On Error Resume Next
            Set xlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
            If Err <> 0 Then
                Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
                bXLStarted = True
            End If
            On Error GoTo 0
            'Open the workbook to input the data
            Set xlWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
            With xlWB.Sheets(1)
                .Range("A1") = "nTech"
                .Range("B1") = "nEqui"
                .Range("C1") = "nTyp"
                .Range("D1") = "nPTB"
                .Range("E1") = "nSNR"
                .Range("F1") = "nSA"
                .Range("G1") = "nFDSS"
                .Range("H1") = "nEXGRP"
                .Range("I1") = "nBetriebsdruck"
                .Range("J1") = "nBetriebstemp"
                .Range("K1") = "nEinbaulage"
                .Range("L1") = "nWRKR"
                .Range("M1") = "nFFA"
                .Range("N1") = "nPMBAR"
                .Range("O1") = "nVMBAR"
                .Range("P1") = "nPVDTNG"
                .Range("Q1") = "nVVDTNG"
                .Range("R1") = "nMWRKST"
                .Range("S1") = "nMedium"
                .Range("T1") = "nHeizung"
                .Range("U1") = "nIsolierung"
                .Range("V1") = "nAccess"
            End With
            xlWB.SaveAs strWorkBook
            xlWB.Close 1
            If bXLStarted Then
                Set xlApp = Nothing
                Set xlWB = Nothing
            End If
        End If
        WriteToWorksheet strWorkBook:=strWorkBook, strWorksheet:="Sheet1", strValues:=strValues
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Jun 2016

    thank you very much for your effort!
    That looks very promissing. I will have a look at it. Hopefully i am able to make it work for me.

    Meanwhile i post the complete code, because i assume i will run into some problems when i try to implement this code into my existing code.
    One of the macros generates an ID which is stored in the word document and the excel list as well. This ongoing number is also used to identify if a document has already been saved in order to prevent data from an already saved document to be transfered to the excel list over and over again. That is to prevent duplicate entries.

    This is the code from my ms word object "This Document":

    '''''Code to automate the calender inside the protocoll
    Private Sub Document_Open()
    Dim cc As ContentControl
    With ActiveDocument
        For Each cc In .ContentControls
            If cc.Tag = "Kalender" Then
                cc.Range.Text = Date
            End If
        Next cc
    End With
    End Sub
    Sub FilePrintDefault()
    If Checkfields = True Then
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub FilePrint()
    End Sub
    ''''Code that generates the id which is stored inside the protocoll to detect if it has been saved before
    Sub FileSave()
    Dim oDoc As Document
    Dim oVar As Variable
    Dim bVar As Boolean
    Dim lngID As Long
    Dim lngAsk As Long
    Dim vbCancel As Boolean, vbNo As Boolean, vbYes As Boolean
    Set oDoc = ActiveDocument
    If Checkfields = True Then
    If oDoc.Path = "" Then
    End If
    If ID_Tester > 0 Then
    lngAsk = MsgBox("ACHTUNG!" & vbCr & _
    vbCr & _
    "Dieses  Protokoll wurde bereits gespeichert und die Daten an Pos. " &  ID_Tester & " in die Geräteliste übertragen!" & vbCr & _
    vbCr & _
    "Müssen  nachträglich Daten im Protokoll geändert werden, kann der bestehende  Eintrag in der Geräteliste automatisch aktualisiert werden!" & vbCr  & _
    vbCr & _
    "• Wähle 'Ja' um den Eintrag an Pos. " & ID_Tester & " in der Geräteliste zu aktualisieren." & vbCr & _
    "• Wähle 'Nein' um das Protokoll ohne Aktualisierung zu speichern." & vbCr & _
    "• Wähle 'Abbrechen' um den Speichervorgang zu beenden.", vbYesNoCancel)
    Select Case lngAsk
    Case 6
    MsgBox ("Der bestehende Eintrag an Pos. " & ID_Tester & " in der Geräteliste wird jetzt aktualisiert!")
    lngID = ID_Tester
    DataTransfer CStr(lngID)
    Case 7
    MsgBox ("Dokument wird ohne Aktualisierung der Geräteliste gespeichert!")
    Exit Sub
    Case 2
    MsgBox ("Speichervorgang wird abgebrochen!")
    Exit Sub
    End Select
    ElseIf ID_Tester <= 0 Then
    lngAsk = MsgBox("ACHTUNG!" & vbCr & _
    vbCr & _
    "Dieses Protokoll wird zum ersten Mal gespeichert!" & vbCr & _
    "Die Daten dieses Protokolls wurden noch nicht in die Geräteliste übertragen!" & vbCr & _
    vbCr & _
    "• Wähle 'Ja' um die Daten in die Geräteliste zu übertragen." & vbCr & _
    "• Wähle 'Nein' um das Protokoll ohne Datenübertragung zu speichern." & vbCr & _
    "• Wähle 'Abbrechen' um den Speichervorgang zu beenden.", vbYesNoCancel)
    Select Case lngAsk
    Case 6
    MsgBox ("Neuer Eintrag in der Geräteliste wird erstellt!")
    lngID = ID_Tester
    DataTransfer CStr(lngID)
    Case 7
    MsgBox ("Dokument wird ohne Datenübertragung gespeichert!")
    Exit Sub
    Case 2
    MsgBox ("Speichervorgang wird abgebrochen!")
    Exit Sub
    End Select
    End If
    DataTransfer CStr(lngID)
    If Not oDoc.Saved Then oDoc.Save
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub FileSaveAs()
    If Checkfields = True Then
    End If
    End Sub
    ...' Code shortened / irrelevant for the subject
    This is the complete code for the data transfer. stored in a seperate module "Word2Excel":

    Sub DataTransfer(sID As String)
        Dim xlApp As Object
        Dim xlWBook As Object
        Dim fld As FormField
        Dim nRow As Long
        Dim nCol As Integer
        Dim ws As Object
        Dim lfdNr As Long
        Dim NextID As Long
        Dim nInstall As String
        Dim nTech As String, nEqui As String, nTyp As String, nPTB As String, nSNR As String, nSA As String
        Dim nFDSS As String, nEXGRP As String, nBetriebsdruck As String, nBetriebstemp As String, nEinbaulage As String
        Dim nWRKR As String, nFFA As String, nPMBAR As String, nVMBAR As String, nPVDTNG As String, nVVDTNG As String
        Dim nMWRKST As String, nMedium As String, nHeizung As String, nIsolierung As String, nAccess As String
        Dim nrow1 As Long
        Const xlUp = -4162
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Set xlApp = CreateObject("excel.Application")
        Set xlWBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(ThisDocument.Path & "\artexGeräteliste.xlsx")
        xlWBook.Application.Visible = True
        Set ws = xlWBook.Sheets("Tankschutzarmaturen")
        If sID = "0" Then
        nRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row + 1
        NextID = xlApp.WorksheetFunction.Max(ws.Range("A:A")) + 1
        ws.Cells(nRow, 1) = NextID
        ActiveDocument.Variables("lfdNr").Value = NextID
            On Error Resume Next
            nRow = xlApp.WorksheetFunction.Match(CLng(sID), ws.Range("A:A"), 0)
            If nRow = 0 Then nRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row + 1
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If
        Cells(nRow, 1).RowHeight = 18
        nInstall = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Gebäude").Result & " - " & ActiveDocument.FormFields("Ebene").Result
        nTech = ActiveDocument.FormFields("ObjNr").Result
        nEqui = ActiveDocument.FormFields("EquiNr").Result
         nTyp = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Typ").Result & "-" &  ActiveDocument.FormFields("TypAdd1").Result & "-" &  ActiveDocument.FormFields("TypAdd2").Result
        nPTB = ActiveDocument.FormFields("PTB").Result
        nSNR = ActiveDocument.FormFields("SNR").Result
        nSA = ActiveDocument.FormFields("SA").Result
        nFDSS = ActiveDocument.FormFields("FDSS").Result
        nEXGRP = ActiveDocument.FormFields("EXGRP").Result
        nBetriebsdruck = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Betriebsdruck").Result
        nBetriebstemp = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Betriebstemp").Result
        nEinbaulage = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Einbaulage").Result
        nWRKR = ActiveDocument.FormFields("WRKR").Result
         nFFA = ActiveDocument.FormFields("FFA").Result & " x " &  ActiveDocument.FormFields("SW").Result & " / " &  ActiveDocument.FormFields("ZWL").Result & " / " &  ActiveDocument.FormFields("WR").Result
        nPMBAR = ActiveDocument.FormFields("PMBAR").Result
        nVMBAR = ActiveDocument.FormFields("VMBAR").Result
        nPVDTNG = ActiveDocument.FormFields("PVDTNG").Result
        nVVDTNG = ActiveDocument.FormFields("VVDTNG").Result
        nMWRKST = ActiveDocument.FormFields("MWRKST").Result
        nMedium = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Medium").Result
        nHeizung = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Heizung").Result
        nIsolierung = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Isolierung").Result
        nAccess = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Access").Result
         xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 2).Value =  ActiveDocument.FormFields("Gebäude").Result & " - " &  ActiveDocument.FormFields("Ebene").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 3).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("ObjNr").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 4).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("EquiNr").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 4).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        If ActiveDocument.FormFields("TypAdd1").Result = "/" Or ActiveDocument.FormFields("TypAdd1").Result = "" Then
         xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 5).Value =  ActiveDocument.FormFields("Typ").Result & "-" &  ActiveDocument.FormFields("TypAdd2").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 5).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
         xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 5).Value =  ActiveDocument.FormFields("Typ").Result & "-" &  ActiveDocument.FormFields("TypAdd1").Result & "-" &  ActiveDocument.FormFields("TypAdd2").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 5).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End If
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 6).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Betriebsdruck").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 6).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 6).NumberFormat = "#,#0.0"
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 7).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Betriebstemp").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 7).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 7).NumberFormat = "#0"
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 8).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("PTB").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 8).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 10).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("SNR").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 10).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        If ActiveDocument.FFNEIN.Value = True Then
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 9).Value = "-"
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 9).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
         xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 9).Value =  ActiveDocument.FormFields("FFA").Result & " x " &  ActiveDocument.FormFields("SW").Result & " / " &  ActiveDocument.FormFields("ZWL").Result & " / " &  ActiveDocument.FormFields("WR").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 9).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End If
        If ActiveDocument.VTNE.Value = True Then
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 14).Value = "-"
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 14).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 15).Value = "-"
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 15).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 16).Value = "-"
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 16).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 17).Value = "-"
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 17).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 18).Value = "-"
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 18).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        ElseIf ActiveDocument.VTJA.Value = True Then
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 14).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("PMBAR").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 14).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 15).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("VMBAR").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 15).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 16).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("PVDTNG").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 16).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 17).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("VVDTNG").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 17).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 18).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("MWRKST").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 18).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End If
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 19).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("GDTNG").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 19).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 20).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Medium").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 20).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        If ActiveDocument.FormFields("Status").Result = "Armatur funktionssicher instandgesetzt. (siehe Text)" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Value = "OK"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Bold = True
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Color = RGB(34, 139, 34)
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
        End If
        If ActiveDocument.FormFields("Status").Result = "Neugeräteinstallation durchgeführt. (siehe Text)" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Value = "OK"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Bold = True
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Color = RGB(34, 139, 34)
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
        End If
        If ActiveDocument.FormFields("Status").Result = "Weitere Maßnahmen erforderlich. (siehe Text)" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Value = "Beanstandet"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Bold = True
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        End If
        If ActiveDocument.FormFields("Status").Result = "Fehlendes Bauteil - Zulassung erloschen (siehe Text)" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Value = "Beanstandet"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Bold = True
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        End If
        If ActiveDocument.FormFields("Status").Result = "Altarmatur - Zulassung zurückgezogen. (siehe Text)" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Value = "Altarmatur"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Bold = True
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        End If
        If ActiveDocument.FormFields("Status").Result = "Altarmatur - Zulassung eingeschränkt. (siehe Text)" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Value = "Altarmatur"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Bold = True
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        End If
        If ActiveDocument.FormFields("Status").Result = "Armatur baulich verändert - Zulassung erloschen. (siehe Text)" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Value = "Beanstandet"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Bold = True
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        End If
        If ActiveDocument.FormFields("Status").Result = "Wartung nicht möglich. (siehe Text)" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Value = "ohne Wartung"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Bold = True
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        End If
        If ActiveDocument.FormFields("Status").Result = "Armatur irreparabel beschädigt. (siehe Text)" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Value = "Beanstandet"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Bold = True
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        End If
        If ActiveDocument.FormFields("Status").Result = "Ohne Typenschild - Armatur nicht identifizierbar. (siehe Text)" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Value = "Beanstandet"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Bold = True
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        End If
        If ActiveDocument.FormFields("Status").Result = "Armatur nicht verifiziert. (siehe Text)" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Value = "Beanstandet"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Bold = True
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 12).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        End If
        If ActiveDocument.FormFields("WZKL").Result = "24 Monate" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).Value = "24"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        ElseIf ActiveDocument.FormFields("WZKL").Result = "12 Monate" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).Value = "12"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        ElseIf ActiveDocument.FormFields("WZKL").Result = "6 Monate" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).Value = "6"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        ElseIf ActiveDocument.FormFields("WZKL").Result = "3 Monate" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).Value = "3"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        ElseIf ActiveDocument.FormFields("WZKL").Result = "1 Monat" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).Value = "1"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        ElseIf ActiveDocument.FormFields("WZKL").Result = "3 Wochen" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).Value = "0,75"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        ElseIf ActiveDocument.FormFields("WZKL").Result = "2 Wochen" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).Value = "0,5"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        ElseIf ActiveDocument.FormFields("WZKL").Result = "1 Woche" Then
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).Value = "0,25"
            xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 22).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End If
        With xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 11)
            .Value = Date
            .NumberFormat = "MM""/""YYYY"
        End With
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 13).FormulaR1C1 = _
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 24).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("SA").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 24).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 25).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("EXGRP").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 25).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 26).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("FDSS").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 26).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        If ActiveDocument.FormFields("WRKR").Result = "Flammensicherung unidirektional" Then
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 27).Value = "unidirektional"
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 27).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        ElseIf ActiveDocument.FormFields("WRKR").Result = "Flammensicherung bidirektional" Then
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 27).Value = "bidirektional"
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 27).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 27).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("WRKR").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 27).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End If
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 28).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Einbaulage").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 28).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 30).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Heizung").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 30).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 31).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Isolierung").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 31).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        If ActiveDocument.FormFields("Access").Result = "Treppe" Then
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 32).Value = "frei"
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 32).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        ElseIf ActiveDocument.FormFields("Access").Result = "Steigleiter" Then
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 32).Value = "frei"
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 32).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 32).Value = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Access").Result
        xlWBook.Application.Cells(nRow, 32).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End If
    nrow1 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row - nRow
        If nrow1 > 0 Then
        Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Offset(1, 2).Resize(nrow1).EntireRow.Delete
        End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    xlWBook.Close SaveChanges:=True
    Application.Quit SaveChanges:=True
    End Sub
    As you can see, there are many if/else statements etc. that alter cells inside the excel list according to the data source inside the word document.
    My Code is pretty messy because it is a grown structure that evolved over time and i never had the time to rewrite everything in order to clean it up properly.
    I am not sure if i can make your code work with all that chaos that makes up my code. But i will try.
    Maybe you could give me some feedback if in general it would be possible to do.

    By the way, the worksheet that receives the data from the word document ist filled starting at row 4 and at column A. The 3 rows above are static and not filled with data.

  4. #4
    It is difficult enough to do in English

    There is no reason why it cannot be adapted to your documents, and while I don't see how your ID tester works (more missing code) or how the IDs themselves work, this is not insurmountable.

    You have more than the 22 columns I guessed at so you would have to allow for that and ensure they are in the correct order.

    Take a copy of your workbook (and then you don't have to create one to test) and put it somewhere suitable e.g. on the desktop for testing and match the path in the code to that location.

    The important bit is

        nTech = ActiveDocument.FormFields("ObjNr").Result 
        nEqui = ActiveDocument.FormFields("EquiNr").Result 'etc 
        nTyp = "333" 
        nPTB = "444" 
        nSNR = "555" 
        nSA = "666" 
        nFDSS = "777" 
        nEXGRP = "888" 
        nBetriebsdruck = "999" 
        nBetriebstemp = "111" 
        nEinbaulage = "222" 
        nWRKR = "333" 
        nFFA = "444" 
        nPMBAR = "555" 
        nVMBAR = "666" 
        nPVDTNG = "777" 
        nVVDTNG = "888" 
        nMWRKST = "999" 
        nMedium = "111" 
        nHeizung = "222" 
        nIsolierung = "333" 
        nAccess = "444" 
        strWorkBook = Environ("USERPROFILE") & Chr(92) & "Desktop" & "\artexGeräteliste.xlsx" 
        'Ensure the following values match the list above in the order that the columns are filled
        strValues = nTech & "', '" & nEqui & "', '" & nTyp & "', '" & _ 
        nPTB & "', '" & nSNR & "', '" & nSA & "', '" & nFDSS & "', '" & _ 
        nEXGRP & "', '" & nBetriebsdruck & "', '" & nBetriebstemp & "', '" & _ 
        nEinbaulage & "', '" & nWRKR & "', '" & nFFA & "', '" & _ 
        nPMBAR & "', '" & nVMBAR & "', '" & nPVDTNG & "', '" & _ 
        nVVDTNG & "', '" & nMWRKST & "', '" & nMedium & "', '" & _ 
        nHeizung & "', '" & nIsolierung & "', '" & nAccess
    In the meantime you can see
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  5. #5
    VBAX Regular
    Jun 2016
    Ok, i will try that! This is going to take a while.
    Thanks for helping me out!

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