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Thread: Macro saves email as word doc- but I want to add to the file name that it uses

  1. #1

    Macro saves email as word doc- but I want to add to the file name that it uses

    I sourced a useful bit of VBA that saves the contents of an email as a Word doc. It uses the subject line of the email as the file name of the Word doc.

    However, I'm looking to customize this a bit.

    Each email is like a standard form. There's one bit of text I'd like to grab from each and include it at the end of the file name. Do you think this would be possible?

    So for an example, if the email subject was NEW JOB APPLICATION, the file name would be NEW JOB APPLICATION.doc. Say the content always included a bit of text that read 'Name: JOHN SMITH', I'd like to grab everything that came after 'Name: ' and include that in the file name, so in our example, it would be NEW JOB APPLICATION JOHN SMITH.doc.

    This is the code that I've been using:

    Sub SaveEmail()  
    Dim currentExplorer As Explorer
    Dim Selection As Selection
    Dim aItem As Object
    Dim dtDate As Date
    Dim sName As String
    Set currentExplorer = Application.ActiveExplorer
    Set Selection = currentExplorer.Selection
    For Each aItem In Selection
        aItem.BodyFormat = olFormatRichText
    'If you want to convert all messages to RTF, uncomment this line.
    'Otherwise, the message format is not changed.
    sName = aItem.Subject
    ReplaceCharsForFileName sName, "_"
    aItem.SaveAs "c:\FOLDER\" & sName & ".doc", olRTF
    Next aItem
    Set currentExplorer = Nothing
    Set Selection = Nothing
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Assuming that ReplaceCharsForFileName removes illegal filename characters from the proposed name, then the following should do the job. Note that if the filename already exists in the folder it will be overwritten.

    ub SaveEmail()
    'Graham Mayor - - Last updated - 18 Jul 2017
    Dim currentExplorer As Explorer
    Dim olInsp As Inspector
    Dim wdDoc As Object
    Dim oRng As Object
    Dim Selection As Selection
    Dim aItem As Object
    Dim dtDate As Date
    Dim sName As String
    Dim bFound As Boolean
        Set currentExplorer = Application.ActiveExplorer
        Set Selection = currentExplorer.Selection
        For Each aItem In Selection
            With aItem
                .BodyFormat = olFormatRichText
                'If you want to convert all messages to RTF, uncomment this line.
                'Otherwise, the message format is not changed.
                Set olInsp = .GetInspector
                Set wdDoc = olInsp.WordEditor
                Set oRng = wdDoc.Range
                With oRng.Find
                    Do While .Execute(findText:="Name:")
                        oRng.collapse 0
                        oRng.End = oRng.Paragraphs(1).Range.End - 1
                        bFound = True
                        Exit Do
                End With
                sName = .Subject
                If bFound = True Then
                    sName = sName & Chr(32) & Trim(oRng.Text)
                End If
                ReplaceCharsForFileName sName, "_"
                .SaveAs "c:\FOLDER\" & sName & ".doc", olRTF
                .Close 0
            End With
        Next aItem
        Set currentExplorer = Nothing
        Set Selection = Nothing
        Set olInsp = Nothing
        Set oRng = Nothing
        Set wdDoc = Nothing
    End Sub
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  3. #3
    Thanks so much for your quick work on this! I think I'm close to getting it working- I get an error at the saving part.

    If the search is unsuccessful in finding findText in the content, the file saves successfully (obviously without the suffix added to the file name).

    However, it seems that if the search for findText is positive, it fails at the file save (Run-time error '-214746259 (80004005)').

    Do you have any ideas as to what I've done?

  4. #4
    The answer was based on your description of the issue. Without an actual message to test with, it's all a bit hit and miss.
    Comment out the
    .SaveAs "c:\FOLDER\" & sName & ".doc", olRTF
    line and replace it with
    Debug.Print sName
    and check in the immediate window (CTRL+G) what sName is actually producing.
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  5. #5
    Thank you- that's a bit more illuminating. It looks like it finds findText (red font below), then copies it AND everything that's coming after it (blue font).

    So the file name for the below content take the subject and then adds '_interviewer__john_smith_interview_start__14-jul-2017_13_14'... etc.

    Application type: Job
    Application Classification: First Time
    Name: Jane Smith
    Interviewer: John Smith
    Interview Start: 14-Jul-2017 13:14
    Interview End: 14-Jul-2017 13:30
    Interview Weather Condition: Dry
    Interview Time: 13:16
    Attachment 1

    General Comments:

  6. #6
    In that case the lines are not separate paragraphs but separated by line breaks. Replace
    oRng.End = oRng.Paragraphs(1).Range.End - 1
    oRng.MoveEndUntil Chr(11)
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by gmayor View Post
    In that case the lines are not separate paragraphs but separated by line breaks. Replace
    oRng.End = oRng.Paragraphs(1).Range.End - 1
    oRng.MoveEndUntil Chr(11)
    You probably hear this all the time, but you're a fantastic help! Thank you so much for solving this problem!

  8. #8
    I have a follow up question if I may- am I restricted to only saving in .doc format or is it able to be saved as a modern .docx?

  9. #9
    The short answer is no. Outlook cannot save the message in docx format, but with a little lateral thinking you could get Word to do that e.g. having created the RTF version, run Word, open the document, save it as DOCX format, close the document then delete the RTF version:

    Sub SaveEmail()
    'Graham Mayor - - Last updated - 19 Jul 2017
    Dim currentExplorer As Explorer
    Dim olInsp As Inspector
    Dim wdApp As Object
    Dim oDoc As Object
    Dim wdDoc As Object
    Dim oRng As Object
    Dim Selection As Selection
    Dim aItem As Object
    Dim dtDate As Date
    Dim sName As String
    Dim bFound As Boolean
    Dim bStarted As Boolean
    Dim bBackup As Boolean
    Const strFolder As String = "C:\Folder\"
        Set currentExplorer = Application.ActiveExplorer
        Set Selection = currentExplorer.Selection
        For Each aItem In Selection
            With aItem
                .BodyFormat = olFormatRichText
                'If you want to convert all messages to RTF, uncomment this line.
                'Otherwise, the message format is not changed.
                Set olInsp = .GetInspector
                Set wdDoc = olInsp.WordEditor
                Set oRng = wdDoc.Range
                With oRng.Find
                    Do While .Execute(findText:="Name:")
                        oRng.collapse 0
                        oRng.MoveEndUntil Chr(11)
                        bFound = True
                        Exit Do
                End With
                sName = .Subject
                If bFound = True Then
                    sName = sName & Chr(32) & Trim(oRng.Text)
                End If
                ReplaceCharsForFileName sName, "_"
                .SaveAs strFolder & sName & ".doc", olRTF
                .Close 0
                On Error Resume Next
                Set wdApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
                If Err Then
                    Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
                    bStarted = True
                End If
                On Error GoTo 0
                wdApp.Visible = True
                Set oDoc = wdApp.documents.Open(strFolder & sName & ".doc")
                bBackup = wdApp.Options.CreateBackup
                wdApp.Options.CreateBackup = False
                oDoc.SaveAs2 _
                        fileName:=strFolder & sName & ".docx", _
                        FileFormat:=12, _
                wdApp.Options.CreateBackup = bBackup
                Kill strFolder & sName & ".doc"
            End With
        Next aItem
        If bStarted Then wdApp.Quit
        Set currentExplorer = Nothing
        Set Selection = Nothing
        Set olInsp = Nothing
        Set oRng = Nothing
        Set wdApp = Nothing
        Set oDoc = Nothing
        Set wdDoc = Nothing
    End Sub
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  10. #10
    Outstanding work again! Thanks for your patience and help with this.

    My machine isn't too fast so it's a slower method but it results in much lower file-sizes which makes a difference when you have thousands of documents. This is great.

  11. #11
    If you have thousands of documents, the chance of getting duplicated names is much more likely. You should add a function to ensure that doesn't happen - see below. As I haven't seen your code for removing illegal filename characters, I have added one that I use also.

    Note that if Word is not running when you run the macro, the code has to start Word and that adds significantly to the processing time.

    Option Explicit
    Sub SaveEmail()
         'Graham Mayor - - Last updated - 19 Jul 2017
        Dim currentExplorer As Explorer
        Dim olInsp As Inspector
        Dim wdApp As Object
        Dim oDoc As Object
        Dim wdDoc As Object
        Dim oRng As Object
        Dim Selection As Selection
        Dim aItem As Object
        Dim dtDate As Date
        Dim sName As String
        Dim bFound As Boolean
        Dim bStarted As Boolean
        Dim bBackup As Boolean
        Dim strFName As String
        Const strFolder As String = "C:\Folder\"
        Set currentExplorer = Application.ActiveExplorer
        Set Selection = currentExplorer.Selection
        For Each aItem In Selection
            With aItem
                .BodyFormat = olFormatRichText
                 'If you want to convert all messages to RTF, uncomment this line.
                 'Otherwise, the message format is not changed.
                Set olInsp = .GetInspector
                Set wdDoc = olInsp.WordEditor
                Set oRng = wdDoc.Range
                With oRng.Find
                    Do While .Execute(findText:="Name:")
                        oRng.collapse 0
                        oRng.MoveEndUntil Chr(11)
                        bFound = True
                        Exit Do
                End With
                sName = .Subject
                If bFound = True Then
                    sName = sName & Chr(32) & Trim(oRng.Text)
                End If
                sName = CleanFileNameChars(sName)
                .SaveAs strFolder & sName & ".doc", olRTF
                .Close 0
                On Error Resume Next
                Set wdApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
                If Err Then
                    Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
                    bStarted = True
                End If
                On Error GoTo 0
                wdApp.Visible = True
                Set oDoc = wdApp.documents.Open(strFolder & sName & ".doc")
                bBackup = wdApp.Options.CreateBackup
                wdApp.Options.CreateBackup = False
                strFName = sName & ".docx"
                strFName = FileNameUnique(strFolder, strFName, "docx")
                oDoc.SaveAs2 _
                fileName:=strFolder & strFName, _
                FileFormat:=12, _
                wdApp.Options.CreateBackup = bBackup
                Kill strFolder & sName & ".doc"
            End With
        Next aItem
        If bStarted Then wdApp.Quit
        Set currentExplorer = Nothing
        Set Selection = Nothing
        Set olInsp = Nothing
        Set oRng = Nothing
        Set wdApp = Nothing
        Set oDoc = Nothing
        Set wdDoc = Nothing
    End Sub
    Private Function FileNameUnique(strPath As String, _
                                    strFilename As String, _
                                    strExtension As String) As String
    'Graham Mayor - - Last updated - 19 Jul 2017
    Dim lngF As Long
    Dim lngName As Long
    Dim fso As Object
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        lngF = 1
        lngName = Len(strFilename) - (Len(strExtension) + 1)
        strFilename = Left(strFilename, lngName)
        Do While fso.FileExists(strPath & strFilename & Chr(46) & strExtension) = True
            strFilename = Left(strFilename, lngName) & "(" & lngF & ")"
            lngF = lngF + 1
        FileNameUnique = strFilename & Chr(46) & strExtension
        Set fso = Nothing
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Private Function CleanFileNameChars(strText As String) As String
    'Graham Mayor - - Last updated - 19 Jul 2017
    'A function to ensure there are no illegal filename
    'characters in a string to be used as a filename
    'strText is the filename to check
    Dim arrInvalid() As String
    Dim lngIndex As Long
        CleanFileNameChars = strText
        'Define illegal characters (by ASCII CharNum)
        arrInvalid = Split("9|10|11|13|34|42|47|58|60|62|63|92|124", "|")
        'Remove any illegal filename characters
        For lngIndex = 0 To UBound(arrInvalid)
            CleanFileNameChars = Replace(CleanFileNameChars, Chr(arrInvalid(lngIndex)), Chr(95))
        Next lngIndex
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  12. #12
    I've been trying this out with some older messages from a few years ago and found an odd behavior. While the macro works mostly, in that it creates and saves a .doc, it fails correctly run the findText part so nothing is added to the end of the filename.

    My guess is that it has something to do with the format of the older messages. The older messages are content-type: multipart/mixed, whereas the modern ones are content-Type: text/html. Does this sound like something that could stop that part of the macro from working right?

    Edit: I got some progress by setting .BodyFormat = olFormatHTML but it means it no longer saves the attachments within the doc. Still progress!
    Last edited by sadsmileyfac; 08-28-2017 at 06:44 AM.

  13. #13
    How are the old messages formatted in terms of content?
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  14. #14
    They appear to be exactly the same as the modern ones (just text) with the only observable difference is that they used to come with files attached whereas the modern ones come with HTML links to files.

  15. #15
    Hmmm. It appears the section
    With oRng.Find 
       Do While .Execute(findText:="Name:") 
           oRng.collapse 0 
           oRng.MoveEndUntil Chr(11) 
           bFound = True 
           Exit Do 
    End With
    is not finding the name. You could try declaring the variable
    Dim strList As String: strList = Chr(11) & "," & Chr(13)
    at the top of the macro and change the line
    oRng.MoveEndUntil Chr(11)
    oRng.MoveEndUntil strList
    but without seeing an actual message, this is just fishing in the dark.
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by gmayor View Post
    Hmmm. It appears the section
    With oRng.Find 
       Do While .Execute(findText:="Name:") 
           oRng.collapse 0 
           oRng.MoveEndUntil Chr(11) 
           bFound = True 
           Exit Do 
    End With
    is not finding the name. You could try declaring the variable
    Dim strList As String: strList = Chr(11) & "," & Chr(13)
    at the top of the macro and change the line
    oRng.MoveEndUntil Chr(11)
    oRng.MoveEndUntil strList
    but without seeing an actual message, this is just fishing in the dark.
    Despite that, you got a bite! You fixed it again! Thank you!

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