Hi all,

I use Outlook (2016); for the work I do (Immigration Support) I deal with several cases at once so a lot of my emails have a case number which is listed in the subject line. My inbox might look like this for example

Email 1 | Subject: Documents Needed | Steve [#2598]

Email 2 | Subject: Application has been approved | Emma [#2489]
Email 3 | Subject: General Question Immigration

For a lot of my emails I have a file number in the format above but in some cases no file is made (yet) so then it's blank. When I send emails with a file number the email is automatically saved in our system. However I also save my emails (including sent emails) in a folder in Outlook (rather have it in 2 places for easy access)

Let's say I answer email 1 as mentioned above, instead of going to the folder and filing first the email in my inbox and then file the email in sent items I move the email from the inbox (which I just answered) to my sent items... then procrastinate filing them until my sent items folder fills up and then I move all emails regarding Steve [#2598] to the correct folder in one go.

When I create a folder in outlook I name it using the following format [NAME (number)] example: Steve (2598)

My question, is there a way to have outlook run a task or rule (or Macro perhaps) which does the following:

1) 'scans' all email in my sent items
2) registers that there are (for example) 20 out of 30 emails that have a file number in the following format [#number]
3) then recognizes that the file number in the subject line corresponds with a number in the folder name
4) Outlook then automatically moves all emails with a file number from sent items to the correct corresponding folder
5) emails that don't have a number stay where they are and I'll just file those manually.

I know Outlook has Rules & Alerts that can be set but those seems to mainly work for new items coming in. Also, as far as I know I would then have to create a new rule for every single file number.

If anyone happens to have a solution (external program might also be an option) that would awesome :-)

Thank you and if unclear I will gladly clarify.