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Thread: Document Level Ribbon Customization using VBA

  1. #1
    Microsoft Word MVP 2003-2009 VBAX Guru gmaxey's Avatar
    Sep 2005

    Document Level Ribbon Customization using VBA

    The other day I participated in a thread at different forum where the OP wants to customize the Word ribbon with VBA. He posted an example that he claimed works in Excel but modified for Word it didn't. I posted a solution there, but that solution (like his for Excel) would write over any application level customization a user might have defined. The thread is found here.

    This got me thinking about if something similar could be done at the document level. Now I acknowledge that the following is more an exercise is feasibility than a practical solution because the CustomUIEditor makes this all much simpler. Still, I wanted to see if it could be done and it seems is can in the very clunky way that follows.

    The following code is run from a named open Active Document, the result is a new file "Customized_Document Name" with a customized ribbon. The process involves:

    1. Making a copy of the active document
    2. Converting the copy to a zip format file and opening the zip folder
    3. Writing a customUI14.xml file
    4. Defining the relationship
    5. Zipping up the folder
    6. Opening the customized file
    6. Closing the original active document.

    The chunkiness is the user is left with two files. The original, and the copy with "Customized_" prefixing the original file name.

    To replicate you need two standard modules (modMain and MyRibCon) and a class module (clsOpenXMLZipper).

    Option Explicit
    Public Sub CustomizeDocumentRibbon()
    Dim oDoc As Document
    Dim oDocCopy As Document
    Dim clsThisZipper As clsOpenXMLZipper
    Dim strFileName As String
      Application.ScreenUpdating = False
      Set oDoc = ActiveDocument
      'Make a copy of the active document.
      Set oDocCopy = Documents.Add(oDoc.FullName, , , False)
      oDocCopy.SaveAs2 oDoc.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "Customized_" & oDoc.Name
      strFileName = oDocCopy.FullName
      Set clsThisZipper = New clsOpenXMLZipper
      With clsThisZipper
        'Open and unzip the OpenXMLFormat file package.
        .OpenXMLFile = strFileName
        'Create or overwrite the document customUI file.
        If .FolderExists(.OpenXMLFileFolderPath & "XMLContent " & .FileName & "\customUI") Then
          CreateCustomXMLFile .OpenXMLFileFolderPath & "XMLContent " & .FileName & "\customUI"
          MkDir .OpenXMLFileFolderPath & "XMLContent " & .FileName & "\customUI"
          CreateCustomXMLFile .OpenXMLFileFolderPath & "XMLContent " & .FileName & "\customUI"
          'Now add the relationship to the Rels file
          AddCustUIRelationship .OpenXMLFileFolderPath & "XMLContent " & .FileName & "\_rels"
        End If
        'Zip up the OpenXMLFormat file folders.
      End With
      Set clsThisZipper = Nothing
      Application.ScreenUpdating = True
      Documents.Open strFileName
      MsgBox "Test"
      Set oDoc = Nothing: Set oDocCopy = Nothing
      Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Sub CreateCustomXMLFile(strPath As String)
    Dim strFileName As String
    Dim hFile As Long
    Dim strRibbonX As String
      hFile = FreeFile
      strFileName = "customUI14.xml"
      strRibbonX = "<customUI xmlns="""">" & vbNewLine
      strRibbonX = strRibbonX + "  <ribbon>" & vbNewLine
      strRibbonX = strRibbonX + "    <tabs>" & vbNewLine
      strRibbonX = strRibbonX + "      <tab id=""custTab1"" label=""My Custom Tab"" insertBeforeQ=""TabDeveloper"">" & vbNewLine
      strRibbonX = strRibbonX + "        <group id=""custGrp1"" label=""My Custom Group"" autoScale=""true"">" & vbNewLine
      strRibbonX = strRibbonX + "          <button id=""custBtn1"" imageMso=""ViewFullScreenView"" onAction=""MyRibCon.ButtonOnAction"" label=""Button 1""/>" & vbNewLine
      strRibbonX = strRibbonX + "          <button id=""custBtn2"" imageMso=""ViewFullScreenView"" onAction=""MyRibCon.ButtonOnAction"" label=""Button 2""/>" & vbNewLine
      strRibbonX = strRibbonX + "          <button id=""custBtn3"" imageMso=""ViewFullScreenView"" onAction=""MyRibCon.ButtonOnAction"" label=""Button 3""/>" & vbNewLine
      strRibbonX = strRibbonX + "        </group>" & vbNewLine
      strRibbonX = strRibbonX + "      </tab>" & vbNewLine
      strRibbonX = strRibbonX + "    </tabs>" & vbNewLine
      strRibbonX = strRibbonX + "  </ribbon>" & vbNewLine
      strRibbonX = strRibbonX + "</customUI>"
      Open strPath & "\" & strFileName For Output Access Write As hFile
      Print #hFile, strRibbonX
      Close hFile
      Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Sub AddCustUIRelationship(strPath As String)
    Dim strBuffer As String, strTemp As String
    Dim lngFreeFile As Long
    Dim strFileName As String
    Dim strCustUIRel As String
      strFileName = strPath & "\.rels"
      lngFreeFile = FreeFile
      Open strFileName For Input As lngFreeFile
      Do Until EOF(lngFreeFile)
        Line Input #lngFreeFile, strBuffer
        strTemp = strTemp & strBuffer & vbCrLf
      Close lngFreeFile
      strCustUIRel = "<Relationship Type="""" Target=""/customUI/customUI14.xml"" Id=""CustUIrID1"" /></Relationships>"
      strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "</Relationships>", strCustUIRel)
      lngFreeFile = FreeFile
      Open strFileName For Output As lngFreeFile
      Print #lngFreeFile, strTemp
      Close lngFreeFile
      Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Option Explicit
    Sub ButtonOnAction(Control As IRibbonControl)
      Select Case Control.ID
        Case "custBtn1": MsgBox "Button 1 executed"
        Case "custBtn2": MsgBox "Button 1 executed"
        Case "custBtn3": MsgBox "Button 1 executed"
      End Select
      Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Option Explicit
    Private m_oFSO As Object, m_oShell As Object
    Private m_strOpenXMLFileName As String
    Private m_strRootPath As String
    Public Sub Un_Zip_XMLContent()
      Set m_oFSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
      m_strRootPath = OpenXMLFileFolderPath
      'Define unzip folder
      If Right(m_strRootPath, 1) <> "\" Then
        m_strRootPath = m_strRootPath & "\XMLContent " & FileName & "\"
        m_strRootPath = m_strRootPath & "XMLContent " & FileName & "\"
      End If
      On Error Resume Next
      'Delete any existing like named folder\files
      m_oFSO.deletefolder m_strRootPath & "*", True
      Kill m_strRootPath & "*.*"
      On Error GoTo 0
      'Create new XMLContent folder.
      If FolderExists(m_strRootPath) = False Then MkDir m_strRootPath
      CustomUI_Images = m_strRootPath & "customUI\images\"
      Set m_oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
      'Copy the OpenXML folders and files to the newly created XMLContent folder.
      m_oShell.Namespace(m_strRootPath).CopyHere m_oShell.Namespace(m_strOpenXMLFileName).items
      On Error Resume Next
      'Clean up temp folder.
      m_oFSO.deletefolder Environ("Temp") & "\Temporary Directory*", True
      Set m_oShell = Nothing: Set m_oFSO = Nothing
      Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Public Sub ZipUp_or_Kill_XMLContent(Optional bKill As Boolean = False)
    Dim varZipTo
    Dim lngCount As Long
      Set m_oFSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
      If Not bKill Then
        'To ensure a unique filename, append date and time to the name of the current file
        'sDate = Format(Now, " dd-mmm-yy h-mm-ss")
        varZipTo = m_strOpenXMLFileName & Format(Now, " dd-mmm-yy h-mm-ss") & ".zip"
        'Create empty Zip File
        MakeZip varZipTo
        Set m_oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        'Count how many items are in the "old" folder
        lngCount = m_oShell.Namespace(OpenXMLFileFolderPath & "XMLContent " & FileName & "\").items.Count
        'Copy the files to the compressed folder
        m_oShell.Namespace(varZipTo).CopyHere m_oShell.Namespace(OpenXMLFileFolderPath & "XMLContent " & FileName & "\").items
        'Loop so script has time to copy files.
        On Error Resume Next
        Do Until m_oShell.Namespace(varZipTo).items.Count = lngCount
          Debug.Print "Nothing of consequence"
        On Error GoTo 0
        Kill m_strOpenXMLFileName
        'Rename new zipped file to same name as original file (with .zip appended)
        Name varZipTo As m_strOpenXMLFileName 'strName
        'Now remove old folder, just in case something went haywire
        m_oFSO.deletefolder OpenXMLFileFolderPath & "XMLContent " & FileName, True
        On Error Resume Next
        'Now remove old folder, just in case something went haywire
        m_oFSO.deletefolder OpenXMLFileFolderPath & "XMLContent " & FileName, True
        On Error GoTo 0
      End If
      Set m_oShell = Nothing
      Set m_oFSO = Nothing
    End Sub
    Sub MakeZip(strPath)
      If Len(Dir(strPath)) > 0 Then Kill strPath
      Open strPath For Output As #1
      Print #1, Chr$(80) & Chr$(75) & Chr$(5) & Chr$(6) & String(18, 0)
      Close #1
      Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Public Property Let OpenXMLFile(ByVal strFileName)
      m_strOpenXMLFileName = strFileName
      If Not strFileName Like "*.zip" Then
        Name strFileName As strFileName & ".zip"
        m_strOpenXMLFileName = m_strOpenXMLFileName & ".zip"
      End If
    End Property
    Public Property Get OpenXMLFileFolderPath() As String
      OpenXMLFileFolderPath = Mid(m_strOpenXMLFileName, 1, InStrRev(m_strOpenXMLFileName, "\"))
    End Property
    Public Property Get FileName()
      If m_strOpenXMLFileName <> "" Then FileName = Mid(m_strOpenXMLFileName, InStrRev(m_strOpenXMLFileName, "\") + 1, Len(m_strOpenXMLFileName))
    End Property
    Private Sub RemoveZipExtension()
      On Error Resume Next
      Name m_strOpenXMLFileName As Left(m_strOpenXMLFileName, Len(m_strOpenXMLFileName) - 4)
      On Error GoTo 0
      Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Function FolderExists(ByRef strPath) As Boolean
    Dim lngAttribute As Long
      FolderExists = False
      On Error GoTo err_NoFolder
      'Grab the attributes and test for folder bit.
      lngAttribute = GetAttr(strPath)
      If (lngAttribute And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then FolderExists = True
      Exit Function
      Resume lbl_Exit
    End Function
    Sample file with all code is attached.

    Would be interested if anyone has any ideas on how this might be accomplished where the result is the single original file opene with customization. Everything I have tried falls flat :-(

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by gmaxey; 07-29-2017 at 01:04 PM.

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