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Thread: Combine Multiple Worksheets w/ Different Headers Into One Worksheet

  1. #1

    Combine Multiple Worksheets w/ Different Headers Into One Worksheet

    I need help combining 3 worksheets into one and some of the columns have different headers and are in a different order. All of this is in Excel 2016. If there is a VBA to run that can do this that would be much appreciated.

    The first worksheet's columns are in the following order:
    Date Time C Event Period Surv(M) Actual Prior Revised S Ticker
    The second:
    DateTime Name Country Volatility Actual Previous Consensus
    Date Event Impact Previous Consensus Actual Currency
    I would like to sort the master sheet by date and the third sheets date format is 2017, August 02, 00:00
    Meanwhile, the first two sheets date format is 08/02/17 03:30
    Event and Name can be merged into one column. C column is the same as Country in the second worksheet but country is included in the event column of the third worksheet in parenthesis. S, Impact, and volatility can be combined into one column. Prior and previous are the same, actuals are the same so those can be combined as well. Is it possible to update the worksheet automatically as well using a calendar online or bloomberg?

  2. #2
    VBAX Expert
    May 2016
    In answer to you question about updating a spreadsheet automatically it is certainly possible. There is a Bloomberg APi which allows you to use specific bloomberg functions which update the data directly into the worksheet. It is alos possible to update spreadsheet directly form most websites

    For combining the worksheets:
    try this:
    Sub movedat()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim rng2 As Range
    Dim rng3 As Range
    Dim rng1 As Range
    Dim lastrow2 As Integer
    Dim fulltext As String
    Dim map2(1 To 7) As Integer
    Dim map3(1 To 7) As Integer
    map2(1) = 1
    map2(2) = 3
    map2(3) = 2
    map2(4) = 9
    map2(5) = 6
    map2(6) = 7
    map2(7) = 0
    map3(1) = 1
    map3(2) = 3
    map3(3) = 9
    map3(4) = 7
    map3(5) = 0
    map3(6) = 6
    map3(7) = 0
    Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet2")
     With ws.UsedRange
            lastcol2 = .Columns(.Columns.Count).Column
            lastrow2 = .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row
       End With
           Set rng2 = ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, 1), ws.Cells(lastrow2, lastcol2))
    Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet3")
     With ws.UsedRange
            lastcol3 = .Columns(.Columns.Count).Column
            lastrow3 = .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row
       End With
           Set rng3 = ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, 1), ws.Cells(lastrow3, lastcol3))
    Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")
     With ws.UsedRange
            lastcol1 = .Columns(.Columns.Count).Column
            lastrow1 = .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row
       End With
           endrow = lastrow1 + lastrow2 + lastrow3 + 1
           Set rng1 = ws.Range(ws.Cells(lastrow1 + 1, 1), ws.Cells(endrow, lastcol3))
    For i = 1 To 6
      For j = 2 To lastrow2
       If map2(i) <> 0 Then
       rng1(j, map2(i)) = rng2(j, i)
       End If
      Next j
    Next i
    For i = 1 To 6
      For j = lastrow2 + 1 To (lastrow2 + lastrow3 + 1)
       If map3(i) <> 0 Then
         If i = 2 Then
         ' split the county out of colb
         fulltext = rng3(j - lastrow2 + 1, i).Value
         para1 = InStr(fulltext, "(")
         para2 = InStr(fulltext, ")")
         If para1 > 0 And para2 > 0 Then
         cntry = Mid(fulltext, para1 + 1, para2 - para1 - 1)
         rng1(j, 2) = cntry
         End If
        End If
       rng1(j, map3(i)) = rng3(j - lastrow2 + 1, i)
       End If
      Next j
    Next i
    End Sub

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