Hello Leith,
Sorry to bother with this one, despiet all the help!
It's giving me an error 1004 - Application or Object Related
Sub SendGmailPDF()

    Dim File        As String
    Dim Folder      As Variant
    Dim cdoNS       As String
    Dim cdoMsg      As Object
    Dim htmlMsg     As String
    Dim Password    As String
    Dim strBCC      As String
    Dim strCC       As String
    Dim strMsg      As String
    Dim strSubj     As String
    Dim ReplyTo     As String
    Dim strTo       As String
    Dim UserEmail   As String
    Dim RelatorioComissao As Worksheet
    Dim LastRowResults As Range
    Dim lastrow     As Long
    Dim Data        As Date
    Set RelatorioComissao = Worksheets("Relatório de Comissão")
    Data = RelatorioComissao.Range("B8").Value

        ' Email Information.
        strTo = RelatorioComissao.Range("B6").Value
        strSubj = "Relatório de Comissão" & "-" & RelatorioComissao.Range("B5").Value & "-" & Format(Data, "mmm/yy")
        strMsg = "Em anexo, segue o relatório de comissão. Sugerimos que revisem os detalhes."
        strCC = "Email"
        strBCC = ""
        ReplyTo = "Email"
        ' Gmail Account Information.
        UserEmail = RelatorioComissao.Range("B3").Value
        Password = RelatorioComissao.Range("B4").Value
        ' Save ActiveSheet as a PDF file to the user's Desktop and attach it to this email.
        If UserEmail = "" Or Password = "" Then
            MsgBox "Informe seu email e senha!"
            Exit Sub
        End If
            'Application.EnableEvents = False
            File = "Relatório de Comissão" & RelatorioComissao.Range("B5").Value & "-" & Format(Data, "mmm/yy") & ".pdf"
            If ActiveSheet.Range("A17").Value = "" Then
                lastrow = 16
                MsgBox "Não há comissão no período!"
                Exit Sub
                lastrow = Range("A17").End(xlDown).Row
            End If
            'Application.EnableEvents = True
            ActiveSheet.Range("A1:K" & lastrow).Select
            Selection.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=File, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IgnorePrintAreas:=False
            'ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
           Set cdoMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

            With cdoMsg
                .To = strTo
                .Subject = strSubj
                .From = UserEmail
                .ReplyTo = ReplyTo
                .CC = strCC
                .BCC = strBCC
                .TextBody = strMsg
                .AddAttachment File
                 With .Configuration.Fields
                    .Item(cdoNS & "smtpusessl") = True              ' Any non zero value is True
                    .Item(cdoNS & "smtpauthenticate") = 1           ' basic clear text
                    .Item(cdoNS & "sendusername") = UserEmail
                    .Item(cdoNS & "sendpassword") = Password
                    .Item(cdoNS & "smtpserver") = "smtp.gmail.com"
                    .Item(cdoNS & "sendusing") = 2                  ' Using Port
                    .Item(cdoNS & "smtpserverport") = 465           ' Gmail SMTP Port
                    .Item(cdoNS & "smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60
                End With
            End With
End Sub
thanks a million!