Hi All,

I am new with outlook vba, not sure if anyone can help about how to strip [Externals Source] in email subject and strip all received one. I received a lot of duplication in email and sometimes confused.

I checked in the website there is solution but I am not sure how to write in OUTLOOK VBA. Anyone can guide me much appreciated.

Thank you
Private Sub olkApp_NewMailEx(ByVal EntryIDCollection As String)    Dim arrEID As Variant, varEID As Variant, olkItm As Object
    arrEID = Split(EntryIDCollection, ",")
    For Each varEID In arrEID
        Set olkItm = Outlook.Session.GetItemFromID(varEID)
        If olkItm.Class = olMail Then
            Select Case Left(olkItm.Subject, 4)
                Case "FW: ", "RE: "
                    olkItm.Subject = Mid(olkItm.Subject, 5)
            End Select
        End If
        olkItm.Subject = Replace(olkItm.Subject, "[EXTERNAL]", "")
    Set olkItm = Nothing
End Sub